Page 12 December 13, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Children’s Institute’s Holiday Festivals Bring Smiles to At-Risk Children Photos by Lizanne Fleming. On three very special days in December, CII brought cheer to more than 6,000 children and their parents whose lives have been impacted by family and community violence, abuse or neglect. Now a well-loved holiday tradition for our clients, the Mattel Holiday Festival for Children’s Institute provides time for families to put aside their stresses for a few hours and enjoy the often rare opportunity to spend quality time together. CII’s Burton E. Green Campus in Torrance was the site of a two-day festival on Dec. 8 & 9, with a one-day celebration on Dec. 1 at the agency’s headquarters, the Otis Booth Campus, near downtown Los Angeles. The fun-filled festivals featured family entertain- ment and amusements, arts and crafts, pony rides, a toy giveaway, and of course, Santa Claus. Title Sponsor Mattel’s generous donation of thousands of toys ensured gifts for every child during the three festival days. Courtesy of CII. A ribbon cutting by Title Sponsor Mattel at the Holiday Festival for Children’s Institute, Inc.; Mattel Children’s Foundation’s Deidre Lind (left) and daughter join CII’s Executive Vice President Nina Revoyr. A volunteer helps a young child pick out the ultimate gift in the toy giveaway at the Mattel Holiday Festival for Children’s Institute, Inc. Quality father-daughter time at the Families spend time at Children’s Institute’s Toy Giveaway, where Mattel Holiday Festival for each child received a special gift, thanks to Mattel’s generous Children’s Institute, Inc. donation of thousands of toys. Mattel’s Deidre Lind spends time in Children’s Institute’s Toy Giveaway with Santa. Home Care For the Holidays Save Thousands a holiday party, visiting relatives or holiday to allergies, the need for a vacuum cleaner Total Commission Less Than 3%.guests or family members who are susceptible(BPT) - Whether it’s guests arriving for door during the holiday season. Unfortunately, than ever. 20+ Years Experience. Full Representation.that truly cleans the air is more important revelers, your home can feel like a revolving all of this added traffic can also bring unwanted • Minimize clutter. Everyone gets a little SOUTH BAY HOMES dirt and germs that can outweigh holiday cheer. bit busier at this time of year, and putting Keep your home looking clean, germ-free things away and keeping living spaces tidy 310-370-6111 and ready to welcome guests throughout the can fall by the wayside. From the morning DRE#00820175 holiday season by establishing a cold-weather routine to the evening return home, encourage cleaning routine. family members to put things in their proper the list, your home will be ready for guests dust and cobwebs and make your cleaning WS OF WESLEY R. SKLARKTHE LAW OFFICESplaces. Piles or stacks of clutter can collectIf you regularly take care of the tasks on who arrive on schedule or on a whim. And tasks take longer, so it’s best to avoid them by giving your guests a clean environment in the first place. to enjoy, you’ll also be giving them the gift • Establish a freshening routine. As you of health. According to the American Lung go through your day, take opportunities Association, poor indoor air quality can to do a bit of dusting and freshening South Bay Native – Proudly serving cause headaches, dry eyes, nasal congestion, up, even if it’s one room at a time. Strip the legal needs of the public since 1994 nausea and fatigue. guest beds on a regular basis - even if To start a routine in your household, follow they’re not always being used - and launder GENERAL PRACTICE LAW FIRM these tips: the sheets and blankets to ensure they smell •Immigration Law - Spanish Language Spoken • Keep the air cleaner - and healthier. and feel fresh when guests arrive. Utilize •Personal Injury Law - No Recovery, No Fee Because cold temperatures ensure that the attachments on your vacuum to easily for Accident Cases windows stay closed through the holiday clean window treatments like blinds and •Drug Offenses, etc. - DUIs, Domestic Violence,Criminal Defense season, air quality can quickly deteriorate. curtains to ensure they’re not hiding dust •Family Law - Custody, Visitation, Support, That problem can be exacerbated when or cobwebs. Divorce, Annulment, etc. you consider it’s also cold and flu season. • Don’t forget pets and their belongings. •Business Law - Business Disputes, Landlord/ To help keep your air cleaner - and your While it’s obvious to vacuum floors, carpets Tenant Disputes family and guests healthier - make sure and furniture, you should also remember locations — initial consultation with Attorney is $50.Clients Met By Appointment in Los Angeles and Torrance that your vacuum is helping air quality, not to keep your pet’s bed and toys clean. For hurting it. Many standard vacuums release a thorough cleaning, be sure to launder (213) 386-3377 lung-damaging particles back into the air, your pet’s beds and plush toys in the which defeats cleaning efforts. For those washing machine. •
Torrance 12_13_12
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