Page 10 May 28, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Torrance Library from front page Police from page 3 Battery-Simple 5/11/2015 11:10 PM 1400 BLOCK COTA AVE Suspect scratches victim’s arm and cheek Theft 5/11/2015 2:19 PM 23700 BLOCK WESTERN AVE Suspect(s) takes property from carport/ bicycles Vandalism 5/11/2015 2:01 PM 1900 BLOCK CARSON ST Suspect(s) damages business window with a pellet gun Burglary-Auto 5/12/2015 6:00:00 AM 16400 BLOCK WILTON PL Suspect(s) pries door handle for entry and takes property/stereo Theft 5/11/2015 1:07 PM 20900 BLOCK HAWTHORNE BLVD Suspect(s) takes victim’s vehicle’s catalytic converter Auto Theft 5/11/2015 11:21 AM 4700 BLOCK TORRANCE BLVD Stolen vehicle: ‘15 GMC van Theft 5/11/2015 10:15 AM 1900 BLOCK CARSON ST Suspect takes vehicle without paying for services completed on it by victim Burglary-Residential 5/11/2015 9:45 AM 17000 BLOCK CRENSHAW BLVD Suspect enters open second floor patio door as victim sleeps, flees without taking any property when victim observes him Auto Theft 5/11/2015 9:13 AM 2000 BLOCK 162ND ST Stolen vehicle: ‘93 Honda Civic Theft 5/11/2015 4:30:00 PM 3500 BLOCK CARSON ST Suspect(s) takes victim’s vehicle’s catalytic converter Battery-Simple 5/11/2015 12:55:46 AM 22500 BLOCK HAWTHORNE BLVD Suspect challenges security guards to fight, swings his fist, missing them Burglary-Commercial 5/11/2015 7:00:00 PM 23300 BLOCK ARLINGTON AVE Suspect(s) smashes window for entry, ransacks/ unknown loss at time of report Burglary-Auto 5/10/2015 7:59:40 PM 2800 BLOCK KNODE ST Suspect(s) enters unlocked vehicle and takes property/purse Theft 5/10/2015 4:55:00 PM 3900 BLOCK REDONDO BEACH BLVD Suspect asks to borrow victim’s property and flees with same/ cell phone Burglary-Residential 5/10/2015 9:30:00 PM 3100 BLOCK 179TH ST Suspect(s) pries off window screen, enters unlocked window, ransacks and takes property/ jewelry, electronics • Every day, the library’s delivery van is on city streets for an average of five hours and 20 miles each day, for an estimated 5,200 miles a year. During its daily deliveries Matsumoto and the delivery van pass many of the city’s busy intersections, schools and shopping centers. The old delivery van was plain white and simply displayed the City of Torrance logo. However, with the new professional, informative, and visually appealing vehicle wrap the library is able to promote itself while simply conducting its daily operations. Aside from the images on the new van drawing attention to the library, the new delivery van has the City of Torrance logo and the web address, which helps visitors learn more about the variety of services made available through the city’s library. “People always ask me why we have someone playing the violin on the side of the van,” Vinke said. “Well we have musical scores, CDs and a lot of music-based programing so we wanted to be able to instill in the van that the library is more than a quiet place.” The library worked with Dogs of Design Studios, the same company that designed the City’s Centennial Webpage, to create a conceptual design for a vehicle wrap. They were also an integral component of the design is a webpage [], which will redirect people to the Library’s homepage. The second phase started when the design was determined but the staff needed the vehicle concrete wrap process to begin. After approaching several vendors via a Request For Quotation [RFQ]Need for A Driveway Lindahl a provider it or at the Patio? lowest cost, the library found Decals By Design. “Decals By Concrete,Design Inc. took the van over a weekend Specializing in all Residential Concrete WWW.LINDAHLCONCRETE.and delivered,” Vinke COM said. “It had taken so long Call For that Estimate when it was finally done, people were 310-blown 326-6626 away. It stands out in a positive way and Lic#531387 now that it is done, staff is starting to think of things that we can do as concrete American Dream Concrete FREE ESTIMATE Block Wall, Driveways, Pavers, etc. Like Us 424-240-0172 on Facebook far as outreach.” One idea is to visit the farmers market so that people can have a bit more exposure to the library. The wrap on the new delivery van is expected to last up to five years and at that point the library can decide to reprint, rewrap or create a different concept. “I do have to thank everyone involved such as Max Parker at Dogs Of Design Studios, Decals by Design and the staff here were integral in conducting the research to do this,” Vinke said. “Now everywhere we go this is very positive promotion and advertising for us and that is what I wanted it to do. “One of the things that libraries are really interested in is to reach people who for whatever reason do not use the library anymore. I know that for better or worse, people are stuck in traffic and people who are stuck in traffic could be listening to one of our audio books, or CDs, or taking home movies,” Vinke said. “It is the perfect way to remind them that we are still there for everyone in the community to utilize.” For Matsumoto, who will drive the van everyday like he has for years now, the new delivery van not only looks great but it allows him to better carry out hiss daily duties. “The height is much greater and you can stand in it. It is just a few inches wider and a few inches longer but we do have a lot more cargo room,” Matsumoto said. “Some of this stuff was ready made and other things were custom made. We changed to these blue crates, which carry more; before that we used to have canvass bags. It was quite a problem to load.” “Hopefully it is a positive experience for people to say, ‘I should stop at the library today,’” Vinke said. “We are very fortunate this particular model became available for us and we thank the police department for letting us swap. Without that we would have been hard pressed to find a similar van.” • City Council from front page painting Quality Control Board [LARWQCB] instructed Madrona Car TKO Wash,PAINTING Inc. to install a CO.monitoring INC. Knocking Out The Competition well in order to monitor for the possibility of hydrocarbon migration contamination, which may have migrated from the site. Madrona Car Wash, Inc. requested to install one groundwater-monitoring well that #833537 Satisfaction Guaranteed Great Competitive Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Call Troy at 310-663-1672 is to be located in the public right-of-way. Since LARWQCB directed that the “potential plume migration northeast of the site must be monitored,” the well will be installed along the east side 24 of Madrona Avenue, 200 feet Hour north of Sepulveda Service Boulevard. The agreement Since 1990 exempts • Lic # 770059 the • C-city 42 C-from 36 C-34 all C20 and A any financial or legal “encumbrances associated with the construction, operation, and relocation” painting The staff report also indicates that when an agency seeks reimbursement for personnel for more than the hours that were actually worked during a specific incident will be required to file and MOU or GBR with Cal OES that must specify how it is that personnel is to be compensated. The City of Torrance compensates its personnel on a portal-to-portal basis. City Approves License Agreement For Groundwater Monitoring Well Based on the recommendation of the Community PAINTERS PLUS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY Development Director, the city council 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES approved a license agreement with Madrona Car Wash, Inc. located at 3405 FOR OVER Sepulveda 20 YEARS Blvd. for one groundwater-monitoring well. The approval will not require funding from the city. The Los Angeles Regional Water CALL DON 310-798-0450 LIC # 726089 Lic # 963656 design & construction TOTAL CONCEPT DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CCL#: 522719 Complete Renovations Outdoor Living Areas Stone Patios, Fireplaces, BBQ’s, Waterfalls & Spas, Water Wise Softscapes handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 CA ST LIS# 786081 / Bonded & Insured 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years FREE ESTIMATES of actions required based on the results of test data that was obtained from the well. • plumbing Phone/Text 310.738.7094 electric Wise Electric Contracting Service Commercial/Industrial/Residential License No: 785853 Serving El Segundo since 1945 Keith R. Wise Owner/Operator Phone: 310-529-5271 Fax: 310-615-0063 flooring KIRK FLOORING (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo handyman carpet vinyl wood TOUCHSTONE Visit us online: PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request 310-517-9677 handyman Bob Boice Quality Work Since 1966 Home Repairs Carpentry/Painting - Ceramic Tile/Masonry Repairs - Most Other Repairs and Improvements - Small Jobs O.K.! - Please no plumbing calls. C e r t i f i e d a n d L i c e n s e d P r o f e s s i o n a l s painting PAINTERS PLUS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES FOR OVER 20 YEARS CALL DON 310-798-0450 LIC # 726089 painting 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured CA LIC. #980971 plumbing 24 Hour Service Since 1990 • Lic # 770059 • C-42 C-36 C-34 C20 A Full Service Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Sewer Video Inspection • Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 Website: Call: 310-371-3368 Specializing in all Residential Concrete WWW.LINDAHLCONCRETE.COM Call For Estimate American Dream Concrete Block Wall, Driveways, Pavers, etc. 424-240-0172 design & construction TOTAL CONCEPT DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CCL#: 522719 Complete Renovations Outdoor Living Areas Stone Patios, Fireplaces, BBQ’s, Waterfalls & Spas, Water Wise Softscapes Website: Call: 310-371-3368 310-316-3435 Lic#817498 B.H.I.C. BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 CA ST LIS# 786081 / Bonded & Insured 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years FREE ESTIMATES painting TKO PAINTING CO. INC. Knocking Out The Competition #833537 Satisfaction Guaranteed Great Competitive Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Call Troy at 310-663-1672 handyman plumbing Phone/Text 310.738.7094 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured CA LIC. #980971 concrete Need A Driveway or Patio? Lindahl Concrete, Inc. 310-326-6626 Lic#531387 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay Serving El Segundo since 1945 Keith R. Wise Owner/Operator flooring handyman TOUCHSTONE PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request 310-517-9677 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay handyman Bob Boice Quality Work Since 1966 Home Repairs Carpentry/Painting - Ceramic Tile/Masonry Repairs - Most Other Repairs and Improvements - Small Jobs O.K.! - Please no plumbing calls. 310-316-3435 Lic#817498 B.H.I.C. electric Wise Electric Contracting Service Commercial/Industrial/Residential License No: 785853 Phone: 310-529-5271 Fax: 310-615-0063 concrete FREE ESTIMATE Lic # 963656 KIRK FLOORING carpet vinyl wood (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo painting plumbing Full Service Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Sewer Video Inspection • Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 OVER 40 THOUSAND PAPERS DELIVERED WITHIN MILES OF YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS.
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