Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - October 8, 2015 ESD Students Participate in Fit Clinic Focused on building healthier communities, the D-Fenders and Kaiser Permanente hosted a NBA D-League FIT clinic at Will Rogers MS. Students worked on basketball drills with D-Fenders coach and players who encouraged fans of all ages to be active, eat healthy and play together. For more on wellness at Lawndale Elementary School District, visit Photo courtesy of Lawndale ESD. Lawndale City Council Approves Cancellation of December 21 Meeting By Nancy Peters 21 meeting involving the proliferation of Even though it is not yet Hallowe’en, thoughts homeless on the streets of Lawndale, especially of the December holidays took up one agenda near and in strip mall areas, the Los Angeles item at Monday’s regular City Council meeting County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) conducted when City Manager Stephen Mandoki requested an abatement of homeless encampments in consideration to cancel the regular City Council two different areas of the city on September meeting of Monday, December 21, 2015 since it is 23. Supporting personnel from the Lawndale the week in which Christmas Eve and Christmas Public Works Department worked with the Day will be observed. The City Council voted Sheriff’s Department to clean up debris left unanimously to cancel the meeting of Monday, behind under the 405 Freeway overpass at December 21, with the understanding a special Hawthorne Boulevard. The homeless were all meeting for a topic that may need a decision counseled by the LASD Mental Evaluation prior to the next meeting on January 4, 2016, Team and, where it was determined criteria will be scheduled. was met, several of the homeless were taken to An ordinance amendment, introduced at the shelters or other facilities for care. On Tuesday, meeting on September 21, was approved as part October 6, the Los Angeles County Board of of the consent calendar, which prohibits parking Supervisors will be considering funding for a vehicle on a public street for the sole purpose the Persons Assisting The Homeless (PATH) of displaying signage on the vehicle. A vehicle program throughout the county to coordinate may display a removable sign when parked and target outreach in the South Bay, with a in a parking lot. There are a few exceptions goal of connecting homeless persons living to the new ordinance: if the vehicle is parked on the streets and in encampments to interim within 500 feet of the residence of the owner residential options and permanent housing and of the vehicle and if the vehicle is parked in by providing supportive services. a space on a commercial street for less than With the observance and reporting by a citizen four hours. Otherwise, the vehicle will be of all the littering around commercial properties ticketed. The towing portion of the original and on the streets of Lawndale, but especially ordinance is deleted in its entirety. Signage that near bus stops, the Sheriff’s Department will is permanently painted on a vehicle or that is consider conducting a “Littering Sting” around wrapped on a vehicle are not subject to this the city to help with apprehending and fining prohibition. Bumper stickers are also exempt. violators of no littering laws. It was reported An example of the prohibited signage would that the bulk items continually left on Rosecrans be a “For Sale” sign on a parked vehicle on Avenue near Kingsdale Avenue were removed a public street. by the Public Works Department. Citizens who Although the City Council approved see bulky, large items left on curbs should report attendance by Councilman Pat Kearney at their findings to the Public Works Department the League of California Cities’ Convention to keep the streets free of this type of litter. in San Jose on September 30 to October 2, The City Council approved the submittal of the councilman did not make the trip, saving an application and agreement with the Lawndale the $1,600 allocated by the City Council. The Elementary School District for use of the decision not to be send Kearney was made as facilities of the Diane Bollinger Gymnasium no topics that were to be part of any referenda on the campus of Will Rogers Middle School at the convention involved issues affecting for the time period of January 1 to December Lawndale. 31, 2016 in lieu of any renewal of a long-term As a result of the complaints at the September facility use agreement. The cost of the facility use agreement is in the 2015-2016 budget in the amount of $21,000 through June 2016. Any additional cost will be included in the 2016-2017 budgeting. A street improvement project at Grevillea Avenue (145th Street to Marine Avenue) and Avis Avenue (147th Street to Marine Avenue) was approved in the amount of $547,067.20 with Kalban, Inc. Construction is scheduled to begin in November 2015 and conclude by the end of December 2015. The City Council and City Agency agendas will be combined and each city agency will meet concurrently during a City Council meeting as a result of the approved resolution at this meeting. This resolution amends the procedures of each public agency within the city of Lawndale, such as Housing Authority, for any public meeting held for that agency to adopt the new procedure and be part of a City Council meeting agenda, assuming all normal agenda topics: roll call of members, oral communications, adoption of consent calendar agenda items by title only, and any topics and reports of agency members reporting, as necessary. The City Manager reported that the paperwork from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is approved and the actual written paperwork must be received, per procedures required by the city and the county, in order to transfer the obligation of funds to be used for the transfer of the modular building adjacent to the County Library building in the Civic Center. The next City Council meeting is Monday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............3 Film Review..........................2 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 79˚/66˚ Saturday Sunny 77˚/64˚ Sunday Sunny 70˚/63˚ CORRECTION In the photo of the Hogan Park Grand Opening from September 17, 2015, City Clerk Bernadette Suarez was pictured and not mentioned in the caption. We apologize for this oversight.
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