Page 8 May 28, 2015 and how to bang them by Chef Shafer LIVE WELL, LOVE MUCH, LAUGH OFTEN! The Chef BBQ Tex-Mex Ingredients Preparation 1. Mix together garlic, coriander, paprika, orange juice, salt, pepper, and oil in a large bowl. 2. Dredge the slice beef into the marinade then into a container for storage. When all the beef is marinated refrigerate till ready to grill. 3. Make sure your grill is very hot before starting. The slices are very thin so you don’t need to cook them very long. Just about 30 seconds each TJEFGPSNFEJVNSBSFr rQPVOETUIJDLTMJDFECFFGUPQ TJSMPJOIBOHFSTLJSUTUFBL r DMPWFTPGHBSMJDDIPQQFE rUBCMFTQPPOTHSPVOEDPSJBOEFS r DVQQBQSJLB r DVQPSBOHFKVJDF r UBCMFTQPPOLPTIFSTBMU r UBCMFTQPPOT DPBSTF HSPVOE CMBDLQFQQFS r DVQWFHFUBCMFPJM
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