Page 2 December 13, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE TerriAnn in Torrance Holiday Toys in Torrance By TerriAnn Ferren Station 1. We also opened it up at the Fire town. The giant truck is very efficient for saw tables filled with toys, bookcases filled At the Torrance Police Station, things Prevention Office by the courthouse by City collecting and dropping off the toys at the with books and puzzles, bicycles and bins are looking a lot like Christmas. Christina Hall.” I learned that schools are a target to Police Department. Laura helps organize and boxes overflowing with stuffed animals. Szczypkowski, Services Officer in the find any families who are in need. things on the Fire Department end and works Girls’ toys seemed to have a pink glow and Community Affairs Division of the Torrance Last year was the first time Christina was hand-in-hand with Officer Szczypkowski to the boys’ toys were organized with items Police Department, has been busy organizing in charge of the Holiday Toy Drive and coordinate the collection of the toys. such as trucks, building blocks and cars. I asked how people learn about the program Officer Szczypkowski explained to me that and Officer Szczypkowski explained, “Most they try and pack three to four toys for each of the families that apply have applied for child along with a game or piece of sports several years, so they are familiar with the equipment--and everyone gets a book along program. Some friends or relatives will tell with a stuffed animal. Amazing! And as it them--so most of the people generally know gets closer to Christmas, I was told that how it goes, but we do get some new people patrol officers have been known to take some that come in. Schools have been doing it for toys in their unit. If a situation occurs where years, so they are on the ball with it.” They they are called and they find a child in need, get lists from the Torrance schools and then they can give them a toy on the spot and later drop off the toys at the school to the the firefighters and paramedics do the same person that gave them the application. Some thing. Now that is giving in action. What a families will wrap the toys themselves and wonderful story! give them to their children. The Department What happens when there are more family does not dictate how the toys are distributed requests than they can fill? Miraculously as long as the children get them. I also learned enough, Officer Szczypkowski told me that that the schools are top priority because they that has never happened. Needs are always take off for Christmas break and the program met and they continue to collect toys up to organizers want to meet the children’s needs Christmas morning. If there are more toys than before school is out. needed, the Department donates the surplus All the toys are distributed by the Police to the local churches and the inner cities. and Fire departments respectively. For There are a lot of other organizations that example, each officer will take one or two gather toys this time of year as well. The Christina Szczypkowski Service Officer Community Affairs Division with the stuff animals that will be given to each child. bags during their beat and when they go into Salvation Army has a drive, the Toys for the joint Torrance Fire & Police Department everything was brand new, but now that she the recipient’s homes, they talk to the kids Tots has been around for years, and our own Holiday Toy Drive. Every year right after is a “veteran” she is diving head first into Torrance Transit Department started a “Stuff a Thanksgiving, the Police and Fire departments this special project. This project has been a Bus” program that is proving very successful. get together to set in motion the process of wonderful challenge for Christina and she All the programs help meet children’s needs accepting new donated toys from the citizens is excited to now store the new, unwrapped at Christmas. “I was blown away by the of Torrance for those in need. Bins are set toys in the MCV (mobile command vehicle) generosity of the citizens here in Torrance. up at all six fire stations located around the shed located in the police yard. Usually, the I just said, ‘Wow, they are just so giving,’” city and the main police station where the large shed houses the swat vehicle and police commented Officer Szczypkowski. collecting and sorting takes place. Last week motorcycles when it rains. Before the MCV Officer Christina Szczypkowski was a I visited with Officer Szczypkowski in her shed was secured, the toys were stored in a preschool teacher for seven years before second floor office at the Police Station near small shed that did have its drawbacks. coming to the Police Department in Torrance. City Hall. All the toys are delivered to the Police She was born at Little Company of Mary Officer Szczypkowski told me, “We begin Station where Officer Szczypkowski, along Hospital and has lived in the South Bay collecting unwrapped new toys right after with other volunteers, sort, organize and most of her life. One day while playing Thanksgiving. We composite our list--we have bag the toys. Sorting makes the filling of volleyball at the beach, she took the advice applications available to families right here “orders” much easier. All toys are sorted by from a Torrance police officer and friend in Torrance. We want to meet the needs with gender, age and type. The toys are brought who suggested she try to become an officer. our families who live here first. That is our in daily as the season begins. Laura Bednar, She thought about it and realized there was main priority--children in our schools as well Public Education Officer, Fire Prevention a wide variety of occupations within the as individual families that are having a hard Specialist in the Fire Department, secures a Police Department and after going through time. They fill out an application. They can large-stake bed truck, which is a huge open the recruitment was accepted into the Torrance get them the applications here at our front vehicle that is perfect for collecting all the Police family. Wow! “I fell in love with this lobby at our station or the Fire Department toys from the many drop-off locations around job and I really do care about our community,” Move from and give them the toys. Both officers and said Officer Szczypkowski.So as you make out your holiday list, takeToys for boys. renter to owner — And the volunteerism doesn’t stop with the Holiday Toy Drive and donate it at one ofthe time to purchase a toy or two for thefirefighters distribute toys during their shifts. buy your first home departments. Children of the Police and Fire the drop-off locations at the Fire Stations or Now may be the right time for you to buy your first home. stack the toys as they come--in addition to for drop-off locations at the Fire Department,Move fromthe Police Station. For more information ordepartments volunteer their time to sort and renter to owner — they notice is needed.donating toys, gift cards or whatever else• Low down payment options for qualified borrowers Let us show you how it may be possible with: • Financing options to help meet your needs buy your first home and budget buy your first home departments involved. Cadets, officers andAnd the volunteers come from the Now may be the right time for you to buy your first home. emergency services volunteers are all readypreapprovalBuyer®Priority• The power of a Now may be the right time for you to buy your first home. Let us show you how it may be possible with: SM Let us show you how it may be possible with: to help at a day’s or moment’s notice. TheyBuyer Connections• Introductions to REALTORS® in your area through • Low down payment options for qualified borrowers have the same people helping out year after First Home® Purchase Plan you may become a homeownerand budget• Financing options to help meet your needs year. Christina told me not only toys are• Financing options to help meet your needs• Low down payment options for qualified borrowers sooner than you imagined. Buyer® preapproval donated. For example books, gift cards andPriorityand budget• The power of a • Introductions to REALTORS® in your area through art supplies are also very welcome. Plus, don’tpreapprovalBuyer®Priority • The power of a SM • Introductions to REALTORS® in your area through forget the older teenage children. They likeBuyer Connections Get started on your road to homeownership. Call today. sports equipment and maybe Mc Donald’s giftSMBuyer Connections Let’s work together. With your personal action-oriented First Home® Purchase Plan you may become a homeowner certificates, or certificates to local department Let’s work together. With your personal action-oriented First Home® Purchase Plan you may become a homeowner stores or specialty shops. The only thing theyLiz Worden sooner than you imagined.Home Mortgage Consultant don’t take is video games. Phone: 310-265-9574 Cell: 310-487-8957 At this point, I could see that this toy 27440 Hawthorne Blvd. Get started on your road to homeownership. Call today. drive is a very large project that is extremely 90274 CA , Rolling Hills Estates Get started on your road to homeownership. Call today. well-run. We left the second floor of the WordenPolice Station and headed down the hall andelizabeth.worden@wellsfargo.comLiz WordenHome Mortgage Consultant Home Mortgage Consultant out the door and across the parking lot to476064310-265-9574 NMLSR ID Phone: Phone: 310-265-9574 the large MCV shed where all the toys are 27440 Hawthorne Blvd.310-487-8957 Cell: 27440 Hawthorne Blvd. 90274 stored. As we walked into the huge shed, ICA, noticed the large white police vehicle to the90274CA, Rolling Hills Estates right, and lined up to the left were several Toys for girls. NMLSR ID 476064 NMLSR ID 476064 “motors” (police motorcycles) parked in the call 310-781-7071. For information at the shed due to the rain. Down the middle and Police Department, call 310-618-6392. Make Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. sides of the large area all the way to the this year special not only for the child you ©2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. 100719 - REV 5/12 back of the shed on the left were toys. Toys help, but for the joy you receive when you everywhere! Loaded down with treasures I give during this Christmas season. • Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without ©2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801.
Torrance 12_13_12
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