June 25, 2015 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber OUT OF THE CITY I am writing my column this week in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, amid the towering mountains, swaying pines and crystal clear lakes. After concluding my 38th year of inspiring young minds, I am enjoying my annual fishing/ camping trip with the men of my extended family. The week-long relaxation and adventure that I have experienced the last 26 years has recharged and rejuvenated me so that I can hit the ground running upon my return to the city of Hawthorne. A Southern California Edison lake is where the trip takes place, and the low lake levels remind me of the need to conserve water. I know that it is difficult for many of you to look out on your lawns and see yellow and brown; my old lady is the same way. The low water level has not prevented us from catching trout, nor our enjoyment of God’s creation. The gentle breeze and all of the trees make it relaxing. You can take the city clerk out Hawthorne, but you can’t take Hawthorne out of the clerk. Cold Ones “Have a cold one”. This saying that I throw into my column is my way of expressing the wish that everyone enjoys their life in the City of Good Neighbors with the beverage of their choice, hot or cold, fermented or unfermented. So have a cold one, as I am doing now! To Run or Not to Run The filing period for the city council and mayor positions begins July 13th. You must be a registered voter and a resident of the city of Hawthorne in order to run. Papers can be pulled from the city clerk’s office during business hours. Upcoming Events Hall of Fame Banquet - Friday, July 17th Good Neighbors Day - July 18th National Night Out - August 4th, at the Civic Centre Comments or Questions E-maill me at norbhuber@gmail.com • Police Reports Mon 6/8/15 to Sun 6/14/15 ATTEMPT ROBBERY 13300 S HAWTHORNE BL LAUNDRYMAT Mon 06/08/15 06:19 ROBBERY 4400 W 129TH ST STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Mon 06/08/15 16:20 Property Taken: Black Leather Purse, $400.00 In Cash., Misc Credit Cards, Birth Certificate Belonging To Sonya Lovest, Social Security Card Belonging To Arrington Lovest, Social Security Card Belonging To Sonya Lovest, Photographs, Bank Statements, I-Pod (Nfi/Nfd) ROBBERY 3100 W ROSECRANS AV BAKERY, DELICATESSEN Thu 06/11/15 03:25 Property Taken: Tobacco Products Currency, 360 Dollars In Rolled Change, Loose Change, Cash, 25 Packs Of Malboro/Newport Cigarettes, Carton Of Marlboro Cigarettes ROBBERY 12000 S HAWTHORNE BL CONVENIENCE STORE Thu 06/11/15 11:59 Property Taken: Approximately $500 In Misc Cash ROBBERY 11800 S HAWTHORNE BL PARKING LOT Fri 06/12/15 08:15 Property Taken: Blk Leather Us Polo Wallet, Vic Ca Driver’s License ROBBERY 12900 S HAWTHORNE BL Fri 06/12/15 18:56 Property Taken: Approximately $200.00 In Cash (Unk Denominations), (1) Blue Samsung Galaxy S6 Cell Phone, (1) Grey Apple Iphone 6 ROBBERY W IMPERIAL HY/S EUCALYPTUS AV STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sat 06/13/15 10:58 Property Taken: Iphone 6 Plus ROBBERY 11800 S HAWTHORNE BL CONVENIENCE STORE Sat 06/13/15 11:15 Property Taken: White Iphone 4 BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 11800 S INGLEWOOD AV AUTO REPAIR COMPANY Mon 06/08/15 07:50 Property Taken: Red And Black Snap On Air Hammer, Large Welding Tool Black, Lifting Jack, Chrome Gas Cylinder, Red And Black Sanding Gun, Red And Black Hand Grinder, Impact Wrench, Viking Sanding Machine, Air Hammer BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12000 S CEDAR AV APARTMENT/CONDO Mon 06/08/15 13:03 BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 4100 W EL SEGUNDO BL LAUNDRYMAT Wed 06/10/15 05:50 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 13900 S EUCALYPTUS AV HOUSE Wed 06/10/15 14:54 Property Taken: Computer Equip, Silver Retina Macbook Pro Laptop, Space Grey Ipad Mini BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12700 S EUCALYPTUS AV DUPLEX/FOURPLEX Wed 06/10/15 16:30 Property Taken: Microsoft Xbox One (Black), Apple Ipad Air ATTEMPT COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 12800 S CRENSHAW BL SHOPPING CENTER Thu 06/11/15 02:44 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4200 W 139TH ST HOUSE Fri 06/12/15 11:10 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11900 S DALESIDE AV HOUSE Fri 06/12/15 13:00 Property Taken: Vehicle Pink Slip (4vzr304), Vehicle Pink Slip 89 Chev Caviler (Unk Plate), Misc Towels And Bedding ATTEMPT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 13900 S MANOR DR HOUSE Fri 06/12/15 13:30 BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 4600 W IMPERIAL HY RESTAURANT, FAST FOODS, CAFÉ Sat 06/13/15 05:48 Property Taken: $200 Us Currency BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 11800 S HAWTHORNE BL CONVENIENCE STORE Sat 06/13/15 15:35 BURGLARY 3700 W 116TH ST Sun 06/14 12:17 BURGLARY 11200 S HAWTHORNE BL Sun 06/14 21:54 Property Taken: Blk Pioneer Radio •
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