TORRANCE TRIBUNE July 23, 2015 Page 7 By TerriAnn Ferren Photos by TerriAnn Ferren Nestled in the heart of Torrance there lives a very special man. He grew up here in our beautiful city when things were a bit different; the traffic was less, and life was somewhat slower paced than it is now. This man loves Torrance, and when he married his bride, they chose Torrance as their home – and bought a house not far from where he had grown up. Yes, Brian and Brenda Sunshine and their two beautiful daughters, Elyse and Rachel were living the Southern California dream. Then Brenda got very sick and passed away when the two little girls were still young. Brian raised his daughters with the strength, love, and gentleness of a real man. Brian is not one to wallow in despair and mirrored strength to his young daughters, teaching them that life is beautiful. Time went by and Brian discovered that a ‘friend’ of his (and Brenda) that they had known a long time, became more than just a friend. Terri Hardeman became Brian’s constant companion. The two glowed together and Elyse and Rachel, both in college now, wondered if Terri would soon be part of their family. It finally happened. One day, Brian popped the question and Terri said yes. They set a date for summer and eagerly looked forward to their new life together. Everyone was joyous. When one has experienced a significant tragic emotional event (like losing a spouse), it is not easy to move ahead, but Brian showed courage, not just to his daughters Elyse and Rachel, but also to those around him - where he works in Torrance, and in his philanthropic endeavors with the American Cancer Society. Brian gives back and carries on. The wedding date was set, but Brian had a small medical procedure he wanted to get out of the way before the wedding day. He and Terri were getting everything ready - from the wedding itself to the honeymoon plans. Another Triumph in Torrance chance at happiness was about to come true. But there was a hitch in the small procedure and things became complicated. The wedding was postponed, the honeymoon was postponed, and everything seemed postponed – except the love of Brian and Terri. Terri stayed by Brian’s side all through the road to recovery. It wasn’t easy and Brian The first dance as man and wife. worked very hard. During his recovery process, his daughters, Elyse and Rachel dedicated themselves to their father’s care, as well as Terri, and through sheer will, determination, faith, and love, Brian rebounded – so much so - that plans for the wedding again resumed. The date was set and invitations were sent out for the second time with a ‘We really mean it this time’ quote. If ever two people have lived through the ‘thick and thin, in sickness and in health’ part of their vows more than Brian and Terri have before their wedding, I would like to meet them. These two remarkable people courageously walked toward the future last weekend on their wedding day. The penthouse at the Doubletree Hotel in Torrance was packed. The white chuppah (the canopy a Jewish couple stand under when they marry) was adorned with white roses and hydrangeas, and excitement filled the air. Guests were very aware of how special this wedding was and how long the bride and groom had waited for this day. Then, it began. Christina Perri’s song, A Thousand Years began playing, “I have died every day waiting for you, Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I’ll love you for a thousand more…” Brian appeared at the entrance painting of the room and stood there with his arm in his eldest daughter, Elyse. They both smiled broadly and then, carefully, began the long walk down the side of the room for Brian to take his place under the chuppah to await his bride. As they walked down the ramp, Elyse continuously whispered encouragement to her daddy - telling him that, ‘he could do it’ and that he was ‘doing PAINTERS PLUS handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. great.’ They walked steadily and elegantly INTERIOR • EXTERIOR Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 toward the front of the room. By the time they reached the chuppah, a huge collective sigh of relief was heard and the entire room erupted into standing cheers and applause and looking around, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. It was one of the most moving moments I have ever witnessed at any wedding. What was most unique at this wedding in front of family and friends, including the City Manager of the city of Torrance, LeRoy Jackson, and three Torrance mayors (our current Mayor Pat Furey, and our two previous mayors, Mayor Frank Scotto and Mayor Dee Hardison) was that Rachel Sunshine was officiating at her father’s wedding. Rachel said, “…My dad and Terri have found that happiness. This was almost denied, but here we are a year later celebrating life and finally getting this done! …My dad and Terri have known each other as friends for almost 30 years. Terri was a good friend to my mother, Brenda, and we enjoyed many outings together, such as breakfasts and dinners and our annual trip to the Hermosa Arts & Crafts Faire. These adventures kept us in touch and allowed Terri to watch my sister Elyse and I grow from birth into the young women we have become…” Watching Rachel speak of the love her father has for Terri, her new stepmother was beyond touching and by the time the traditional glass was broken by the groom, the two were married. Beaming, the newlyweds slowly made their way back up the side ramp to the tune of what else, “Walking on Sunshine,” sung by Katrina and The Waves. The reception was painting a celebration and most joyous. For their first dance, Brian and Terri chose, “If TKO Not For PAINTING You,” sung George INC. Harrison. Knocking Out The Competition Every wedding has special moments that are indelibly imprinted in minds forever, but this wedding was one of those that storybooks Satisfaction Guaranteed Great Competitive Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE are made of. I asked one guest about Call Troy at 310-663-1672 what he thought of the day and he summed it up perfectly. “This is not only a triumph for Brian and Terri but it is a triumph for his community. Everybody has watched this whole process of the last year of his recovery and his setbacks, and his charging forward back and TerriAnn in Torrance #833537 24 Hour Service Since 1990 • Lic # 770059 • C-42 C-36 C-34 C20 A PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES FOR OVER 20 YEARS CA ST LIS# 786081 / Bonded & Insured 2011 2012 2013 concrete Need A Driveway or Patio? Lindahl Concrete, Inc. Specializing in all Residential Concrete WWW.LINDAHLCONCRETE.COM Call For Estimate 310-326-6626 Lic#531387 electric Wise Electric Contracting Service Commercial/Industrial/Residential License No: 785853 Serving El Segundo since 1945 Keith R. 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