July 2, 2015 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber The 4th This year it is going to be the 3rd and the 4th since the 4th is on a Saturday. You know what I’m talking about, that holiday at the start of summer that everyone loves, except for the dog owners who have to keep their dogs tied up, or in the house because of the loud explosions occurring on a nightly basis. This holiday is loud. This holiday is filled with food, fun and family gathers. This holiday is red, white and blue. This holiday has a hot dog eating contest. Americans like to have fun. We like to celebrate holidays. Our nation’s birthday is one big party. Instead of just birthday cake with candles, we light big shooting candles that light up the sky. So, why not have some hot dogs and hamburgers? Have some chips and dip. Have some watermelon and ice cream. And of course have several “cold ones” to toast our nation as it turns 239 this 4th of July. Movies in the Park The Holly Park Homeowners Association once again invites you to their annual “Movies in the Park” event to be held on Saturday, July 11 at Holly Park, which is located at 120th Street and Van Ness Blvd. on the east side of town. Go for the food and games prior to the feature movie that is shown on a big screen out on the baseball field. Bring a chair and/or blanket. Every year there is a large crowd of young and old folk like me. Hall of Fame Banquet The second annual Hawthorne Historical Hall of Fame Banquet will be held on Friday, July 17 starting with a social hour at 6 p.m. This year the banquet will be over at the Memorial Center’s Venus Room. Tickets are $30 per person and can be obtained by emailing hawthornehistorical@gmail.com or in person at the Hawthorne Museum. The banquet was a big hit last year and we look forward to the same being true this year. The 2015 Hall of Fame inductees include: The Hawthorne Beach Boys, Reese Walton, Jim Thorpe, Carl Boenish, and Seers Lumber. The Historical Society is offering a historical tour of Hawthorne prior to the banquet. At 3 p.m. on the 17th, we will depart on a ninety minute ride around Hawthorne to visit some of the sites that have made Hawthorne famous. Good Neighbors Day It’s hard to believe that this will be our 5th Annual Good Neighbors Day. It will be held on Saturday, July 18th in front of City Hall on 126th Street. The activities include a car show, three great bands performing on stage, vendors from a variety of organizations, and some food and games. Bring your lawn chair and sunscreen. Plan to make it a day with your Hawthorne good neighbors. Water The City of Hawthorne and our local water companies have announced more strict guidelines for outside watering. These guidelines will be sent to you in your water bill this coming month. Even with an El Nino winter storm pattern predicted, the drought is here and is severe. We must conserve our precious resource. Clarification If you read last week’s Hawthorne Happenings, you probably noticed it was a little corny. That is because my nephew and brother-in-law wrote the column while sitting around the campfire having some cold ones. I apologize if any of you were offended by their content as they attempted to aspire to reach the level of my journalistic expertise. • Police Reports Mon 6/15/15 to Sun 6/20/15 Mon 6/15/15 to Sat 6/20/15 ROBBERY W 118TH ST/S BIRCH AV OTHER Mon 06/15/15 14:56 ROBBERY 2700 W 120TH ST DEPARTMENT STORE Tue 06/16/15 13:25 ROBBERY 4200 W EL SEGUNDO BL APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 06/20/15 03:17 CARJACKING 13600 BLK S YUKON AV OTHER Sat 06/20/15 05:20 Property Taken: New Black Cell Phone, Unk Model #. 310-756-4230, 2-Sets Of Unknown Amount Of Veh/Residential Keys ATTEMPT ROBBERY 14100 S CORDARY AV STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sat 06/20/15 11:52 ATTEMPT ROBBERY 12800 S CRENSHAW BL RESTAURANT, FAST FOODS, CAFÉ Sat 06/20/15 20:39 ROBBERY 2700 W 120TH ST CONVENIENCE STORE Sat 06/20/15 22:17 BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 12100 S PRAIRIE AV BAR, LOUNGE, TAVERN Mon 06/15/15 05:12 Property Taken: 12”x12”x10” Commericial Safe BURGLARY 13600 S CORDARY AV Mon 06/15 17:44--No R MS Ent BURGLARY 12500 S GREVILLEA AV Tue 06/16 06:47 Property Taken: Catalytic Converter BURGLARY 13600 S CERISE AV Tue 06/16 06:59 Property Taken: Unknown Make/Model Car Stereo/Cd Player BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11800 S ARDATH AV HOUSE Thu 06/18/15 08:59 Property Taken: 50’’ Vizio Flat Screen, 500 In U.S. Coins, Berringer Wine BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 2800 W 120TH ST OTHER Fri 06/19/15 03:00 Property Taken: Gry Backpack, Bro Wallet, $80 (2-$20’s And Misc $10’s And $5’s), Phone Charger, Gym Membership, 5 Pencils, 2- B Of A Debit Card And 1- B Of A Visa Card, Best Buy Master Card, Sergio Martinez’s CDL • Finance Six Ways To Make Your Business Better This Summer your spring-cleaning opportunity? No worries, you still have time. Get rid of those old files. Replace your ancient office chairs. Wipe down those windows, clean out those closets, dispose of unused supplies and vacuum, mop and sweep. You and your employees will enjoy coming to work when the office is cleaner and brighter. 4. Revisit safety. When was the last time your fire extinguishers were replaced? Are your first-aid kits up to standards? Do you even have a first-aid kit? Do your employees know what to do in case of an emergency? Make a checklist of all the things you’ll need to do to make your company as safe as it can be. 5. Go green. You want to be more environmentally conscious, but you’ve always been too busy to do so. Now’s your chance, because summer is a perfect time to go green. Recycle your old technology. Start an ink and toner recycling program. Purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products and make a list of green products you’ll be buying going forward. Finally, make sure to tell the world what you’re doing. It’ll encourage others and reflect positively on your business. 6. Upgrade your tech. Hopefully as the economy has grown your business will have grown, too, and now’s the time for upgrades to your company technology needs. Work with Staples EasyTech associates to determine where investing in better technology will improve your profitability and productivity going forward. There you have it. Summer’s not only a great, warm, chilled-out time to relax and spend time with the family, it’s also a great time to make some changes in your business so you can enjoy the benefits all year long. • (BPT) - Summer’s here so make sure to get out, enjoy the great weather and take a well-deserved break. And if you’re running a small business, this summer offers a great opportunity to take a deep breath before taking action to make your business even better as you head into the second half of the year. Here are some suggestions from small business expert and author Gene Marks on how to get started: 1. Do a productivity review. Now’s the time to find those expensive inefficiencies and make some changes. Do you really need to be doing your copies in-house? Are you spending too much time shipping products? Have you devoted hours to fixing tech problems? To save time and money, look for solutions outside your company, such as shipping at your local Staples store to help your staff streamline day-to-day activities and troubleshoot issues in advance. 2. Evaluate your employees. Mid-year is a great time to sit down with your employees, one-by-one, to discuss how things are going. Update their personnel files, medical records and personal information. This is also a great time to decide on a few goals for the remainder of the year. 3. Clean up your office. Did you miss Community Briefs Mixer in the Park El Segundo and Manhattan Beach Chambers of Commerce will be holding their annual Mixer in the Park on July 8th, 2015 at Chevron Park (corner of El Segundo Blvd and Illinois Street) from 5:30-7:30pm. Members of Hawthorne, Hermosa, and Redondo Beach Chambers of Commerce are welcome. Entry fee is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. For more information, call El Segundo Chamber at (310) 322-1220. • “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible” - francis of assisi SOUTH BAY WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD ASSISTS JOB SEEKERS, EMPLOYERS AND YOUTH THROUGH GOVERNMENT-FUNDED PROGRAMS For more than 30 years, the South Bay Workforce English skill levels and set up on-site training. Since Investment Board (SBWIB) has administered employment September, the affected employees have been attending and training programs for LA County’s South Bay Area. Business English classes three days a week with several of those individuals now being considered for promotions. Within the 11 cities serviced (Carson, El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Recruitment assistance, pre-screening of applicants, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Lomita On-The-Job training and Transitional Subsidized and Torrance), the SBWIB accomplishes its goals Employment (TSE) are other programs available to local through partnerships with local committees handling companies and small businesses. business and economic development, One-Stop locations, performance and evaluation, as well as a The SBWIB also prepares youth for entry into the Youth Development Council. workforce by emphasizing education and services that promote relevant workplace skills and experiences Through workforce investment funds, the SBWIB offers leading to industry-recognized credentials and career dislocated workers with free training programs and pathway employment, including apprenticeships. Special job-searching resources. Job-searching equipment, emphasis is aimed at the reengagement of disconnected as well as seminars, workshops and job placement youth through intervention and prevention services. assistance are available at the four One-Stop Business & Career Centers (Gardena, Inglewood, Carson and The SBWIB is one of the highest performing Workforce Torrance – effective 7/14/15). Investment Boards (WIB) in the state and is often recognized by the California Workforce Investment The SBWIB assists businesses through an innovative Board (CWIB) for its achievements. Rapid Response Program geared towards layoff aversion. Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Carson facility Continuous collaborations with business, economic is a recent success story. An initial meeting revealed that development, education, government, labor and nearly 60 employees lacked sufficient English skills and community organizations, helps the SBWIB provide a were facing potential layoff. A layoff aversion plan was dynamic, efficient and effective workforce development formulated that resulted in the SBWIB approaching system, ensuring a skilled workforce and vibrant a local adult school partner to assess the employees’ economy in the South Bay Area. For more information please call: 310-970-7700.
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