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Page 12 May 28, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Move to a World of Color with these Easy Tips Roger Hart 310-781-2000 BRE# 00625505 2420 W. Carson St. #120 Torrance, CA 90501 to Find Your Color Inspiration ROGER’S RECENT ACTIVITY: 9 Aurora Drive Rolling Hills Estates PENDING 4246 Newton Street, Torrance 90505 - Listing 5736 Jeanette Ave, La Mesa 91943 - Selling 2362 W 233rd Street, Torrance 90501 - Listing CLOSED/SOLD 1511 W 219th Street, Torrance 90501 - Listing 2267 Carson Street B, Torrance 90501 - Listing 911 Cerise Avenue, Torrance 90504 - Selling 9 Aurora Drive, Rolling Hills Estates 90274 - Listing 3407 W 172nd Street, Torrance 90504 - Listing 4246 Newton Street, Torrance 2267 Carson St. B Torrance (BPT) - Color can be transformative. It has the power to evoke emotion, alter your mood and stimulate one-of-a kind creativity. The shades and hues that capture a person’s imagination are as varied as people themselves. What colors capture you? Is it a color you see or wear every day, or is it one you use to decorate your office? Or is it a color you have yet to experience? Once you do, you’ll never forget it. To help you find the colors that inspire and transform you, fashion designer Tracy Reese, known for her colorful style and clothing, offers these ideas about how you can use color to enhance your look, your home and your office. Find your inspiration There are plenty of opportunities to find color inspiration at home or in the office, including furniture, textiles, accessories as well as your co-workers’ or family members’ clothing, fashion and color choices. Reese says everyone has something to offer, so use the ideas and personalities around you to get your own creative juices flowing so you can find your inspiration. Color your mood Your mood has a color and Reese recommends embracing it. “Some days I’m all about color, and some days I’m sort of androgynous, and some days I’m very femme,” she says. If you’re feeling bold, reflect that in the colors you wear with bursts of red, yellow or bright green and save those muted greys, blacks and navy blues for when you feel low-key. The color options available in the Post-it World of Color collections are a great way to showcase your mood and personal style. The collection features Post-it Notes in nine different color collections representing bold and exotic destinations around the world and give you the freedom to pick your favorite, jumpstart your creativity and organize your thoughts, whether you’re feeling Marrakesh red or Cape Town pink. Compare and contrast Want to make the brightest colors in your life even more amazing? Reese recommends contrasting them with neutral hues. “I love contrasting bright and neutral tones,” she says. “The neutrals really make the bright tones pop and take center stage. Use conventional color in unconventional ways Reese turned professional stereotypes on their heads when she painted her office flamingo pink. The company’s lobby also has a hot pink couch which she says keeps the workplace atmosphere “bright and lively.” You can use color to the same effect in your office, home or even your wardrobe. Reese says using bright colors can keep everyone optimistic and upbeat, even on those long afternoons when you’d rather throw in the towel and call it a day. Color is about more than just the shade you see, it is also about your reaction to it. “I think working with colors fuels the mind and spirit,” says Reese. “Color can convey mood and emotion, time and place. Color connects you to memories and propels you forward. There is so much rich color around, it’s important to stop, take notice and use it to inspire.” • Unanswered Financial Questions? Can I really afford to retire? • Do I take a lump or annuity? How do I pay for college? • Where is my paycheck going? Are these the right investments? • How can I reduce taxes? We provide sound objective advice for a planned and secure financial future. Call us for a free no obligation get acquainted meeting. 310.706.4123 Eileen S. Freiburger, CFP • El Segundo Resident ESF Financial Planning Group Twenty-Nine Years of Experience in the Industry • No commissions, no pressure, and no long term contracts. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE WINE&DINE WORK&PLAY ALONG THE ROSECRANS CORRIDOR IN EL SEGUNDO/MANHATTAN BEACH • Amenity Rich Location • Convenient Access to Metro Rail System, 405 & 105 Freeways • 10 minutes to LAX • Professional Property Management on Site • It’s Not Just a Location; It’s a Lifestyle! CONTINENTAL PARK A project of C O N T I N E N TA L D E V E L O P M E N T C O R P O R AT I O N 2041 Rosecrans Av e . , E l S e g u n d o , C A 9 0 2 4 5 www. c o n t i n e n t a l d e v e l o p m e n t . c o m For Leasing Information, call 310.640.1520

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