TORRANCE TRIBUNE December 6, 2012 Page 9 Turkey Trot from front page Council from front page morning. That way, people got some exercise tend to run in the morning, so I’m used to is the changes in term limits. Previously, term Another major challenge for lawmakers is before they went to eat,” Hunt said. “I begin running in cold weather,” Cardona said. “It limits prevented legislators from staying in addressing the concerns created by AB 109, my efforts July 1 and my first job when I begin was a fun run and it is definitely special to one role for long. Anthony Gonsalves believes the prisoner realignment bill. Torrance Police working on the Turkey Trot is to send out be out here. We have all of our sponsors, I this resulted in inexperienced lawmakers Chief John Neu, along with law enforcement sponsorship letters to the businesses--basically work at the Village Runner, and it is very and a lack of leadership. He feels that the agencies and citizens throughout California, in Torrance--to try to solicit sponsorship for grateful to see so many people out here changes to the term limits approved this have sought changes to the law that would the year’s run. Then I designed the artwork supporting others and giving canned food. past June will create more mentorship in the make it easier to track prisoners after their for a nice t-shirt, and we always give long They are just creating a good atmosphere State Senate and Assembly and ultimately release from County Jail and take into sleeve t-shirts or long sleeve sweatshirts. We for Thanksgiving.” lead to better decision-making. “I hope that account a criminal’s entire history--not just always try to make it a quality one--not just Harry Sutter passed away from a brain in the future, with term limits changing to their latest crime--in determining whether a short-sleeved white t-shirt. Our prices are aneurysm in the early 1980s, but his vision lower than anyone else around because we of having a run on Thanksgiving morning has try to make it affordable for families, so we been kept alive by the efforts from City staff, “I think the Governor was very clear that we are going can have lots of people come to the family leaders and race director Hunt. “He Sutter run and just have a fun day.” had the idea, but the run did not get started to have no new taxes without a vote of the people.” Through the strong sponsorship behind the when he was alive so we, recreation people, event, organizers were able to host a raffle went to race director school to learn how to drawing after the run where 10 mountain bikes, put on a run,” Hunt said. “It is a tribute to the 12 years, we’re going to have a cycle of in they would be sentenced to State Prison approximately 70 dinner-for-two certificates, City of Torrance. They really support the run. the next two elections you’re going to have or County Jail. Jason Gonsalves said his designer sunglasses, auto details, Body Glove We have the food drive where participants Legislature members training new members,” firm is looking to make coordination easier products and a long list of prizes were given bring the canned food. Those foods are said Anthony Gonsalves. “You’re going to between all the parties involved in handling away immediately. This year’s race winner, delivered at the end of this race and will be have better public policy.” California’s inmates. “We are looking to clear North High graduate David Cardona, finished distributed to the needy in the general South One mistake Anthony Gonsalves believes up realignment,” he said. “We want to make with a time of 14:20. Bay area. It is a great service--very busy, but could be pinned on term limits is the it clear that this is not just a County issue. “Throughout high school and college you a lot of fun.” • dissolution of redevelopment organizations. And then we have been working with the While one of the chief reasons behind Police Chief and other stakeholders and I Up and Adam from page 5 address corruption like in the City of Bell, up realignment, to ensure the coordinationsuspect we will be making an effort to cleandismantling redevelopment agencies was to he thinks another factor was that the State between County probation and your police as it scored first in the game to put the The Saxons were hoping for their first was oversold on how much money could be department and your chief. That coordination Saxons on their toes with a 7-0 lead. As it CIF championship football trophy in school saved. The inexperience of State lawmakers, is key to your ability to protect your city and has been accustomed to doing all season history, but ultimately Nordhoff was just too Anthony Gonsalves contends, misled them your citizens.” long, however, North battled right back powerful on the night. It was the school’s into ending the program. “The repeal of One area Neu hopes to see resolved when starting quarterback Jorge Hernandez fourth try at such an accomplishment after redevelopment I think happened because through new legislation is the number of converted on a 13-yard touchdown pass to previously having fallen short in 1983, 2001 you have so many new members that never prisoners released without any follow-up Devante Jenkins to tie the game at seven and 2004. “We battled all year and played had the opportunity to establish themselves rehabilitation, parole or probation. Neu said going into halftime. It was obvious which good teams and held them to less points than and know how to be legislators that were that only about five percent of convicted team came out of the half to play, as on the that,” said starting receiver Michael Jurado. given information that wasn’t what I’d say offenders receive any kind of post-release opening kickoff Erica Lara returned the ball “It hurts. The last game, senior year, the is complete,” he said. “They were told that supervision or rehabilitation. Instead they 89 yards for a touchdown to put Nordhoff championship. It just doesn’t get any worse elimination would bring in about $1.7 billion serve “straight time” and once released don’t up by a touchdown. On North’s very next right now.” The Saxons won eight games in to the State and they’re somewhere around have any kind of oversight. “Those folks possession, Hernandez was intercepted and a row before falling to Nordhoff after being $200 million in actuality.” that are sentenced to straight time, which Lara scored again just two plays later to held to only 14 points in the final. Previously, Most of California’s cities, Torrance is the vast majority--95 percent--when they put his team up by 14 points. On their next the Saxons averaged about 40 points per included, are unhappy with their are released, they have no supervision, there possession, the Saxons would respond with game. Ironic that the offense which carried redevelopment funds being turned over to are no rehabilitation efforts in place,” said an 80-yard run by Corey Cox to cut the lead North High all season long let it down in the State. Jason Gonsalves said that fixing or Neu. “There is no tail on them, so to speak. to 21-14 in the third quarter, but that was the biggest game of the season, but head replacing redevelopment funding is a major That’s a huge problem and that’s where the all she wrote for North High as it struggled coach Todd Croce and the rest of the team project for the new class of lawmakers. “How legislation needs to be changed. I know the rest of the way. “We weren’t ourselves should certainly learn from their experience we proceed with economic development in our efforts through the County and though tonight,” said Hernandez. “The outcome that and do all that is necessary to make a return the state will be a major project for the next State organizations, I’m confident we’ll get we had just doesn’t go together.” appearance next season. • two-year session and beyond,” he said. something done here real soon.” • business & professional directory alarms flooring glass painting plumbing KIRK FLOORING THE GLASS IDEA CO. TKO PAINTING CO. INC. 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Torrance 12_06_12
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