The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 5, No. 30 - July 23, 2015 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................7 Classifieds............................4 Crossword/Sudoku.............4 Legal Aid for Elders...........4 Food.......................................5 Legals....................................6 Real Estate...........................8 Sports....................................3 TerriAnn in Torrance..........7 Weekend Forecast Hep Cats Have Swingin’ Time at Rock Around the Block Party Grace and Reena get into the 1950s swing in front of the Oscar Mayer wiener truck at the 11th annual Torrance Historical Society Rock Around the Block event, which was held on July 16th in Downtown Torrance. Hundreds of families and other residents and visitors showed up to view the vintage automobiles, bop to the 50s music by DJ Ozzie, dine at the IN-N-OUT burger wagon, enter the hula hoop, bubble gum blowin’, Torrance Bakery cake walk and pie eating contests and enjoy the local entertainers including the City of Torrance’s Torrelles, Sounds of Honda Choir and yo-yo champion Alex Hattori. The free event was sponsored by Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. in partnership with the Torrance Historical Society, City of Torrance, CitiCABLE3, Torrance Bakery and the Old Torrance Neighborhood Association. Lease Of City-Owned Property Approved By City Council By Cristian Vasquez In a unanimous vote by members of the Torrance City Council, eight amendment was approved to the original lease in order to adjust certain language that will make it easier for WCCP Airport Atrium to refinance city-owned property. In addition, the approved amendment adds language that will allow for any transactions in the future, sale or transfer of leasehold, without the city council’s approval only if certain conditions are met. The amendment also removes prior tenant names from the lease. “The property was leased to WCCP Airport Atrium in 2014 and the lease amendment is requested to facilitate the refinancing of the lease hold,” Assistant city manager Mary K. Giordano said. “The property is 3.7 acres and has been developed as a class A office building, the lease term expires June 2069 with an option to extend 15 years.” The property on the lease is located at 2780 Skypark Drive and is referred to as the Atrium Building with a total of 95,300 leasable square feet. Originally the lease for the property was agreed upon on Jan. 10, 1989 by the city and Skypark RPR Associates I and II and projected the termination of the agreement for June 24, 2055. However, the Skypark RPR sold the interests it held to WCCP Airport Atrium; a sale that was authorized by the city council during its July 8, 2014 meeting and which represented the seventh amendment to the original lease. “As part of the approval of the lease agreement WCCP was require to invest $800,000 into the property and WCCP has exceeded this requirement,” Giordano said. “The lender has requested language to remove the prior tenant from the lease and to add language to allow us for future transfer of the lease hold without city approval if certain conditions are met; those conditions are that the holder of the lease hold must provide or contract with a management company that has a proven history of successful and competent management of comparable office buildings and is reasonably acceptable to the city. This requirement was added by the city to protect our interest in the property.” WCCP asked the city last month to “clean up” the language in the original lease in order to clarify certain areas pertaining to making the financing of property easier. “The essence of the language changes are to delete the prior tenant names and to protect the lender if, at a future point, the property is foreclosed on and the lender looks to transfer or sell the tenant’s interest in the property,” states the staff report. Council Approves Contract Services Agreement For HVAC Filter Replacement Services Members of the Torrance City Council unanimously awarded a contract services agreement for HVAC filter replacement service with Flagship Facility Services in the amount of $197,531 for a five-year term. The contract will be effective from July 21, 2015-July 31, 2020 and will be funded via the general service operating budget in the amount of $37,206 for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, $38,322 during the 2016-2017 fiscal year, $39,472 in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, $40,656 in the 2018-2019 fiscal year, and $41,875 during the 2019-2020 fiscal year. City staff sent a Request for Proposal to find a vendor that could maintain the city’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Flagship Facility Services presented the most cost-effective proposal based on the quality and services they were to provie, and was also the company with what the city considered the best qualifications. “The company’s rating on knowledge of commercial filter procurement and installation, customer service, and professionalism on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, they received an average of 9.3 rating out of 10, the highest of the three companies who qualified,” states the staff report. “The quality of the filter samples they provided as part of their proposal submittals met and often exceeded the minimum requirements of the technical specifications. They received the highest points, 45.6 out of 60 for filter specifications.” The cost proposal was the second lowest received at a difference of approximately $3,000, which breaks down to $601 per year, during the five year term of the contract. • Friday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 75˚/65˚ Saturday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 78˚/65˚ Sunday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 76˚/64˚
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