Page 4 June 18, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE puz MEDIUM 06.18.15 PUZZLE - 178 Component Parts by Myles Mellor WEEKLY CROSSWORD See Answers Next Week Component Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 46. Handling 47. Complete view 56. Wind instrument 57. Instinctive desires 58. More artful 59. Nostradamus, for one 60. Stationer’s stock 61. Belt 62. Sen. Stevens and others 63. Sneaker, e.g. Down 1. Fungal spore sacs 2. Hatfields or McCoys 3. Drilling grp. 4. List abbr. 5. Moon stages 6. Harder to find 7. Mideast hot spot 8. Computer offering 9. Persian governor 10. Agreement 11. “The ___ of Ancient Mariner” 12. Mideast bigwig 13. Cincinnati team 18. Cabbage 1. Fair-sized garden 5. Strait-laced 9. More likely 14. Coin opening 15. Aesop's also-ran 16. Cartoon art 17. Light sailboat 19. Not bold 20. Uncomfortably near someone 22. Robert Burns's "Whistle ___ the Lave O't" 23. Dark horse 24. Sizes 28. Icky stuff Sudoku Solution Last Week’s Answers 21. Domicile 24. Bonehead 25. Cat cry Down 26. Dole out 27. Boost 28. Spiny shrub 29. Homebuilder’s strip 30. Wasn’t vigilant 31. Emerge 32. Charges 34. Lacking slack 35. Ballerina Pavlova 37. Muse of love poetry 38. Nonstop 43. Area 44. Willows 45. Young but wise one? 46. Hiked 47. Recipe amt. 48. Kind of skirt 49. Protection: var. 50. Bringing up the rear 51. Old blade 52. Peaks 53. Its motto is “Industry” 54. Work over 55. To be, in old Rome 1. Fungal spore sacs 2. Hatfields or McCoys 3. Drilling grp. 4. List abbr. 5. Moon stages 6. Harder to find 7. Mideast hot spot 8. Computer offering 9. Persian governor 10. Agreement 11. "The ___ of the Ancient 12. Mideast bigwig 13. Cincinnati team 1 9 8 2 7 3 5 6 4 2 7 4 6 5 9 1 3 8 3 5 6 1 4 8 9 2 7 6 4 1 3 2 7 8 5 9 7 3 5 8 9 4 6 1 2 9 8 2 5 1 6 7 4 3 8 6 9 4 3 5 2 7 1 5 1 3 7 8 2 4 9 6 4 2 7 9 6 1 3 8 5 Across 1. Fair-sized garden 5. Strait-laced Across 9. More likely 14. Coin opening 15. Aesop’s also-ran 16. Cartoon art 17. Light sailboat 19. Not bold 20. Uncomfortably near someone 22. Robert Burns’s “Whistle ___ the Lave O’t” 23. Dark horse 24. Sizes 28. Icky stuff 30. Dog command 33. Eyelashes 34. Despicable sort 35. “Not to mention ...” 36. Lack of passion 39. Purely academic 40. Hurry 41. Opinions 42. Fully anesthetized 43. Fill to the gills 44. Bloviates 45. Choose W 1 I 2 S 3 H 4 M 5 A 6 G 7 U 8 S 9 M 10 O 11 N 12 P 13 O N C E A 14 L A T E E 15 M U I 16 N T A N G 17 I B L E A S 18 S E T E 19 T E R N A L O 20 R L E A N S C 21 O N F A B R 22 I S C E 23 N D B 24 A 25 L 26 E R 27 O 28 S 29 A 30 SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium Level: Medium Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Visit us online: puz 178 - 1 MEDIUM 31 S 32 E R G E 33 T 34 O E C A P (unmodified) T 35 U 36 R 37 N T O A D V 38 A N T A G E A 39 S P I C S G 40 O R E S R 41 A M P S 42 E X T S 43 O 44 L 45 P 46 A 47 S 48 T A 49 C 50 C 51 E D E A 52 L 53 B 54 E R T A A 55 R A L S E A F 56 O R T H E B E 57 N E F I T O F A 58 T E A 59 L L O T E 60 V E N S R 61 I D T 62 E E N S S 63 E T S SUDOKU Medium 7 9 3 5 5 6 2 5 9 7 1 8 3 7 3 2 5 4 6 2 3 8 4 1 7 8 4 6 2 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Film Review Short-term lease, avail. 7/1 – 9/30, month-to-month after. $2700/mo. 310-590-5931. House for Rent 2BD/1BA completely refurbished, hardwood floors, W/D hookups, small patio, 2 car garage. Center of town. $2800/month. 310-322-3151 Lost & Found Found woman’s ring. Walnut Street. El Segundo. 310-607-9407. Private Lessons Private Lessons Guitar, Piano, & more All Levels, Styles, & Ages! In home / at studio / online For more info - www.elsegundomusic. com / or call Edwin at (305)582-2645 Rental July Weekends ONLY 5% off rental of El Segundo Women’s Club. Book your event. 310-322-4214. Tutoring Services Summer tutoring for grades Special Education/General Education. Kourtney Alarcon 818.523.8958. Alley btwn Eucalyptus + Standard. Bikes, furniture, tools, etc. No EB pls! Garage Sale Saturday June 20th 7am-11am. 640 Maryland St. ES. Lot’s of great household items and clothes. Garage Sale Saturday 20. Huge Multi-family garage sale. 648 West Mariposa St. ES. 8am-1pm. Housewares, furniture, children’s clothes, tools, toys, movies, electronics, etc. House for Rent 3bd/3ba. ES home, ocean view, large bonus room, fenced yard, two car garage, 2500 sq. ft. Avail. 7/1/15, no smoking. $3975. (310) 322-5849. House for Rent 3BD/1BA house with LG living RM, Fireplace, HDWD Floors, plus bonus room. 2-car garage. 944 Cedar St. ES. $3250/mo. Contact Mike 310- 962-2414. House for Rent 2/1 hillside home, short walk to beach! Hdwd flrs, fplc, w&d, garage, deck w/view, yard, pets OK. Apartment For Rent 1BD in El Segundo. Immaculate. $1495/mo. Also 3BD2BA upper house in Westchester $2700/mo 310-641- 2148 or 310-365-1481. Apartment For Rent Lovely 1BD apartment next to Library Park $1500/month. Upstairs, garage parking, laundry, no smoking, no pets, excellent credit. (310) 322-8099. Colectible WWII PROPELLER OFF OF A JAPANESE NAVEL WAR BOMBER A.K.A. THE BETTY dated June 2 1945. Signed (engraved) by 115 Officers of the 503rd AAF base unit known as THE BRASS HAT UNIT. Extremely rare piece of history. Asking price $12,500.00 ph 727 785 3136 email john298404290@ Employment P/T scanning work. Flexible schedule. Perfect for someone willing to work a few hours per week. $9/ hour. 310-335-6841. Garage Sale Multi-Fam. Sale Sat 6-20-15 8-1, The Beatles’ Longtime Secretary Revisits Life With the Fab Four in Good Ol’ Freda By Morgan Rojas for CINEMACY Freda Kelly was your average teenage girl in 1961; she went to school, was shy around boys, and enjoyed hanging out with friends and discovering the “latest” musical talent at local clubs. One night, she happened to see a band that changed her life forever. That band was The Beatles, at the time just a couple of local Liverpudlian boys hoping for their big break. Smitten with the group, Freda literally jumped on the bandwagon and became their official secretary. As history reflects, the Beatles stayed together as a group for ten years, although Freda was onboard for eleven. In the documentary Good Ol’ Freda, director Ryan White explores the untold stories of Beatlemania, and Freda shares her personal and intimate experience working with the legendary band for the first time in over 50 years. The transition from small town band to worldwide success is documented through Freda’s stories. She recalls working for Brian Epstein and how devastating it was to deal with his death. Her stories about Paul, John, George and Ringo are so engaging and funny; she does a great job of humanizing these icons and proving that they really were just “average” boys. The archival footage paired with original recordings and songs from the group is always an exciting treat, as any Beatles fan would agree. Some of the documentary’s best moments come from Freda’s days at the Beatles Headquarters as she recalls outlandish requests from fans. A fan once sent her a stick of gum for one of the boys to chew on and send it back, which she did. From cutting pieces of material from their clothes to collecting their hair after a haircut, Freda did everything she could to satisfy the frenzy of Beatles fans. “Genuine” is the best word to describe both Freda and this film because, up until now, Freda has kept this past life a sort of mystery to her friends and even family. She didn’t want her past to overshadow who she is today, which is why she kept all of her Beatles memorabilia (worth over thousands of dollars) neatly tucked away in her attic. The only reason why she even agreed to make the film, she explains, is to show her grandson one day so he knows what a full life she had “before the memory box goes completely.” If you’re a fan of The Beatles, then Good Ol’ Freda is a must see; it’s a fantastic story, equally heartfelt and quirky. It highlights the evolution of the group through the eyes of the one who was there through it all; the challenges, the tours, the iconic breakthroughs and the momentum of success from the greatest band in history. Good Ol’ Freda is available to stream on Netflix now. • Freda Kelly in Good Ol’ Freda. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.
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