The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 5, No. 29 - July 16, 2015 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................7 Classifieds............................2 Crossword/Sudoku.............2 Legal Aid for Elders...........4 Food.......................................5 Legals....................................6 Real Estate...........................8 Sports....................................3 TerriAnn in Torrance..........7 Weekend Forecast South Bay Amateur Radio Club Gather for Radio Relay Field Day South Bay Amateur Radio Club members gathered for the American Radio Relay League Field Day on June 27 and 28. At Torrance Memorial Medical Center, the South Bay Amateur Radio Club used the drill to simulate actual emergency conditions, operating as if all other sources of power have failed in a major disaster. Field Day stations operate off the grid—on battery, solar or gas generators, located in tents or similar shelters. During the drill they communicated with ARRL members from more than 2,000 clubs across the nation, including New York, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth and Boise. Photos by Aaron Bush. Council Approves Amendment To The Joint Use Agreement By Cristian Vasquez The recommendation by the City Council Development and Enrichment Committee to approve the 2015 amendment to the Joint Use Agreement for facilities and services with the Torrance Unified School District received unanimous approval from the city council [Councilman Geoff Rizzo was absent from the meeting]. Also approved was an additional $7,000 expenditure, which will be funded via the city’s material reserve. “The City of Torrance and the Torrance Unified School District [TUSD] have a long- standing partnership for shared services and facilities,” states the staff report presented during Tuesday’s city council meeting. “City Council members and TUSD Board members have stated that the community expects both agencies to work together to benefit residents of Torrance by enhancing services, maximizing usage of space and achieving joint operational efficiencies whenever possible.” Since 2009 the city and TUSD have been working closely in an effort to create “joint collaboration opportunities and efficiencies in an effort to share resources.” The two entities seek to maximize savings for both without having to sacrifice the quality of their service to the community. A Joint Use Agreement from 2013 between the city and TUSD states that any future use that is more than the original agreed to terms will be subjected to review during a joint meeting of the Citizen Development and Enrichment Committee, as well as TUSD board members. “In 2013 we developed a joint use agreement for facility use and services and we have been keeping track of those expenditures. One of the provisions in 2013 was that based on whether we had to make any adjustments, we would come back to the committee and back to the city council,” Assistant to the City Manager Aram Chaparyan said. “This is the first step and second was we share the findings with the council and TUSD board for approval and to take appropriate action.” Two years ago, in an effort to make up for the loss of $43,123 in revenue, the city council approved new funds to offset the city’s operating budget for its operating budget for the general services department and police department. Also in 2013, due to a spike in use of the Cultural Arts Center by TUSD and an ever-growing need for practice times in the gyms for cultural services, an additional amendment of $7,000 was approved to cover new costs. “In summation, we are asking for increase hours at the Armstrong Theater based on the usage by the various schools,” Chaparyan said. “And in return we are increasing the use of middle school gyms, as the new gyms come on board, for practice time of our youth basketball programs.” Through the amendment TUSD will receive an additional 29 hours at the Armstrong Theater as well as an additional 22 hours of police department coverage during TUSD events. Also, the city will increase its use of middle school gyms for youth basketball by 51 hours. Council Designates Councilmember Heidi Ann Ashcraft As Voting Delegate During 2015 League of California Cities Annual Conference Councilmember Heidi Ann Ashcraft was unanimously voted to represent the City of Torrance during the 2015 League of California Cities Annual Conference to take place Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2015 in San Jose. This annual conference includes an annual business meeting that allows league members to consider and take action on resolutions that establish league policies. “In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, the League has requested cities to designate by city council approval a voting delegate and up to two alternates,” states the staff report. “In addition, proof of designation which reflects the action taken by the council is required.” While the council agreed Councilmember Ashcraft was to represent the City of Torrance, it did not assign an alternate voting delegate, something that the council has not done for several years. Torrance Historical Society To Host Rock Around the Block On Thursday, July 16 from 5 to 8p.m., the Torrance Historical Society will be hosting its annual Rock Around the Block celebration. The family-fun filled event will take place at the Torrance Historical Society & Museum, located at 1345 Post Ave. and is free and open to the public [donations accepted] but there is a nominal fee for food and beverage. This fundraisingevent for the Torrance Historical Society & Museum is put together through volunteer efforts and generous support from sponsors. The 1950s-style family summer event is also a celebration of Torrance’s All-America City Award -- one of America’s original and most prestigious community recognition awards. The City received this award for “Growth without strain” back in the 1956 when Albert Isen was Mayor of Torrance. Attendees will enjoy 50s’ music, enjoy special exhibits such as the original congratulatory telegram from President Eisenhower, along with the All-America City button & logo. There will be old high school year books, a hula hoop contest, bubble blowing, cake walk and pie eating contests, among other exhibits and activities. Persons with questions or seeking additional information can visit or call the Museum at (310) 328-5392 or visit the website at: www. • Friday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 74˚/63˚ Saturday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 78˚/69˚ Sunday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 82˚/69˚
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