Page 10 December 6, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be By Myles Mellor and Sally York See Answers Next WeekGoing CrazyWEEKLY CROSSWORDGoing CrazySee Answers Next WeekBy Myles Mellor and Sally YorkWEEKLY CROSSWORDGoing Crazy 4612.6.12Classifieds4612.6.12 submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). 1 2 3 4 5 Going Crazy 8 9 10 11 1276 Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will 13 14 15 only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. 13 14 15 Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If 16 17 18 you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald 16 17 18 Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. 19 20 19 20 Schofield Realty granite, stainless appliance, fireplace, 21 222221Segundo. Like new, 2 car parking, rental units in town. We need homes & 900 Cedar St. RPM, Inc. Call (310) Display Ad Sales Position. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29month forwood floors, first level. $2200/mo.We receive 50 phone calls a apartments to lease. Call KEN about our 545-8272. We need an experienced 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Mgmt. program for Homes & Apartments. Display Ad Salesperson for 30 31 32 33 34 310-322-4660 Long Beach premier nail salon include Torrance, El Segundo 35 31 32 36 33 34 37 38 39 4030Herald Publications. TerritoriesntEmploymE carport, available early Jan. Totally We are a natural nail salon (NO If interested please email your 41 42cosmetology license required.20% commission on all sales.4241Specialist. Manicuring license ortime positions are available.nt 37 38 39 403635looking for a full or part time Nailand Hawthorne. Full or part-Eror FntErtmApA. 302 Maryland. ES, Enclosed 1BD Refurbished. $1350/mo. Call Kellie Acrylics) but experience with O.P.I. gel resume to management@ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (310) 460-6300. color, Shellac and Minx is a plus h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2BD/2BA, Spacious & bright, D/W, but not required. In house training N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. 50 51 52 53 54 stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots s provided. MUST speak English, 50 51 52 53 54 of storage, laundry on site. 512 be well groomed and professional, Order Expeditor: Immediate need 55 56 57 58 59 W. Imperial Ave, $1695/mo. $700 and be available to work weekends. for organized person to coordinate/ 55 56 57 58 59 deposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) Kreme de la Kreme is a fun and process paperwork related to sales 60 61 62 383-3753. relaxing atmosphere and a home orders. Proficient in MS Word and 60 61 62 Condo For lEAsE If interested please send us an wk. (310) 322-8882. 63 64 65656463Excel. QB experience a plus. 15-20hr/away from home to all our employees. Segundo. Wood floors, Updated and cover letter telling us why you HousE For rEnt 66 67 68686766e-mail, please include your resume Condo for lease El 2BD/1 3\4 BA. 1,400 sq. $2,400/mo. Ft. Agt. would like to join our team. Thank Spacious, 3BD/2.5BA. Eastside ES. (310)702-8961. you for your interest and we look Hardwood in dining & den. carpet in 60. Carbon monoxide’s lack 25. Blackguard 2BD/2BA. Unfurnished Condo, El 6. Stubborn oneAcross 63. Last call? 28. Drone, e.g. DownoneStubborn6.garage. $3,150/mo. (310) 433-4562.“Yeah” Kreme Nail Lounge (562)434-4004nt“Yeah”Blackguard25.lackmonoxide’sBrutusCarbon60.ACROSSliving room & bdrms. Vaulted ceilings,forward to meeting you. Kreme deErorFondo C Business Briefs from page 3 13. Milkyentrance 66. Open, as an envelope 32. CompassATM Arnold or Jonesreading1.anon2,2,34.Ecru65.65. Island nation east of FijibitbrandGuitar31.typeMicroprocessor64.gems1.MineAerobic9.14. 15. Drive-___ Stubborn one 67. Army member 36. Playing marble Brilliantly colored fish2.6. during a hospital stay. People can also check Scout adults) belonging to one of the eight 19. Viva-vocetighten a bolt? DOWN 39. TV monitor? Kashmir clan3.symbolDensity38.Aerobic bitto9.Needs18.kindergarten through Grade 12 (except GirlLaggard37.SurrealisminPioneer68.Justice16. public can protect themselves and loved ones their local hospital’s score on the free mobile councils in California. Until Dec. 17, Girl 21. Use a13. Milky gems 1. Arnold or Jones 40. It’s made4. JapanShinesininkeyboard got milk?, girl sCouts partner of no more than eight words showcasing the 23. “___ Christianity” (Lewis title) 3. Kashmir clan 45. Marine mollusksTest5.DartsPosterior43.44.fishcoloredBrilliantlyShines2.4.Mine entranceknighthoodMonth before Nisan6.Dryness46.Test5.Drive-___memberstray14.15.FoodConferFacebook22.26.29.Scouts may submit a photo with a captioncontest prompt: How have Girl Scouts anddaConiiCaptureCerto app, available at named Megan Weber made an impression on confident? Aside from the three grand prizes, 33. Try, as a case 7. Net-surfer’s stop 51. The “U” in UHFinNet-surfer's stop7.nerveSome48.NisanbeforeMonth6.Justice16.Bowl___30.milk helped them become strong, healthy andIn 1997, an adorable 10-year-old Girl Scout Californians with her iconic uniform and an camp scholarships worth $350 each will also 41. Bridges of Los Angeles County 9. Places to sit 54. Weeper of mythBurgoos, e.g.8.ofAstern53.e.g.Burgoos,8.steeple? Viva-voceViva-vocethein 18.18.Pests35. arm full of cookie boxes on a memorable be given to 24 finalists throughout the state. 42. Woman’s hat Flourished 56. Actress Gray Places to sit9.10. Needs to tighten a bolt?Needs to tighten a bolt?19. print campaign, provoking the question, “got Entries can be submitted via the following: 43. Highlanders, e.g. 11. Magical Mr. Clean product? 57. Certain protest milk?” Fifteen years later got milk? and the Email: (limit 8 MB) 49. Symbol Use a keyboard 14. Whining ones 59. Udders 10. Girl Scouts of California are looking for or via Mail: GOT MILK? 2012 Girl Scout 50. Breath sweetener 17. Medicinal amt. 62. Collector’s goalMagical Mr. Clean pro11.Food tray22. 200,000 in the Golden State to be the stars 11835 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 1155E, Los 55. In a baseball position? 24. Bygone polit. cause 12. Whining onesSudoku SolutionruleofKind23.position? position? "___ Christianity" (Lewis title)23.Photo Contest, c/o RL Public Relations:evergreenMediterranean20.Heave52. three lucky Girl Scouts among more than of a new print campaign. The contest is open Angeles, CA 90064. The three grand prize 26. Confer knighthood 14. Like a rainbow Last Week’s Answers to all currently registered Girl Scouts in winners will be notified by Jan. 31, 2013. • 1 2 3 11 12 13 1718 30. SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan FlanaganMediterranean evergreA221155448877336699PREARCU10Medicinal amt.17.13121116ERAGFAAR15ED10 9 8 7 6 5 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 Facebook membersEY4 4 4 29.3 29.A2PN 20. E 30. P ___ Bowl U SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan19 20. ___ Bowl 19 18 A E 19 R 18 16 A U E E R G 16 A U 15 E R G D A N 15 E R P D U N 20. E 30. P ___ Bowl U SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan 1 14 14 “Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving. 20L E A D 21 I N G Q 22U E S TT 23 II OO N 11 55 22 99 33 66 44 88 772322211720 Make everyday a holiday and celebrate just living!” 27 29 24S I A N 30 31 32 25R 26 II SS EEP R 44 77 88 11 22 55 33 99 66TPO26E25KEEEF24RRE ~ Amanda Bradley 33U L N A E S K I F F 8 9 5 2 4 1 6 7 3Y N O M I T S E T T C E R I D 34 Y Y N N O O M M I I 32 32 T T 31 31 S S 30 30 E E T T T T C C E E 29 29 R R 28 28 I I D D Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been su28 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been su3 34 7 3 6 7 1 6 4 1 2 4 5 2 9 5 8 9 34 8 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been su2733 3544 42 40 N 39 A 38 R C I S 37 U 36 M A O B 40 N 39 A 38 R C I S 37 40 U N 36 39 M A A 38 O R B C 9 I 4 S 1 37 8 U 5 36 6 M 7 A 3 O 2 B grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column9418567343 41 9 4 1 8 5 6 44 7 43 3 42 2 41 grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, colum3535 El Segundo Herald* 4551 49 48 47 46 8 5 2 9 7 S 3 S 1 E 4 N 6 49 49 I 48 48 47 W 46 Y 8 L 5 D 2 N 9 E 7 47 3 I 1 46 4 R 6 F of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, m8529731OSYA44S43ARIA42N41S S S E E N N I T W I Y W L Y D L N D E N I E R I F R 51 F T of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy,45455050 Manhattan Beach Sun 52R CE SE E 53R 54E 55V 56G CE AT II 57F 58D 59A 33 11 44 88 99 22 77 66 55595958585757AA51565655555454T5353I525250 Hawthorne Press Tribune* 6065 65 O O 62 62 P P E E D D A A 61 61 E E V V I I G G Level: MediumSSE 66T 63T IF OO N 55 22 99 44 66 77 88 33 11ANDIT6363II66GOP62VEEDRAE61EVICIG Level: Medium65 N N E E L L G G M M E E T T I I Level: Medium60606464 Inglewood News* 64 66O W L E T Lawndale News* D E N S Y A W S N O O S E 7 88 66 55 11 33 99 22 447TEESLOWOON696969NSEWLAGY686868SMENTEID676767 Torrance Tribune SUDOKU Medium EL SEGUNDO OFFICE •Phone: (310) 322-1830 • Fax: (310) 322-2787 • 8 48736312 E. Imperial Ave • El Segundo • CA • 90245 *Our papers are legally recognized and adjudicated newspapers of general circulation Herald Publications Board Members Graphic Artists 2 3 Chairman and Vice President: Richard Van Vranken Mike Gonzales Director-at-Large: John Van Hook 1 2Matt LopezContributing Writers Heidi Maerker CEO and President: Herald Publications Staff Gerry Chong, TerriAnn Ferren, Accounting:Editorial: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Brian Simon, Joe Snyder, 7 6 8 18794Dylan Little, Greg McMullin,Duane Plank, Adam Serrao, Heidi Maerker, ext. 28Denise Armas, ext. 24Legal Notices: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Cristian Vasquez Editor-in-Chief: 1 7 People Items, Subscriptions: Martha Prieto, ext. 21 Photographer: Shelly Kemp Display Advertising Sales: Real Estate: 2 7 5 88 4 34Charlene Nishimura, ext.23, Torrance: Display Ads: Important Emails 4 1 For announcements (weddings, engagements, obituaries, calendar), “Letters to the Editor” and subscriptions legal 9 4 For publication of legal notices other than DBAs 3 7 6 22 5 For classified ads and Fictitious Business Name (DBAs) publications For press releases and submissions for consideration Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.
Torrance 12_06_12
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