Page 10 December 13, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE 12.13.12 47 The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be By Myles Mellor and Sally York See Answers Next WeekCut A RugCut a RugBy Myles Mellor and Sally YorkSee Answers Next WeekWEEKLY CROSSWORDWEEKLY CROSSWORD 47Cut a Rug12.13.12Classifieds submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Cut A Rug 8 9 10 11 127654321 Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- 1 2 3 14 4 5 6 715 8 9 1016 11 12 lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. 13 14 18 15 19 16 Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald 17 18 19 Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. 20 21 22 23 2BD/2BA, Spacious & bright, D/W, to; 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Please submit resume/cover letter2322oymentoutstanding customer service.Lmpeentror FrtmentAp A stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots Display Ad Sales Position. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 of storage, laundry on site. 512 We need an experienced Machine Operator/Assembler. We 31 32 33 34 35 W. Imperial Ave, $1695/mo. $700 Display Ad Salesperson for are seeking two candidates. CNC deposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) Herald Publications. Territories machining experience preferred. 36 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 3531 383-3753. include Torrance, El Segundo Good work habits and work history. 2BD/1 3\4 BA. Condo for lease El 20% commission on all sales. GArAGe sALe 41 42time positions are available.seAe L4241and Hawthorne. Full or part- 37 38 39 4036Send resume to C Segundo. Wood floors, Updated If interested please email your 610 W. Pine Ave. ES. Friday through 43 44 45 46 47 1,400 sq. $2,400/mo. Ft. Agt. resume to management@ Sunday, December 14-16 7:30 a.m. to 43 44 45 46 47 (310)702-8961. h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . ?. Huge Yard Sale! Household items, 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Condo For rent N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. bikes, toys, books, baby items, etc. 55 56 57 48 49 50 58 59 51 52 53 54clothes, Christmas gifts, electronics, 2BD/2BA. Unfurnished Condo, El Hurry for the bargains! Segundo. Like new, 2 car parking, Agency seeks a Full-Time Office 55 56 57 58 59 granite, stainless appliance, fireplace, Manager needed to grow local House For rent 60 61 wood floors, first level. $2200/mo. Farmers Insurance Agency. We REAR HOUSE, Avail. now, cozy 60 61 900 Cedar St. RPM, Inc. Call (310) are looking for an experienced, 1bd/1bth, W/D, yard, fruit trees, 62 63 64 545-8272. enthusiastic, and positive minded private entrance, car port, near High 62 63 64 team member who provides School, util incl, pet ok. $1,100 65 66 67 68 65 66 67 68 Council from front page 1. Quirk Across 63. River to the North Sea 28. Mold-ripened cheeseDowncheeseDelayMold-ripenedFluffDelay26.26.SeaNorththeoneoneCloseClose62.62.openerQuirkACROSS1.ACROSS and community parks. Anyone interested in representing three of Torrance’s Rotary 4. La opener 64. Muscle ache 29. Fluff disciplineDown___“SoAcrossClassic Center at 1318 Cravens Avenue and more trophy from the Council, Mayor Frank Scotto 16. Grounde.g. La lead-in 68. Elton John, for one 34. White-tailed brass1.SwellPucksSwellVanquished31.32.33.tune)tune)one(BeatlesforjurisdictionBlues”Blues”“___Bishop’s“___DOWN66.67.QuirkClassic openerClassic openerLa lead-inpuritypuritystatstatofofbreakerbreaker1., the Kiwanis club, the Torrance PoliceBig brass1.disciplineEastern30.jurisdictionme!”___Bishop’s“So65.Quirk1.lead-inLa7.Officers Association (TPOA) and the TorranceFirefighters Association. While honored by the joining in the next clean-up is encouraged to attend the next OTNA meeting (scheduled for January 16) at the Bartlett Senior Citizens information on the OTNA can be found at noted the real prize of the tournament was 17. Tango, e.g. Cirque DOWN 37. Ring result Norse goddess of fate4.competitorbrassBig1.particles10. a lot of neighborhoods, but we are the only high, as the winner would win bragging rights 22. Large13. Symbol of purity3. Eyelashes of fate 40. Relating sporesytem of beliefbeliefof"Aeneid" figureof "Aeneid" figuresytemaa5.to5.toprecederEaster39.goddessNorseCockeyed2.Symbol of purityvalvesamounts13.Small21.something more ephemeral. “The stakes wereNorse goddess of fate4.competitorFox38.brassCockeyedBig1.Cirqueparticlesvalves10.Negative20. “We’ve inspired neighborhood that has on ongoing program,” for the next 100 years,” he said. 23. Matchedfruit 4. Norse goddess of fate 44. Fungal spore sacsPlastic ___ Band6.“Aeneid”Diamond stat15. said Paine. The two victors were the Kiwanis, which 24. In a consistent manner 5. “Aeneid” figure 45. Tennis ties Plastic ___ Band6.ingredient___Diamond statfruit15.Wrinkly a yearly community information-focused that they are open to a rematch. “We were 41. Botanical balance 10. À la mode 53. Japanese 9. Surgeon's toolSurgeon's tool9.woepublishergrindmodesoundsBloviates8.Metallic52.toolBloviates8.residueHavana50.toollaÀBloviatesSurgeon’s8.9.stylestyleAmericanAmericanTango, e.g.Tango, e.g.Negative particlesNegative particlesLatinsiteaa17.20.17.20.ofofCarnavalTwo-step,PartPart35.36.TPOA team that bested the Torrance FirefightersresidueIntuitWhen haroseth is eaten7.49.eatenWhen haroseth is eate7.ingredientHalvah46.eatenisisBand___harosethBloviatesPlasticWhen6.7.mannermanner Ground breakerGround breakersiteSpaniards16.16.consistentaInAncientAncient27.31.won out over the three Rotary teams, and theAssociation. TPOA President Jassen Bluto saidTuesday’s meeting was the last community outreach gathering planned. However, Councilmember Bill Sutherland said that the Council’s show on the road would be too Department,” said Bluto. “We’ll take a rematch 47. Growing room 14. Resolution 56. Squire toll unitÀ la mode10.arrayConcert55.Tillyabbr.andadResolutionCarRyan12.Small valvesroom21.Positions43.more than happy to compete against the FireandwoeMakeup54.grindCollege11.gardensBotanical42. meeting would be a good idea. While taking the City’s departments would be an appealing Kiwanis team captain (and Centennial 58. Cruelty 25. Kind of mill Sudoku Solution 61. Actress BrennemanSudoku SolutionRyan and Tillymonth12.monthPurim’sEyeproblemEyeCollege grindunit11.tollBridgePurim’s58.57.58.59.nativenativemillabbr.ofadConclusionKindCarConclusionHokkaido19. amountsMatchedpostingspostings22.23.counterscountersVacillateJ.F.K.OldOld48.51.55.55.if the Fire Department is willing. You have ahundred years to get ready.” costly, holding a meeting at City Hall for residents to catch up on what’s going on in idea to Sutherland. “I think maybe we should Committee chair) Laurie Love didn’t issue a 60. Jarabe tapatio 14. ResolutionWrinkly fruittapatio24.Jarabe60. consider doing this once a year at City Hall rematch challenge to the Rotary clubs, but she 1 2 34 27. 10 9 8 7 6 5 In a consistent manner 11 12 18. Car ad abbr.Last Week’s Answers this is very informative.” organize the festivities. “As the chairperson 16O Conclusion31. 18 17 R 15 T D A L P 18 17 18 U 17 R U H R T H T 15 I T D T A I S D L 14 A A P S 19. L 31. A Ancient Spaniards P SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan644617178383919175753232242458586969PLP12EAEA11TTRR10SSO920SSE8SST7AAA6RTAAS5IGG4NNG3AOO219T19. Ancient Spaniards U H T I 14 S A 19. 31. 15 Ancient Spaniards 14 SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan FlanaganTM1131613did comment on how honored she was to helpon the Centennial, I have said already howThe Council also awarded two custom for the whole city,” said Sutherland. “I think held during the Centennial Birthday Bash Love. “The softball game was one of those 30M 31 32 33 34 44 99 33 77 22 55 66 88 1134333231S E 29 28 27 26 E R E S S R R E E S S 29 29 U U 28 28 B B 27 27 U U 26 26 D D E E 25 25 R R 24 24 E E Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been suRE992255668844113377ESSEOVOVLLOLA20SW2222ERCESPAYST2121AH19R S U B U D 25 24 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been s233023thankful I am that I got to contribute so manygreat ideas so everyone could enjoy it,” said engraved bats to the winners of the Centennial Softball Tournament. The tournament was (also located at Wilson Park) and had teams fun ideas.” • 35B 1 6 8 9 4 3 2 5 7424140 39 38 37 E E 36 N S A 7 5 2 3 4 9 8 6 1 40 40 Y Y 39 39 R R 38 38 F F 37 37 L L E E B B E E H H 36 36 T T N N I I S S T T A A grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, columnRAEHEGNARY R F L B H T I T grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, columO35 El Segundo Herald* 43S4 8 6 7 N C I O 47 S T O C 3 3 4 4 9 9 8 8 1 1 6 6 5 5 7 7 2 2 N N O O C C 49 49 I I 48 48 O O H H 47 47 W W S S 46 46 T T 45 45 O O 44 44 C C of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, mEHHCCOLC42UAEB413 9 1 5 2 O 49 48 H W 46 45 44 of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy,43 Manhattan Beach Sun 55O UA CT HI O U 56E 57F P A N ET 58L 59D 88 44 66 55 99 77 11 33 22EII54F53T52L51NC50 Hawthorne Press Tribune* 60O O R O UU 62S 55 22 99 11 33 44 77 66 88T A 61 R D 64 64 T T I I A A R R 61 61 T T R R O O D D Level: Medium64 I R T O Level: Medium Lawndale News* S L I T A N T E RR NN SS T68 33 11 77 88 66 22 44 99 55EGGIIEEB65CSIR67SPAT6366 Inglewood News* Torrance Tribune SUDOKU Medium EL SEGUNDO OFFICE •312 E. Imperial Ave • El Segundo • CA • 90245 8 3Phone: (310) 322-1830 • Fax: (310) 322-2787 • *Our papers are legally recognized and adjudicated newspapers of general circulation 3 5 7 2 1 Herald Publications Board Members Graphic Artists Chairman and Vice President: Richard Van Vranken Mike Gonzales Director-at-Large: John Van Hook 9 2 3 73Matt LopezContributing Writers Heidi Maerker CEO and President: Herald Publications Staff Gerry Chong, TerriAnn Ferren, Accounting: Denise Armas, ext. 24 Duane Plank, Adam Serrao, 2 6 8 9Dylan Little, Greg McMullin, Heidi Maerker, ext. 28Editorial: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Brian Simon, Joe Snyder, Editor-in-Chief: Legal Notices: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Cristian Vasquez People Items, Subscriptions: Martha Prieto, ext. 21 Photographer: Shelly Kemp Display Advertising Sales: Real Estate: 4 7 3741Charlene Nishimura, ext.23, Torrance: Display Ads: Important Emails 1 4 5 95 For announcements (weddings, engagements, obituaries, calendar), “Letters to the Editor” and subscriptions legal 9 6 1 77 2 For publication of legal notices other than DBAs 4 6 For classified ads and Fictitious Business Name (DBAs) publications For press releases and submissions for consideration Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.
Torrance 12_13_12
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