Page 2 July 2, 2015 Roadmap to the Stars Philip Lubin stands next to the laser his lab uses to conduct experiments. Photo by Sonia Fernandez. Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Must be legally auth to work in the U.S. w/out sponsorship. EOE House for Rent 2BD/1BA completely refurbished, hardwood floors, W/D hookups, small patio, 2 car garage. Center of town. $2600/month. 310-322-3151 Rental July Weekends ONLY 5% off rental of El Segundo Women’s Club. Book your event. 310-322-4214. Condo for Rent 2BD/2BA. Third floor unit, no common walls, fireplace, balcony, refrigerator, pool and jacuzzi, washer and dryer. 2 car parking. $2600/mo. (310) 988-9335. Employment E N G I N E E R S . . . . . . . Radlink, Inc. has an opportunity in El Segundo, CA for a Mechanical Eng. Exp must incl: machining of metal & plastic parts & assemblies incl cost & product tolerance specs. Reqs incl Master’s deg in Mech Eng or rel & 1 yr exp. Mail resume to Attn: HR, 815 N. Nash St, El Segundo, CA 90245, Ref #ESOAM. Apartment For Rent Lovely 1BD apartment next to Library Park $1500/month. Upstairs, garage par king, laundr y, no smoking, no pets, excellent credit. (310) 322-8099. Collectible WWII PROPELLER OFF OF A JAPANESE NAVAL WAR BOMBER A.K.A. THE BETTY dated June 2 1945. Signed (engraved) by 115 Officers of the 503rd AAF base unit known as THE BRASS HAT UNIT. Extremely rare piece of history. Asking price $12,500.00 ph 727 785 3136 email john298404290@ To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday. Looking Up Based on a press release from UC Santa Barbara, provided by Bob Eklund A laser-powered wafer-thin spacecraft capable of reaching Alpha Centauri in 20 years may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but it’s not. And while such a launch isn’t imminent, the possibility of one in the future does exist, according to UC Santa Barbara physics professor Philip Lubin. To further explore that possibility, Lubin and his team in UCSB’s Experimental Cosmology Group will study photo-driven propulsion—the use of lasers as a means to power a spacecraft. The group has been awarded one of 15 proofof concept grants from NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts. The NASA program aims to turn what sounds like science fiction into science fact through the development of pioneering technologies. “One of humanity’s grand challenges is to explore other solar systems by sending probes—and eventually life,” said Lubin. “We propose a system that will allow us to take the first step toward interstellar exploration using directed-energy propulsion combined with miniature probes. Along with recent work on wafer-scale photonics, we can now envision combining these technologies to enable a realistic approach to sending probes far outside our solar system.” The UCSB group’s ultimate goal is to send small probes to supplement the current long-range remote sensing done by orbital and ground-based telescopes. The funding will enable Lubin’s team to create a more complete roadmap for building a fully functional wafer-scale spacecraft complete with power, laser communications, and controllable photon thrusters. The project, Directed Energy Propulsion for Interstellar exploratioN (DEEPIN), will also chart laser-driver elements that require technology development. The key to a functioning system lies in the ability to build both the photon driver and the ultra-low-mass probes. While capable of propelling any spacecraft mass, lower-mass probes go the fastest and are most suitable for interstellar missions. The DEEP-IN design keeps the main propulsion driver back in Earth’s orbit (or nearby) yet still capable of propelling highly integrated spacecraft to speeds vastly higher than anything scientists can currently achieve. The laser photon driver would use photon pressure in the form of streamed energy to power the spacecraft as it travels away from Earth. With no intrinsic speed limit, this technology allows for the relativistic speeds necessary for interstellar flight. “While not suitable for every spacecraft design, this approach opens up radically new possibilities,” Lubin said. “The project is a step toward the first interstellar mission, but more importantly we are studying and designing the relevant technological base. This will give us the ability to build a single photon driver capable of sending out literally millions of low-mass probes. “We’ve had to radically rethink our strategy in order not to give up our dreams of reaching the stars,” Lubin added. “DEEP-IN posits a technological path forward that, while not simple, is within our technological reach to begin.” • The Honorable Margaret T. Evans Film Review Elisabeth Moss, Mark Duplass Star in the Surreal Indie The One I Love. By Morgan Rojas for CINEMACY “I don’t wanna be perfect, I wanna be us.” I’m just going to come out and say it- after I heard that line, I knew that The One I Love Elisabeth Moss and Mark Duplass in The One I Love. Photo courtesy of Radius-TWC. would be one of my favorite films of the year. Wrapped up in what might typically be conflicting genres, the film succeeds in playing to both the “romantic comedy” and “sci-fi” audiences. As someone who can’t help but root for the underdogs, I found inspiration from its “Little Engine That Could” filmmaking attitude. A truly independent film, director Charlie McDowell takes the simplicity of the script and creates a rich and colorful world that is sure to resonate with audiences long after the film is over. Relationship pitfalls and insecurities in movies are some of the most commonly seen story lines, and making them seem believable should be considered an art. In that sense, McDowell is an artist by pairing up indie funny man Mark Duplass with Mad Men’s Elisabeth Moss. This unlikely screen duo plays off of each other’s energy and are sure to leave audiences mesmerized by their standout performances. They act alongside each other as husband and wife (almost) the entirety of the film, but not once does their presence feel dull or feel worn out. Duplass plays Ethan, who is struggling to maintain his relationship with his wife Sophie, played by Moss. They seek counseling from their couples’ therapist, played by Ted Danson, who recommends the pair take a retreat to a beautiful vacation house, the ideal place to work out problems and fall in love again. Heading this advice, Ethan and Sophie find themselves in paradise and soon begin to reconnect. However, not everything is as it seems- upon realizing suspicious activity from the guest house, Ethan and Sophie are forced into self-reflection, for the first time acknowledging whether or not they have been living as who they want to be, or who they actually are. This meta-esque situation fuels the rest of the film, creating a palpable tension that completely pays off in the ending. The One I Love touches on the cynical side of relationships that we have probably experienced at one point, but couldn’t find the words to express it. The feeling of being in a relationship, yet still feeling alone, seems to permeate this film. Every person who watches The One I Love will take away something different, but most would agree it feels extremely personal. Not only is this a well-executed film, it may be a therapy session you didn’t know you needed. I would be extremely humbled if I was McDowell; The One I Love is his directorial debut and from the very beginning, it has been met with positive momentum. His ability to take a light script and turn it into a heavy, philosophical, and extremely deep film is a reflection of his talent. It’s evident that most of the script was left open to the actor’s input, as McDowell and screenwriter Justin Lader encouraged Duplass and Moss to improvise most scenes. This creates natural and organic dialogue that produces vulnerability within the characters. Part of the film’s brilliance evolved after it wrapped, due to the reaction from its Sundance premiere. As journalists were responding with positive reviews, a truly unique thing happened- no one wanted to spoil the ending. Even when I attended the screening last year, I was under a strict embargo to not discuss the film or its plot. At first, I didn’t understand why, or more importantly, how I was going to write a review about a film I couldn’t freely discuss. However, after the screening, it became clear to me that the only way to get the best experience is going into it completely unaware. So for the sake of the filmmakers, the movie, and your own enjoyment, I can only strongly recommend you see and experience it for yourself. For our interview with stars Mark Duplass, Elisabeth Moss, and director Charlie McDowell, check out The One I Love is now available to stream on Netflix. • People You’re invited to the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Inglewood Unified School District Board Member, Seat 4 – The Honorable Margaret T. Evans. Tuesday, July 7, 2015, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Light refreshments. Rogers Park Auditorium. 400 W. Beach Avenue, Inglewood, 90302. RSVP to 310 480-0800 • “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” - milton berle Visit us online:
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