The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 5, No. 18 - April 30, 2015 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.....................10 Classifieds............................4 Crossword/Sudoku.............4 Film Review..........................3 Food.......................................7 Legals....................................9 Police Reports.....................3 Real Estate.........................12 Sports.................................6,8 TerriAnn in Torrance..........5 Weekend Forecast Relay for Life Fights Cancer in Torrance With Lots of Love Sarah Simmons, Donna Grace, Jennifer Fisher, and John Schmidt joined fellow cancer survivors for the Survivor’s Lap during the 13th annual Relay For Life of Torrance, a fundraiser hosted at South High School on April 25 in partnership with the American Cancer Society. Fisher was this year’s survivor speaker and shared her journey in twice overcoming cancer. For more photos, see page 2. Photo by Cristian Vasquez. Friday Partly Cloudy 74˚/58˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 69˚/56˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 68˚/55˚ Council Approves Citywide Sidewalk and Grinding Program By Cristian Vasquez Through the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the Torrance City Council approved an agreement with Martinez Concrete, Community Gathers For 13th Annual Relay For Life By Cristian Vasquez The weather was cold at times but the atmosphere was warm and full of energy during the 13th Annual Relay for Life of Torrance this past weekend at South High School. Like the hundreds of other relays taking place across the country, Torrance’s relay was set into motion with everyone in attendance learning of a cancer survivor’s journey in overcoming the deadly disease. This year’s speaker, Jennifer Fisher, shared her experience battling breast cancer which took her through two reconstructive surgeries, radiation treatment and the daily oral medications which were just part of her recovery process. The Relay was the first time that Fisher told shared her story. “I am not sure why,” Fisher said. “Because a very kind lady named Lavona asked. I have never shared it and I am so glad I did. I had many drafts; I guess the one that I shared [is] mostly how I feel right now.” Organizers of the event worked diligently to bring together the teams dedicated to raising funds to conduct cancer research, the volunteers to run the event and the survivors to honor and learn from during the 24-hour relay. For this year’s event lead Sheri Slover, losing her grandmother to radiation poising due to her cancer treatment was one of the reasons she decided to Inc. of Azusa for the construction of the Citywide Sidewalk Ramping and Grinding Program. The agreement is in the amount of $345,192 with a 5 percent contingency fund in the amount of $17,259. The I-152 program, the Citywide Sidewalk Ramping and Grinding Program, was created and adopted as part of the city’s capital budget as a multi-year program dedicated to having systematic inspections and temporary repairs of city sidewalks. The program requires that repairs be conducted on sidewalks damaged or displaced by tree roots or expansive soil. “Work under this program is temporary until other capital improvement projects or city maintenance crews can accomplish permanent sidewalk repair,” indicated the staff report presented to the council. “The project specifications require the contractor to repair vertical displacements and submit detailed records on City data forms.” In addition, the staff report identified vertical displacements as any damages that are between 3/8 and 1-1/2 inches off the ground. Any vertical displacements greater than an inch-and-a-half that are “ramped with black asphalt, and coated in grey concrete for color matching” will be addressed. Only sidewalks in localized areas that are beyond ramping and grinding will be replaced permanently, with trees being removed, if necessary. Since the creation of the Citywide Sidewalk Ramping and Grinding Program, throughout the entire city there has been a big drop in the number of incidents involving the tripping and falling of pedestrians. Martinez Concrete, Inc. was the lowest, responsible bidder of the seven bids received by the city. The other six bids received were from: Ruiz Concrete & Paving, Inc. with a bid of $348,207.50; Vido Samarzich, Inc. submitted a bid at $378,050; Unique Performance Construction, Inc. had a bid at $397,470; Hardy & Harper, Inc. submitted a bid at$432,000; Global Power Group submitted a bid at $439,825; and All American Asphalt with a bid of $446,975. Martinez Concrete, Inc. is not new to the City of Torrance as it has recently completed work at Torrance Park and will now be responsible for this program, scheduled to take place throughout the next 12 months. Council Appropriates Donation Monies from Friends of Torrance Library For Various Adult Programs In a unanimous 6-0 vote [Councilman Gene Barnett was absent], the Torrance City Council approved a recommendation of the Community Services Director that the city accept and See City Council, page 10 See Relay For Life, page 10
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