Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - July 9, 2015 Environmental Charter High Sends First Senior to Harvard “Low ego. High impact.” Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of #BlackLivesMatter and Dignity and Power Now, left the graduating seniors of Environmental Charter High School with these stirring words as she wrapped up her keynote speech during their June 15 ceremonies, held at El Camino College. Of the 109 graduates, 96% of them were accepted to four-year colleges or universities all across the US. Valedictorian Vinh Tran (right), of Lawndale, is the first ECHS grad heading to Harvard College. Salutatorian Miranda Hurtado, also of Lawndale, is one of two ECHS grads going to UC Berkeley in the fall. Other students will be attending the other UCs, Middlebury, University of Wisconsin, and Bryn Mawr. Photo by Fotorama Studios. City Council Decides Important Issues, Hears Fireworks Complaints By Nancy Peters vendor and each one’s handling of issues to be fireworks; use of backyards for igniting of illegal Lawndale City Council met Monday, July 6 presented to the City Council. fireworks, preventing Sheriff’s Deputies entry to with a full agenda for the first meeting in the The disposal of surplus property, the 2010 inspect the contraband; illegal fireworks being new fiscal year, which began on July 1. Issues Wattco Speed Trailer, was approved for auction. mixed in with the Safe and Sane fireworks, before the Council, meeting minus Mayor The Draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and igniting the illegal fireworks one at a time Pro-Tem Larry Rudolph, included approval or the Reduction/Elimination of Risk to Life, in the mixing in, thus preventing detection by supporting opposition to State Assembly Bill Property, and the Environment from Natural the deputies. It was explained the city funded AB 718, sleeping in parked vehicles; extension and Man-made Hazards, presented by staff, two additional Sheriff’s Department cars for of the current term and members of the Youth required consideration by the City Council each of the four city zones, from 6 p.m. to 2 Advisory Committee until September 1, 2016; and input prior to submission to the State for a.m. (July 4 / July 5) for a total of 13 Sheriff’s and appointment of Charmaine Doty to the approval. The City Council voted unanimously Deputies on duty on the streets of the city. More Beautification Committee, as well as reducing to approve the plan and presentation to the than 20 citations were issued to residents who the number of members to seven from the State for approval. violated city code for use of illegal fireworks. current 10 members. A planned Ordinance Amendment to the All confiscated fireworks were handed over Discussion ensued concerning a new vendor Municipal Code regarding Recovery of Costs to the Los Angeles County Fire Department contractor for the management of the Storm for Law Enforcement and Removal of Graffiti for disposal. Additional personnel needs were Water Management for Protection of Water was introduced. The City Council suggested a partially paid by a grant from JAG funds, which Quality. The approval was postponed until change to the wording in Section 6 – 9.14.150. must be designated to public safety matters. a future meeting when a full Council would The words “is the same as the property owner” Residents voiced their concerns over the be in attendance. However, Council member will be added to the first, introductory paragraph belief that fireworks should be banned in totality James Osborne stated he was not in favor of of this section and wording will read “…the from the city and that monies expended for the changing the contract vendor from the current property of the graffiti perpetrator, or if the extra public safety protection were insufficient one, TECS Environmental, because TECS and perpetrator is the same as the property owner…”. and more protection is needed. The fireworks their representative is familiar with Lawndale’s Staff will make the revision prior to the final safety program of the city of Hermosa Beach stand on the Clean Water Act and the National approval of the ordinance amendment at the was cited as an example. Mayor Robert Pollutant Discharge Elimination System next Council meeting. Pullen-Miles requested that a copy of that (NPDES) program. The staff recommendation Staff noted the original grant from AQMD city’s program be obtained for perusal and is for CASC Engineering & Consulting to be for the purchase of a new backhoe and the to see if further measures can be adopted for awarded the contract. The proposed vendor dismantling of the old backhoe was jeopardized future July 4th protection of the residents from representative in attendance stated that their and not granted due to fine print that stated the illegal fireworks and the residents who insist on approach is more conservative. The city, having equipment must be dismantled and not sent to bringing these into the city. One resident voiced only one effected storm drain system, does auction. The auction resulted in the backhoe her support for the program instituted by the not require a more proactive approach. The by a third party and could not be retrieved or city of Lawndale and the Sheriff’s Department, current vendor deemed by some to be radical dismantled. The full cost of the new backhoe thanking all for their action and protection on in their approach could result in fines for the ($45,000) was re-appropriated for the capital the July 4th weekend, telling those who do not city and thus the recommendation for a new outlay from savings in the fiscal year ended like living in the city or what the city does to vendor. CASC’s representative stated the city is June 30, 2015, since the grant would not pay for just move somewhere else. required to meet minimum standards and it is the new equipment. The Council unanimously The City Council instructed staff to prepare an the job of the vendor manager to protect the city approved the request for the re-appropriation ordinance amendment to change the allowable from fines, without being part of enforcement of funds, with reluctance. time of Safe and Sane fireworks to be from 12 actions of larger cities with more storm drains The Public Safety report summarized the July Noon to 12 Midnight on July 4th beginning to manage. The approval of any vendor is 4th Fireworks Enforcement Issues. The issues in 2016. deferred. A request was made for a compare included uncooperative residents and visitors; The next meeting of the Lawndale City Council and contrast between the current and proposed resident complaints about illegal use of illegal will be held on Monday, July 20 at 6:30 p.m. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............3 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................4 Hawthorne Happenings....2 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................3 Police Reports.....................2 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 70˚/63˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 72˚/63˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 75˚/64˚
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