July 16, 2015 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Historic Tour of Hawthorne – This Friday The Hawthorne Historical Society will be conducting a tour of historic sites in Hawthorne this Friday starting at 3 p.m. Hall of Fame Banquet ticket holders will be allowed to go on the tour for free. Others will be charged $10. The tour will last approximately 2 hours. Some trivia that you may visit on the tour will include: The church where Sonny Bono was married, New Hampshire Street where Miss Monroe was a foster child, a swivel arm that is well known amongst train fanatics, the site of a hotel where the ‘black widow” airplane got its name, site of the first Hawthorne city council chambers, and the birthplace of the most popular, American band of the past half century. These and many other interesting places will be part of this first ever tour. If you would like to join us, please contact me at 310-292-6714. Hall of Fame Banquet – Friday The second annual Hawthorne Historical Hall of Fame Banquet will be held on Friday, July 17 starting with a social hour at 6 p.m. This year the banquet will be over at the Memorial Center’s Venus Room. Tickets are $30 per person and can be obtained by emailing hawthornehistorical@gmail.com or in person at the Hawthorne Museum. The 2015 Hall of Fame inductees include: The Hawthorne Beach Boys, Reese Walton, Jim Thorpe, Carl Boenish, and Seers Lumber. Good Neighbors Day – this Saturday Our 5th Annual Good Neighbors Day will be held THIS Saturday, July 18th in front of City Hall on 126th Street from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The activities include a car show, three great bands performing on stage, vendors from a variety of organizations, and some food and games. If you would like to be a vendor, please email me and we will include you. The cost of being a vendor is $25. The same fee is charged for a car show entry. Filing Period Begins The filing period for citizens wishing to run for city council or mayor is now open. It will continue until August 7th. The city clerk’s office is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please allow at least 30 minutes to have our staff time to explain the procedures of becoming a candidate. There is no fee to submit an election filing. However, if you wish to submit a statement to have printed in the voters guide, the fee is $1,000 for English and $1,000 for Spanish. These fees are optional and are not required. World Special Olympics Thanks to the generosity of Hawthorne businesses, the cost of being a host city for the upcoming World Special Olympics has been mostly covered. We will host 100 special athletes from two different countries, 50 athletes from Nigeria and 50 athletes from Estonia. They will be staying in our local hotels, being treated to special dinners, working out at local venues and participating in some events while they are here July 20 thru 26th. It’s great the city of Hawthorne has stepped forward to help out such a worthy cause. ContacT Email me: norbhuber@gmail.com. • Police Reports Mon 6/29/15 to Sun7/4/15 ROBBERY 3900 W EL SEGUNDO BL FAST FOOD STORE Wed 07/01/15 09:10 Property Taken: $15.00 (Approximately) ROBBERY 2700 W 120TH ST GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Wed 07/01/15 11:19 Property Taken: 2 Bottles Of Buchanan’s Scotch, Bottle Of Ciroc Vodka ROBBERY 5200 W ROSECRANS AV SHOPPING CENTER Wed 07/01/15 18:24 Property Taken: (1)Gld Color Iphone6 16gb (424)675-1617, (1)Blk Samsung Galaxymega2 (310)869-6783, (1)Blk Samsung Galaxy Note4 (424)675-1934 ROBBERY 14400 S INGLEWOOD AV GROCERY, SUPERMARKET Thu 07/02/15 19:20 ROBBERY 4000 W 130TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 07/04/15 18:44 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12600 S KORNBLUM AV APARTMENT/CONDO Mon 06/29/15 14:00 Property Taken: Misc BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 14400 ARBOR LN GARAGE ATTACHED Mon 06/29/15 17:30 Property Taken: Se Royal Roadbike,Charcoal Gray W/Yellow Handlebar BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 13900 S CRENSHAW BL AUTO REPAIR COMPANY Tue 06/30/15 08:49 Property Taken: (2) Gray Surveillance Cameras BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 5200 W EL SEGUNDO BL PARKING LOT, GARAGE, PAID Wed 07/01/15 10:42 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 12300 S GALE AV APARTMENT/CONDO Wed 07/01/15 23:30 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4000 W 142ND ST APARTMENT/CONDO Thu 07/02/15 18:53 BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 13900 S PRAIRIE AV CONCESSION STAND Fri 07/03/15 04:46 Property Taken: Misc Amount Of Candy, White Spray Paint $3.75 Each, $1 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 13900 S DOTY AV APARTMENT/CONDO Fri 07/03/15 20:17 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 3700 W IMPERIAL HY HOUSE Sat 07/04/15 05:57 Property Taken: Blk Andriod Cell Phone BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 15000 S FONTHILL AV HOUSE Sat 07/04/15 21:35 Property Taken: Black Iphone 5s With Gold Case, Sil/Blk Canon Eos Rebel Dslr Dig. Camera, Call Of Duty Xbox 360, Blk/ Whi Jordan “12” Tennis Shoes Size 10 • Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated” - maya angelou 15-2536ps_sby-ie-15-014 ©2015 lacmta Metro Rail is Turning 25! Thank you, LA County, for 25 years of Metro Rail! With your support, we’ve expanded Metro Rail from one line to six lines that now span 87 miles across the region… and we’re not done yet. Learn more and >nd out about the festivities and free events at metro.net/25. Gold Line and Expo Line Testing Continues Metro Rail's Gold Line and Expo Line extensions are one step closer to opening as train testing continues. The Expo Line Phase II Project will extend Expo Line service from Culver City to Santa Monica and the Foothill Extension Project will extend Gold Line service from Pasadena to Azusa. Each extension is scheduled to open in 2016. Learn more at metro.net. VetsGo511: Helping You Find the Resources You Need Use VetsGo511, the one-stop source for veterans and others in the military community, to >nd reliable resources for housing, education, healthcare, employment and more. You’ll also >nd a calendar of events to connect you with your community, and a trip planner to get you there. To learn more, visit vetsgo511.com. See something? Say something. Almost one million people are victims of human tra;cking each year. Many of them are right here in LA County. If you have reason to believe someone might be a victim of human tra;cking, don’t be silent – report it. Call 888.950.SAFE. To learn more, visit metro.net/dontbesilent. metro.net @metrolosangeles losangelesmetro Room for Rent Clean, furnished or unfurnished, one room, but access to whole house, locked door. 346 Virginia, El Segundo, Apt. 1, $795.00. 310-641- 2148 or 310-365-1481. Room for Rent South Torrance Walteria House Room for Rent $900 + Utilities 1/2 Block from De Portola Park All new kitchen and bathroom appliances w/ new carpet, floors and windows. Washer & Dryer too. Two bedroom home w/ large private back yard. 3108 Winlock Dr. Currently available as of July. Call - (310) 517-9677. Yard Sale 632 Sheldon St. Saturday and Sunday 7am-1pm. Household items, clothing, books, miscellaneous knick-knacks. Garage Sale MOVING SALE- Everything goes. 527 Sheldon Street back alley. 8:30 AM July 19th- Sunday 310-322-2449. Garage Sale 758 Lomita St. ES. SAT. 7/18 8:00am-1:00pm. Something for everyone: clothing, toys, collectables, books + more. NO EARLY BIRDS! Help Wanted Specialty Doors hiring full time apprentice for Door Technician position. Must pass background + drug tests and have mechanical skills. Benefits include, 401K, Healthins, vacation- call 310-223-3933. House for Rent 3 B D / 2 B A E l S e g u n d o Recent Full House Custom Remodel. Prime Locat i o n : walk to beach, dwn twn and schools. Parking and Storage. $4,900/mth Call 310-489-2855. House for Rent Large 2BD2BA house 1600 sqft. Family room and living, granite kitchen, two car garage hookups, gardener/water. No pets. $3400/mo. 310-322-6090. Apartment For Rent 2BD/2BA. Large Apt. In ES quiet gated building. W/swimming pool, laundry facility, pond w/ water fall $1800/mo. No pets. Call Mike at (310) 322-7166. Employment NUTRITIONIST Develop & evaluate meal plans. Change plans as needed. Keep up with the nutritional science research. BS in Food Science Req d. F/T. Resume to HR at Ito Inc. dba Kikka, 431 S. Isis Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301. Employment Display Ad Sales Position. We need an experienced Display Ad Salesperson for Herald Publica tions. You would be hired and considered an Independent Contractor. Territories include Torrance, El Segundo and Hawthorne. Full or part-time positions are available. 20% commission on all sales. If interested please email your resume to management@heraldpublications. com. No phone calls please. To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday.
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