Page 2 August 27, 2015 Police Reports Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Historic Tour of Hawthorne Chamber Civic Awards The Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce will be holding their annual civic awards luncheon on Friday, August 28 at the Memorial Center. Several awards will be given out to volunteers in Hawthorne along with the Citizen of the Year award. Call the Chamber 310-676-1163 for more information. CEO and Chamber President Pat Donaldson invites you to attend: “On behalf of the Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce I would like to invite you to be a Sponsor of our 45th Annual Installation of Officers & Civic Awards Presentation. The event will be held Friday August 28th, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. Registration starts at 11:00 a.m. at the Hawthorne Memorial Center, 3901 W. El Segundo Boulevard”. VFW to Host End of the Summer BBQ The Hawthorne VFW Post 2075 invites the public to an End of Summer BBQ to be held on Saturday, September 19th at the VFW Post located on 131st in Hawthorne. I will have more details for you in future columns. Mark your calendar. Nextdoor – Your Neighborhood Chat Posting Site Remember the days when you had two choices to contact someone. Call them up or send them a letter through the US postal service. Now, we can text them, we can send a message through Facebook or Twitter, we can facetime them on our phones, we can send an email, or we send a group posting. It’s really not cool to use a landline phone and call someone on their home phone. Most likely they are screening their calls and your name and phone number will show up on their television. If you have not joined Nextdoor, you may want to check it out. It’s a great way to know what is going on in your neighborhood. Once you join, you can post a question, tell your neighbors about a danger, or ask about a stray dog. It’s a fun way to stay informed. You don’t have to go next door to find out what is happening, you can just look at your phone or computer. Family We all have one. Some of us have large families. Some of us come from a smaller family. But, no matter how many people are in our family, we all are part of a family. They come in different flavors. Close families, distant, dysfunctional, blended, extended, and multicultural families, they all make us related by blood, love or marriage. Some times our relatives are a challenge to get along with. Sibling rivalries and many times divorces create big divisions within the family structure. God has put us in a particular family unit to be part of that group to help and support one another. I’m flying up to Seattle this week to visit my sister and brother. Miles have separated us and our lives have been busy raising our kids and making our own livings. The years have passed and not as much communication has taken place to keep us very close. It will be good to reconnect, recount some of our past memories, and see how much each has aged. Families are a gift, we should cherish our time together. North Hawthorne Homeowners Association Picnic this Sunday Residents of the North Hawthorne area are invited to the NHHA annual picnic to be held this year on Sunday, August 30 at Eucalyptus Park from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Come out and get to know your neighbors ContacT Email me: • Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. For Sale Cemetery Proper ty for sale Single Capacity Crypt in Sanctuary of Eternal Love $5000 or best offer. 619-446-7543 House for Rent 215 W Walnut E.S., front house, 3bed2ba, granite, SS appl’s, A/C, Tile/Carpet, RSI, $4,000 mo., avail 10/1. 530-318-2406 Apartment For Rent Studio Apt. ES. Quiet complex, stove, fridge, pool, laundry, covered parking, storage. No smoking/pets. Avail. 9/1. $1000 + $1000 deposit w/copy of credit report. Leave message at (310) 322-8099. For Lease 122 W. Imperial, ES 1,900sq. f t o f f i c e s p a c e for Lease $4,500/Month The Delightful and Sharp Fun of Mistress America By Ryan Rojas for CINEMACY In some ways, director Noah Baumbach’s third latest film also serves as the winning cap to a lovely themed trilogy of films – that of millenial-modern romantics figuring out life in lush and cinematic New York cityscapes. Following 2012’s Frances Ha and last year’s While We’re Young, The New York born director returns with Mistress America, once again set to simultaneously explore, praise, and ponder the aimless intellectual wanderers of Generation Y in, a refreshingly hilarious screwball comedy. On the whole, Mistress America feels more like the sister film to Frances Ha than the director’s others, not particularly because the film is actually about a girl who becomes step-sisters with a very “Frances Hallowaylike” character. Considering America was co-written by Baumbach and real-life girlfriend Greta Gerwig (who also co-wrote Frances Ha), it’s no surprise that the film is charged with similarly clever observations and comedic rhythms about characters so creative and cultured, and yet so incompetent and existentially clumsy. Two characters share these qualities. Relative newcomer Lola Kirke (Gone Girl) plays Tracy, an incoming Freshman Lit major with more creative writing ideas than friends. Her introduction to school is a lonely one, prompting her recently engaged mother to encourage her to meet up with her fiancé’s own out-of-school-age daughter who lives nearby. Enter Brooke (Gerwig), who immediately and literally embraces her new step-sister and opens Tracy’s eyes to a world of spontaneous adventures. What makes Mistress America so fun (and it really is) is its intelligentsia-tinged hilariousness that here, channels screwball-styled comedy, showing how finely Baumbach and Gerwig have their fingers on this culture’s hipster-pulsed zeitgeist. As While We’re Young also explored the self-aware character study of studying the hipster-bohemian lifestyle (young and aging alike), America’s Tracy, being all perceiving in her own right, looks at Brooke with empathy, channeling her new adventures and sister into her creative writing. Brooke’s fun yet unrealistic and equally fleeting goals, such as intentions of opening a restaurant, excite an encourageable Tracy, but Brooke the character is ultimately filtered through Tracy’s own writing, revealing a person whose tragic romance is at both times invigorating and unsustainable. Mistress America contains whip-smart intellectual musings and dialogue, further enhanced by a deft use of quick-cut editing to mine real laughs and poignancy. Whether or not audiences are familiar with Baumbach’s past work, Mistress America is a smart film that will entertain those looking for a riotously funny and understated comedy that counts among the director’s most entertaining. Mistress America is now playing in select cities. • Film Review Greta Gerwig as “Brooke” and Lola Kirke as “Tracy” in Mistress America. Photo courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures © 2015 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved. Mon 8/10/15 to Sun 8/16/15 ATTEMPTED ROBBERY 4100 W EL SEGUNDO BL Wed 08/12/15 20:02 ROBBERY 12700 S CRENSHAW BL Thu 8/13/15 16:26 ROBBERY 11300 S HAWTHORNE BL OTHER Fri 8/14/15 12:00 ROBBERY 3900 W ROSECRANS AV Sun 8/16/15 Property Taken: blk Samsung Galaxy S6 cell phone ROBBERY 11800 S HAWTHORNE BL Sun 8/16/15 19:57 ROBBERY 4600 W 136TH ST Sun 8/16/15 23:27 Property Taken: California identification card in Otoya’s name, California driver’s license in Lurch’s name, identification card in Palacio’s name, blk iphone 5s w/blk case w/eeyore ROBBERY 2800 W 120TH ST Mon 8/10/15 14:24 Property Taken: cash money, teal bank bag ROBBERY 13600 S YUKON AV STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY 8/12/15 02:55 Property Taken: 18 Karat gold chain AT T E M P T C O M M E R C I A L BURGLARY 3900 W ROSECRANS AV DOCTOR & DENTIST OFFICE, CLINIC Thu 8/13/15 11:54 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12500 S FREEMAN AV HOUSE Thu 8/13/15 15:06 ATTEMPT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 12500 S MENLO AV GARAGE ATTACHED Thu 8/13/15 18:03 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W ROSECRANS AV Sat 8/15/15 08:53 Property Taken: mtn bike BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12800 S PRAIRIE AV APARTMENT COMMON AREAS (LNDRY,CLB HSE,ETC) Sat 8/15/15 11:39 Property Taken: husky paint compressor, various compact discs, skil power drill, skil circular saw, (2) power converters, dewalt drill bits, stereo electical cables BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11900 S BIRCH AV HOUSE Tue 8/11/15 03:27 • “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” - og mandino To appear in next week’s paper , s u b mit yo u r C lassif e d A d b y N o o n o n T u esd a y. 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