TORRANCE TRIBUNE July 16, 2015 Page 7 The Unprofessional Barbecuer By TerriAnn Ferren How do you barbecue and what do you consider barbecue? This past weekend, as we celebrated our freedom on the Fourth of July, I thought about barbecue. Everyone, I am sure can conjure up youthful memories of Independence Day picnics with hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon, and corn on the cob, but few, I imagine, can recall how the grill was prepared or what went into the entire preparation. I remember my late husband, Dave used to prepare for barbecuing more meticulously than anyone I ever knew. Once, he decided to go to the hardware store and purchase some special wood for smoking the meat. He soaked the wood chips for hours and then carefully prepared our Weber grill for the event. As I recall, the smoked meat turned out amazingly scrumptious - which encouraged Dave to broaden his skills of barbecuing further. Once, we even barbecued in the rain! Wish I had taken photographs of Dave standing just outside the dining room door on our patio with his barbecue utensil in one hand and his umbrella in the other! We laughed and laughed about that. That is how dedicated we were about barbecuing. How about you? Do you think that barbecuing is about just the act of placing meat, vegetables, fruit, or fish on a grill? Some do. Others insist it has to do with the smoke used to cook meat. Here, I am thinking of Texas barbecue. Once, while on vacation, we drove with friends nearly a Scrumptious Barbecue on the grill. hundred miles for the “best” Texas barbecue. Frankly, I am not sure if it is the best, but it was delicious. As I recall, it was a big, casual restaurant with smoking grills outside under an overhang where a crew of chefs took turns during the night stoking the wood fire under the brisket. It truly was delicious. That, to Texans, I imagine is barbecue. Little sauce, lots of smoke flavor. Come to think of it, I think that is where Dave was inspired to try the smoking technique at home. And I am not going to touch the debate between barbecue in Texas, St. Louis, Memphis, ‘The Carolina’s’, and all the other famous barbecue cities across our United States! I don’t remember my daddy ever using the smoking technique when he barbecued, at least not when I was little. Now, I am sure he ventures into the smoking style. Sometimes I wonder how people who don’t have an outdoor grill barbecue, but I found out from a friend, they simply use a grill made for a stove. One doesn’t need an outdoor grill to achieve grill marks on meat, vegetables, fish, etc. When I was little, I liked hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. Now that I’ve grown up, I like juicy steaks grilled to perfection. Yum! I also realize people have different terminology for barbecue. Usually, barbecue – to me – meant cooking outside on a grill. Then I discovered that professionals categorize barbecue as a totally different genre. They either cook on a grill (inside or out) – or barbecue – but the two are not alike. How did I know? The last time I barbecued was late February when my daughter and I were having our annual Oscar Party at my home. We thought it would be great to barbecue chicken skewers on the grill and then bring them in piping hot to add to our fabulous buffet. Sounded like a great plan. Things were going okay and Michele, my daughter had just retrieved the last of the skewers from the grill when, suddenly I noticed the grill was on fire! I ran out to the patio and noticed the controls of my beautiful gas barbecue TerriAnn in Torrance painting TKO PAINTING CO. INC. 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