Page 2 August 13, 2015 Community Briefs Yarn Angels South Bay Meetings SBWIB and El Camino College Host Work-Based Learning Summer Institute Letters For the Mayor and Council Police Reports Mon 7/27/15 to Sun 8/1/15 ROBBERY 11900 S CEDAR AV HOUSE Fri 07/31/15 01:17 ROBBERY S CORDARY AV/W ROSECRANS AV STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Fri 07/31/15 14:48 Property Taken: Dooney And Bourke Pink Purse And Brown Wallet ROBBERY 4200 BLK 118TH ST STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sat 08/01/15 22:15 Property Taken: Vivirgin Delacardad BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 12600 S CRENSHAW BL FURNITURE STORE Mon 07/27/15 09:15 Property Taken: Dell 13.5 Laptop Computer, Hp Laptop Computer 17”, Lenova 17” Laptop Computer BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4600 W 132ND ST HOUSE Wed 07/29/15 08:00 • Yarn Angels South Bay invite you to join them on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 6-8pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 2706 182nd St, Torrance CA. We are a not for profit group who knit, crochet, quilt and sew for 7 local charities, The South Bay Workforce Investment Board [SBWIB], in partnership with El Camino College and the California Career Ladders Project, held a three-day Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering Technology Linked Learning (AMETLL) Work-Based Learning Summer Institute for more than 30 South Bay Area secondary and post-secondary instructors, counselors and administrators. Linked Learning is a statewide initiative that connects K-12 and post-secondary schools VA Hospitals LB & W. LA. Donated yarn available. For more information, contact Anna 310.830-2190, Marie 310.327-9890 or Website: around career pathway programs. Those in attendance were from the school districts of El Segundo, Centinela Valley, Torrance, Lennox, and Compton. The aim of the sessions were geared towards assisting educators in developing innovative Linked Learning strategies that integrate rigorous academics with hands-on, work-based learning activities such as job shadows, company tours and summer internships. • As a rule, those of us who are not lawyers find it difficult to figure out who’s a good lawyer, and who isn’t. However, the current Teixeira case may be a “no-brainer” exception to that rule. Your suit against Mr. Teixeira sends, to even the least scholarly of us laymen the loud and clear message that your body got some bonehead advice from its legal counsel - although there is, of course, the possibility that your counsel told you to not bring the suit and that you impulsively and/ or ignorantly ignored that advice. If it is the former, you should consider replacing your legal counsel. If it is the latter, the voters should consider replacing those of you who voted to bring the suit. – Jim Lissne Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Film Review Kevin Bacon’s Comedic Chops Make the Midnight Flick Cop Car a Quiet Hit By Morgan Rojas For Kicking off this year’s Next Fest (the LAset sister film festival to Sundance), Cop Car is being touted as a must-see for “midnight movie” cinephiles. A corrupt cop, two rebellious kids, and a stolen police vehicle make up this dark little comedy that proves to be one of summer’s top coming-of-age thrillers. The film premiered in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 2nd at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery (a fitting location for added creepiness), and the tense cinematic sequences that Cop Car organically conjures up were felt long after the film’s brisk 86-minute run time. Kevin Bacon, who stars in the set-up opposite the film’s two young leads, shows off his devilish comedic chops as mustachioed and corrupt county sheriff Kretzer. Bacon doesn’t appear in the film’s initial scenes, a job left to newcomers James Freedson-Jackson and Hays Wellford, who play young runaways and best friends Travis and Harrison. The boys, moseying through the picturesque Colorado plains while one-upping each other in an innocent-enough swear-off as they look for more adventure, find just that in an abandoned cop car in the middle of nowhere. With an empty beer bottle on the roof and the keys in between the seats, the boys take off on a joyride that every young kid dreams of. Donuts, burnouts, and speeding make for a very entertaining montage sequence, but it’s not until the owner of the car comes back to claim it (shown in a brief flashback to the moment said driver leaves the car), and realizes it’s missing, when the tension (and comedy) hits. The car belongs to Sheriff Kretzer, and, past his comedic confusion, he is not happy. After some illegal activity leads him away from the car in the first place, he is left immobile and alone in the vast countryside, and determined to get his car back (as the trunk is learned to be holding precious cargo) quickly and in one piece – a fate he doesn’t hold for the rest of the parties involved. Cop Car is a reflection of a successfully made, true independent film. With its limited budget, seen in its rural-set locations and singleday narrative, director Jon Watts manages to produce something small and wonderful. It’s no wonder why Watts was chosen to direct the forthcoming Spiderman reboot. This smallscale production produces high stakes horror, and while Watts sets us up with the perfect scenario and tone reminiscent of the Coen Brothers’ No Country For Old Men, it is the actors that truly drive the story home. Kevin Bacon is selfish, evil, and lacks empathy, yet I still found myself rooting for him. Perhaps that’s just the power of Kevin Bacon, but I’d like to think it comes from the undeniable magic that happens when a talented actor is matched with an as equally talented and creative director like the promising Watts. For some, however, this tightly wrapped story may leave some important questions unanswered after the film cuts to black. Why were the kids running away in the first place? What ultimately happened to Sheriff Kretzer? Did the boys make it out ok? I don’t believe these facts are detriment to the film’s success; in fact, it makes for a perfect setup for “Cop Car 2.” Now that’s one sequel I’d like to see. Cop Car is now playing at the ArcLight Hollywood. • Kevin Bacon in Cop Car. Photo courtesy of Focus World. Crypt in Sanctuary of Eternal Love $5000 o r bes t o f fer. 619-446-7543 For Sale B e d r o o m S e t Fo r S a l e Drew French Maple Classic Design 2 Twin Beds, 9 drawer dresser, large mirror $500, OBO. Call 310- 673-5114. Garage Sale Large Multi-Family Garage Sale. Saturday Aug. 15. 8-1pm. No early birds! 206 W. Oak Ave. ES. House for Rent West side Location- Back Cottage House with a private yard, private entrance. Non-Smoker 1 bed 1 bath $2,195.00/Month Available Oct.1st Call Steve-310-906-6745 Ham radio equipment w/ tower, old radio tubes, Sound stage equipment, lots of electronics, vintage military collectibles, Movie Memorabilia, Sterling, NASA, Apollo and Shuttle memorabilia, hundreds of vintage45’s and albums, Rosewood Piano, 1930’s and 50’s furniture, O’Keefe & Merritt range, Whirlpool washer/Dryer, kitchen items, 19 drawer Craftsman tools chest filled with new Craftsman & Snap On tools, Craftsman arc welder, Sears air compressor, lots of craftsman power tools, Dino-Vision scope, new 20’ extension ladder, Garage cabinets, 1984 Cadillac, much more. For Lease 732 Hillcrest, ES 3 bed 3 bath, new carpet, flooring. A/C. New RSI windows $4,000.00/Month Avail now 310-647-1635 For Sale Inglewood Park Cemeter y Property for sale Single Capacity Apartment For Rent 1 Bed/1 Bath, center of town, w/ lots of storage in unit, carport. W/D hkups., NO PETS. $1350/mo. For more info call (310) 880-1460. Employment Ocean Export Coordinator to administer logistics system for distribution of products by sea. Bachelor or equivalent in International Business required. Send resume to robinvandeveer, interportfreight12923 Cerise Ave Hawthorne CA 90250. Employment RETAIL MANAGER. 7-Eleven at 3018 W. Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90305 seeks a Retail Store Manager. 2yrs exp req. Mail resume: ATT: Jugal. Estate Sale Torrance Ca. Sat. 9-3 Sun 9-1 5617 Carson 90503 Estate Sale, Amazing collection of Cold War Memorabilia & collectibles, Huge Selection of Vintage and new To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday. Visit us online:
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