TORRANCE TRIBUNE December 13, 2012 Page 3 November 2012 Winner Calendar Thursday, december 13 be purchased. Friday, December 14• South Bay Bal- • The Salvation Army Torrance Corps let presents “The Nutcracker”, 7 p.m., El needs volunteers for Angel Tree Program, Camino’s Marsee Auditorium, 16007 Cren- bell-ringers, Adopt-A-Family Program and shaw Blvd. Also at 2 p.m. on Dec. 15 and 16. Can Food Drive. For more information For more information call (310) 329-5345. contact Angela Ohl at (310) 370-4515. Saturday, December 15 • Fundraising to benefit L.A. County Susan Sunday, December 16• ‘Twas the Night G. Komen for the Cure, Eddie’s Barbershop Before Christmas reading, 4 p.m., Torrance – Men & Women, 2455 Sepulveda Blvd. Historical Society Museum 1345 Post Ave. through Mar. 23, 2013. For more information For more information call (310) 328-5392. call (310) 533-9474. upcoming • West High Entertainment Unit Our Staff Pick for • Think Clean, Go Clean! Eco Art Contest Christmas Tree Lot benefiting marching November is Tucker and Festival, Jan 12 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., band, percussion, color guard and drill team Watson (2 and a Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic programs. Weekdays, 3-9 p.m., and weekends half), who shows Center Drive. 9 a.m.-9 p.m., West High school parking lot, off his voting sticker ongoing corner of Del Amo and Victor. after helping Mom • “Giving Tree” to support Walk With • “Get Your Lights On” Holiday Light vote. Provided by Sally’s Presents for Parents program at Contest for a chance to win $300 cash and Heather Watson. The the South Bay Galleria, Dec. 1-Dec. 16. a $100 donation to a charity of your choice. winner will receive Ornaments, designated with a specific gift a Register at a $25 gift certificate child would like to give to their parent, can Entries must be submitted by Dec. 17. • from our advertiser Business Briefs “Valentino’s Pizza”. Congratulations. “Get Your LiGhts oN” toNY roma’s CoLLeCtiNG Food, hoLidaY LiGht CoNtest toYs to BeNeFit CommuNitY A Get Your Lights ON Holiday Light Tony Roma’s is collecting toys and canned Contest is being sponsored by Prudential goods donations at its Torrance restaurant Real Estate. If you see a South Bay location to benefit Toys For Tots and Torrance- Readers send us your photos! Do you have a favorite photo? An old yearbook photo? Glamour Shot? home that displays great holiday spirit or area senior citizens as well as the Torrance Baby photo? We want them. We will accept only one photo, per person, every month. Once a month, you are excited to share your own bright New Challenge Ministries Fresh Rescue Food we will pick a “Staff Favorite” and the winner will get a $25.00 gift certificate from one of our our local businesses, who are advertisers. lights, enter them or yourself for a chance Bank. Items can be taken to Tony Roma’s, to win $300 cash and a $100 donation to a 24301 Crenshaw Blvd., on Sunday-Thursday Email your photos to: charity of your choice. You can register by from 11a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Friday-Saturday We will only accept emailed photos and they must be in jpg form. going to and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. All donors will be be sure to check out the “Get Your Lights given a Free Appetizer coupon as well as a On” video. Entries must be submitted by chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Tony Police Reports Monday, December 17. Cious Nt any questions.Roma’s. Donations will be accepted throughDecember 20. Please call 310-326-7427 ifmeNtertai LuseNNGhiGiLLhesWest The crimes listed are crimes where Suspect(s) disconnects surveillance camera Christmas trees CoNGressWomaN Waters a report was taken by law enforcement wires and takes property from carport/video Looking for a beautiful, fresh Christmas eLeCted raNkiNG memBer agency and submitted for investigation. The camera, computer monitor. tree this season? Be sure to visit the West oF the house FiNaNCiaL outcome of the investigation or any criminal Burglary-Commercial: 22700 BLOCK High Entertainment Unit Christmas tree lot. serviCes Committee court proceeding are not considered when LUPINE DR Suspect(s) removes window This annual event benefits the marching Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D- reporting crimes. The crimes are listed as for entry, attempts to pry open office door/ band, percussion, color guard and drill CA) was elected Ranking Member of the follows: arson, simple assault, aggravated unknown if property loss at time of report. team programs. Sales are underway with House Financial Services Committee on assault-weapon, auto theft, auto burglary, Burglary-Commercial: 1900 BLOCK weekday hours of 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Dec. 4 by the House Democratic Caucus. commercial burglary, residential burglary, SEPULVEDA BLVD Suspect(s) enters weekend hours of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. These Congresswoman Waters will be the first homicide, strong-arm robbery, robbery with property by unknown means and takes beautiful, fresh trees are selling fast. The African-American and woman to serve a weapon, theft and vandalism. The City property/camper shells. tree lot is located in the West High school in this position on the Financial Services of Torrance, or its employees or agents, Burglary-Commercial: 20500 BLOCK parking lot on the corner of Del Amo and Committee. Following the election, shall assume no liability for: 1. Any errors, VISTA DR Suspects request to tour victim’s Victor in Torrance. Happy Holidays from Congresswoman Waters released the omissions, or inaccuracies in the information residence that is for sale and take property/ West High Entertainment! See Business Briefs, page 4 provided regardless of how caused; or 2. Any jewelry, cash. decision made or action taken or not taken Auto Theft-All: 23000 BLOCK by reader in reliance upon any information ARLINGTON AVE Stolen vehicle: ‘99 TORRANCE CIVIC CHORALE & ORCHESTRA or data furnished hereunder. Honda Passport. deCemBer 1 Theft: 2900 BLOCK PACIFIC COAST Present Auto Theft-All: 17500 BLOCK HWY Suspect(s) takes forgotten property HAWTHORNE BLVD Stolen vehicle: ‘95 off of sales counter/tablet. Honda Accord. Battery-Simple: 3700 BLOCK EMERALD Burglary-Auto: 3500 BLOCK GARNET ST Suspect punches victim in the face. ST Suspect(s) takes property from victim’s Theft: 22300 BLOCK KENT AVE Suspect open trunk/jewelry, purses. takes property from residence without Theft: 300 BLOCK CALLE MIRAMAR permission while there with permission/cash. • Harry’s & McCoy’s Moving Family Owned & Operated for 65 Years David Burks – Conductor “Discount to All Torrance Residents” DECEMBER 14 & 15, 2012 • 8:00 PM United States Premiere with orchestra of “Wherever You Are” sung by the Torrance Civic Chorale women, •Time Starts At Your Door Written by world renowned composer Paul Mealor •Guaranteed Price/Single Item Moves Hannukkah Selections • Christmas Favorites • Selected Vocal Solos •FREE Use of Boxes & Wardrobes Harry’s & “Merry Christmas, Darling” written by Frank Pooler and made famous Mccoy’s Moving by Karen and Richard Carpenter (310) 329-3493 Operated for 65 Years James R. Armstrong Theatre - 3330 Civic Center Drive - Torrance, CA 90503Theatre Box Office (310) 781-7171Family Owned & Free Estimates Reserved Seating $16.50 - ($2.50 per ticket box office handling charge included) Licensed & Insured – CAL-T-160-989 A presentation of the Cultural Services Division of the Torrance Community Services Department www.TorranceCA.Gov &
Torrance 12_13_12
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