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Page 4 July 16, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE SOUTH BAY WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD ASSISTS JOB SEEKERS, EMPLOYERS AND YOUTH THROUGH GOVERNMENT-FUNDED PROGRAMS For more than 30 years, the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) has administered employment and training programs for LA County’s South Bay Area. Within the 11 cities serviced (Carson, El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Lomita and Torrance), the SBWIB accomplishes its goals through partnerships with local committees handling business and economic development, One-Stop locations, performance and evaluation, as well as a Youth Development Council.  Through workforce investment funds, the SBWIB offers dislocated workers with free training programs and job-searching resources. Job-searching equipment, as well as seminars, workshops and job placement assistance are available at the four One-Stop Business & Career Centers (Gardena, Inglewood, Carson and Torrance – effective 7/14/15). The SBWIB assists businesses through an innovative Rapid Response Program geared towards layoff aversion. Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Carson facility is a recent success story. An initial meeting revealed that nearly 60 employees lacked sufficient English skills and were facing potential layoff. A layoff aversion plan was formulated that resulted in the SBWIB approaching a local adult school partner to assess the employees’ English skill levels and set up on-site training. Since September, the affected employees have been attending Business English classes three days a week with several of those individuals now being considered for promotions. Recruitment assistance, pre-screening of applicants, On-The-Job training and Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) are other programs available to local companies and small businesses. The SBWIB also prepares youth for entry into the workforce by emphasizing education and services that promote relevant workplace skills and experiences leading to industry-recognized credentials and career pathway employment, including apprenticeships. Special emphasis is aimed at the reengagement of disconnected youth through intervention and prevention services. The SBWIB is one of the highest performing Workforce Investment Boards (WIB) in the state and is often recognized by the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) for its achievements. Continuous collaborations with business, economic development, education, government, labor and community organizations, helps the SBWIB provide a dynamic, efficient and effective workforce development system, ensuring a skilled workforce and vibrant economy in the South Bay Area. Lakers from page 3 Featuring premier restaurants, wineries & musical entertainment, with multi-GRAMMY Award winner Peabo Bryson Saturday, August 1, 2015 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the grounds of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 700 Van Ness Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 Tickets $150 each or $250 per pair of tickets To Purchase Tickets 1. Credit Card online: or by phone: (310) 517-4703 2. Mail check, including mailing address and indicating number of tickets, payable to: Torrance Memorial Foundation, 3330 Lomita Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505 3. Or visit the Torrance Memorial Foundation offices, 4th Floor West Tower, for any method of payment. Dress code: cocktail attire. No one under 21 admitted. Hosted by: All proceeds to benefit: RESTAURANTS & WINERIES FEATURED INCLUDE: Alpine Village Depot&Buffalo Fire Dept. Disneyland Resort Doubletree byHilton Torrance-South Bay Fleming's Prime Steakhouse andWine bar Fresh Brothers Gourmet Grindz andThe Good Cookies &Beyond Hey 19 Honda Classic/PGATour ProfessionalWines ISE-SHIMA at theMiyako Il Fornaio Island EatsHale Aina Kincaid’s Nothing Bundt Cakes Ortega 120 PaulMartin’s American Grill Red Car Brewery& For more info, follow us on Facebook: Restaurant Riboli FamilyWine Estates Rock’N Fish Manhattan Beach RollingHills Country Club ShadeHotel Smart&Final Sodexo Sushi Chef Institute The StrandHouse TorranceMarriott Redondo Beach (as of 07/10/15) For more information please call: 310-970-7700. • Legal Aid for Elders Do You Know What Will Happen If You Don’t Make a Will In California? By R Christine Brown, In some parts of the U.S., like West Virginia, if you die without a will, your estate is first distributed according to your marital status and children, including those of previous marriages. However, if you have no spouse or children, you may want to pull out your family tree to see who could be in the running. When there is no will in place, commonly in West Virginia, the current spouse of a married couple with or without one or more descendants receives the full estate. However, your spouse would receive only 60% of the estate if he or she had children with you and also a previous marriage. Your children would then receive the remaining 40% of the estate. But if you were the spouse with kids from a previous marriage(s), then all your children will inherit one-half of your estate, and the other half to your current spouse. Confused yet? That’s what The (Huntington, WV) Herald-Dispatch asks us in its recent article titled “Planning ahead: What happens if you don’t have a will.” If you don’t have a surviving spouse, your estate will be divided among your descendants (children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews…). If you don’t have any descendants, it will be inherited in this order: 1. your parents; 2. your brothers and sisters; 3. nephews and nieces; 4. grandparents or their descendants; and then finally, 5. the State. So if your parents are alive, they get it all. No one in the later groups will receive anything. That’s the basic structure of intestacy, which means “without a will.” In intestacy, there are no special provisions to cover unique situations, no gifts to favorite non-profit organizations, and no special strategies to lower estate taxes. Intestacy can be the most expensive version of estate “planning.” Talk with an experienced estate planning attorney and create a will to transfer your hard-earned assets to those who can best use them and protect those assets from taxes. For more information and articles on estate planning and elder law topics, please visit our website and sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter.   You can also friend our law practice’s Facebook page (R Christine Brown). Reference: The (Huntington, WV) Herald- Dispatch (June 05, 2015) “Planning ahead: What happens if you don’t have a will” See more at:• youngsters on the Lakers to come out and prove themselves to the rest of the league. Don’t expect a championship, simply expect some fun and exciting play from a new, young group of core talent. If this year’s Lakers can prove that they can play in the NBA, expect to get the rest of the league’s attention. Once that happens, players will flock to Los Angeles in free-agency like they used to and in a year or two, the Los Angeles Lakers will be back on top of the Western Conference vying for more championship trophies to add to the shelf. •

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