Lawndale Tribune
AND lAwNDAle News
The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale
Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - October 19, 2017
Rice Auditorium Ribbon-Cutting
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Rice Auditorium at Leuzinger High School took place on October 10. Pictured are Lawndale Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles, Centinela Valley Union High School District
Board of Education Clerk Rocio Pizano, Board Vice President Hugo Rojas, Board President Gloria Ramos, Leuzinger Principal Pam Brown, Board Member Marisela Ruiz, and District Superintendent Dr.
Gregory O’Brien. Photo Courtesy of Centinela Valley Center of the Arts
Lawndale to Restrict RV Parking
By Haleemon Anderson
The City of Lawndale will join other
neighboring South Bay municipalities in
the trend to discourage recreational vehicle
parking in residential areas, it was decided at
Monday’s meeting of the City Council. The
Council voted unanimously, with member
Jim Osbourne absent, to begin the process
to establish fees and restrict the parking of
RVs and other such camping vehicles and
motor homes.
In what has been described as a
“proliferation” of these large vehicles, Council
members and residents alike registered
complaints at previous meetings. Staff received
direction to bring changes to City ordinances
to help curtail the problem, which is said to
be exacerbated by the regional homelessness
crisis. Torrance and Redondo Beach are among
cities that have restricted or banned parking
on residential streets.
Municipal Services Director Debbie Holland
presented a newly-minted resolution and
ordinance that will restrict parking to vehicles
with permits. If adopted, a small fee will be
required for a seven-day guest permit, which
must be obtained by a resident. Residents are
restricted to two permits per year, and any
vehicle is restricted to two permits per year.
Public hearing was opened on the matter
and comments were brief. Randall Abrams
said parking is the single biggest issue that
is regularly brought to Lawndale’s planning
committee. “Any move to restrict parking is
a move in the right direction,” he said, and
asked if there will be restrictions on occupants
sleeping in the vehicles.
Holland explained that while there is a
restriction on electrical lines and other hookups,
there is no plan to monitor or prevent
occupancy while parked.
In other action, the Council gave the go-ahead
on upgrading City Hall heating, ventilation and
air conditioning systems, awarding a $310,000
contract to Pardess Air, Inc. The Council
also voted to retain the published meeting
schedule throughout the holiday season, with
the exception of cancelling the November 20
session and moving the first meeting of the
new year to Tuesday, January 2, 2018.
During the public safety report, Captain April
Tardy detailed Halloween safety precautions
recommended by the Sheriff’s Department.
Parents should accompany school-aged children
and keep cell phones nearby, said Tardy.
Motorists are asked to drive slowly through
residential areas. Trick-or-treaters should travel
in groups and avoid alleys.
In public comments, Johnny Castro reported
a potential safety concern, saying that a
section of sidewalk at Kingsdale near 145th
Street has lifted four or five inches. “It’s an
accident waiting to happen,” said Castro,
who has observed children and seniors using
walkers, trying to navigate the deep cracks in
the pavement. Castro said at least four concrete
slabs are out of alignment.
Councilmember Pat Kearney presented an
enlarged photo of the sidewalk at Kingsdale
and said the matter was being referred to
Public Works immediately. Councilmember
Bernadette Suarez also stressed the importance
of staff taking care of the sidewalk obstruction.
Resident Pam London asked that residents be
mindful that parking pads are not walkways and
not for doing laundry. She suggested residents
are misinterpreting City codes. Randall Abrams
questioned if the City has plans in place for
fire safety with the recent breakout of major
events locally and throughout the state.
Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles reported he will
meet with the City Manager and leaders of
other local organizations to discuss starting
a business improvement district. “This is a
tool to increase economic development,” he
said. The City will look at ways to maximize
patronage to local businesses, with two NFL
teams and the LA Clippers potentially coming
to the region, along with Los Angeles hosting
the Olympic Games in 2024.
Jose Parra, librarian, announced several
upcoming programs, including bilingual reading
this Saturday, computer classes for adults on
October 25, and a flu shot clinic on Thursday,
October 26.
Mayor Pro Tem Daniel Reid announced that
flags for the Veterans Day Field of Honor are
on sale at City Hall and on the City’s website.
The field will be installed on the City Hall
lawn November 10 and remain on display
through November 12. Kearney announced
the annual Halloween Haunt on October 31,
from 4-8 p.m. at the City Hall Plaza.
The Lawndale City Council meets the first
and third Monday of every month, unless
otherwise noted. The next regular Council
meeting is on November 6, at 6:30 p.m., in
the Lawndale City Hall Council Chambers. •
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