May 28, 2015 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber SUNSHINE SUPERMAN Carl Boenish grew up in Hawthorne and graduated from Hawthorne High School in 1959. He got a job as an electrical engineer with Hughes Aircraft and it looked like he would settle into a comfortable life in sunny So Cal. His ensuing life was anything but ordinary and comfortable. He took a liking to filming using his large 16 mm movie camera. He also took a liking to skydiving. He combined both of these into filming his jumps. His cinematography work included the 1969 John Frankenheimer parachuting film classic The Gypsy Moths, starring Burt Lancaster and Gene Hackman, and a National Geographic Explorer segment on jumps from El Capitan. From about 1978 on, Carl became the father of the BASE jumping movement. BASE stood for the four different types of high objects that jumpers had to jump off of to be part of the club. B was for Building, A for Antenna, S for Suspension, and E for Earth (such as a cliff). Carl always looked for more spectacular –more dangerous- feats of human flight. Him and his wife Jean broke the BASE jumping Guinness World Record in 1984 on the Norwegian ‘Troll Wall’ mountain range. Tragically, Carl fell to his death trying a more dangerous jump just a day after their record setting jump. Until recently, Jean lived in Hawthorne and participated in jumping activities. Last Friday, a documentary entitled, Sunshine Superman made its premiere showing at the Landmark Theater in West LA. I had the opportunity to attend one of the showings over the weekend. Carl’s original footage of his jumps off of El Capitan in Yosemite and many other places captivated the audience. I don’t like looking over the side of a cliff or building. I can’t imagine jumping off of one. I would rather just watch people jump. These jumpers deserve to have a “cold one” after jumping from more than 1,000 feet. ASSOCIATION TO HOLD PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Holly Park HOA will hold their annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, June 13th at Olivet Lutheran Church located at 2506 West Imperial Hwy in Hawthorne from 8 a.m.-12 noon. The cost is only $5 for adults. All funds raised go to a scholarship given each year to a deserving high school graduate. POLICE AND FIREMEN TO BE HONORED The Hawthorne Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs jointly sponsor a luncheon each year to honor one police officer and one fireman from our Hawthorne stations. This year the luncheon will be held on June 16th at the Memorial Center. If you are interested in attending please contact the City Manager’s office at City Hall. MOVIES IN THE PARK Annie with Jamie Fox will be shown this year on Saturday, July 11th at Holly Park located at 2058 120th Street in Hawthorne. The event is full of food, games for the kids and raffle prizes. It runs from 6 to 10 pm NATIONAL NIGHT OUT The annual event to celebrate our safe streets and neighbors will be held this summer on Tuesday, August 4th at City Hall located at 4455 126th Street, the event will run from 6-9pm MEMORIAL DAY This past Monday, I was able to attend the Memorial Day services at the Los Angeles Cemetery located across the 405 freeway from the VA Hospital in Westwood. 58,000 service men and women are buried there. The Boy Scouts annually place 58,000 American flags one foot in front of each of the grave markers. It’s a very inspiring site to see that number of flags and be reminded of the large number of loyal soldiers who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms. God bless the families of those who have lost loved ones in service to our country. r Police Reports MON 5/11/15 TO SAT 5/17/15 ATTEMPT ROBBERY 5100 MARINE AV PARKING LOT Mon 05/11/15 13:07 ROBBERY 3800 W ROSECRANS AV CONVENIENCE STORE Fri 05/15/15 20:42 ROBBERY 12730-E S HAWTHORNE BL MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES Sat 05/16/15 16:13 Property Taken: Gray Bofa Bank Bag CARJACKING 4100 W EL SEGUNDO BL PARKING LOT Sat 05/16/15 17:00 ROBBERY 11300 S HAWTHORNE BL STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sat 05/16/15 22:00 Property Taken: Lgc Lg 3 Whi W Clear Cell Phone Case ROBBERY 14200 S PRAIRIE AV DRUG STORE – PHARMACY Sat 05/16/15 23:39 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 14600 S CERISE AV APARTMENT/CONDO Tue 05/12/15 13:00 Property Taken: Sm.Gry Metal W/Craftman Drill And Bits, Poss. Add. BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 3600 BELL AV AUTO/VEHICLE Wed 05/13/15 07:30 Property Taken: (3) Deep Cycle Batteries BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12100 S MENLO AV HOUSE Wed 05/13/15 09:45 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4500 W 115TH ST APARTMENT COMMON AREAS (LNDRY,CLB HSE,ETC) Wed 05/13/15 22:14 ATTEMPT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 3300 W 147TH ST HOUSE Thu 05/14/15 16:20 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 117TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 05/16/15 15:24 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 117TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 05/16/15 15:24 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 117TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 05/16/15 15:24 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 117TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 05/16/15 15:24 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 117TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 05/16/15 15:24 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11600 S DALESIDE AV HOUSE Sun 05/17/15 00:29 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4100 W BROADWAY GARAGE DETACHED Sun 05/17/15 10:00 Property Taken: Tan Filing Cabinet W/Misc Papers, Silver Gas Powered Weed Cutter, Craftsman Small Toolbox W/Misc Tools r 7.0 in. 7.0 in. 7.0 in. 10.0 in. 10.0 in. Take be a time to dad today. be a dad today. Take time to Title: Market: Run/Disk Date: Color/Space: Live: Trim: Bleed: Cal l 877- 4DAD411 or visi t www. Take time to be a dad today. Take time to Cal l 877- 4DAD411 or visi t www. 0015_Full_MagBW 08-21-09 BW/magazine 09/15/09 13:21 09CVZ0015 — Paper Doll Bill to: REQ 7 10 CE: Production Artist: Task: Spell checked 09CVZ0015 91655 Notes: Page 3 of 4 3/0 BK transpose logos Executive CD: Creative Director: Art Director: C. Marrero Writer: Account Executive: C. Cecchetti Production Supervisor: Coordinator: Ext. K. Warmack E. Shaughnessy 8016 CORRECTION FOR HAWTHORNE PRESS TRIBUNE 7.0 in. In the feature article “Thanks for the Memories, Hawthorne,” published on May 21, 2015, the membership fee for the Hawthorne Historical Society was incorrectly 10.0 in. stated as $10 lifetime membership. To be a member of the Hawthorne Historical Society, participants must pay a $10 annual fee. We apologize for this error.
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