TORRANCE TRIBUNE December 13, 2012 Page 9 Children’s Choir from front page A Student’s Perspective this concert and it is really a great feeling to a performance slot. On the Underappreciated Art of Teaching see it all come together, especially in such “They have dance groups and they have a big venue as Marsee Auditorium. To look bell chimes--they have professional groups By Glen Abalayan, has molded their students into better citizens. out into the audience and see all the parents and a few children‘s choirs, as well as adult Torrance High School Student To them, there is no greater feeling than supporting these kids was really amazing. choirs,” Simons said. “They try to make it The practice of teaching is one of the seeing their students develop into better Also, to hear what they have done in such very representative of the Los Angeles area. most underappreciated occupations in the individuals than when they first stepped into a short amount of time, to get together and You have to audition six months ahead of world. Unfortunately, those who are trained their classrooms. Simply put, teachers want perform all these pieces and to perform time, so I sent in an audition tape and they’ll in the art of teaching are overlooked by to give their students the tools to become them so well, it really is a great feeling as a let you know until sometime in October. I their students and are not recognized for successful and prepared for the real world. conductor and from a musician’s standpoint.” tried to send in something that is going to their successes. Teachers deserve better This hope of making a difference in their There are 13 boys in The Troubadours, be representative of what we are actually than this maltreatment. Instead, they should students’ lives is what motivates them into all of whom are in their first term. Yet for going to be performing.” be placed upon a pedestal for ceaselessly continuing to practice this truly humble Zimmerman, the talent and commitment of Once the holiday season ends, the SBCC educating the next generation of innovators. occupation. the group is what allowed the performance will begin preparations for its March 24, There is no bigger debt a student owes to It can be safe to say that the success of to come together and translate into such a 2013 Great American Folk Song at Marsee someone than to his or her teachers, who any individuals is partly caused by what their have provided the tools needed for success. teachers taught them during their younger Teaching is a humble practice. It is the years. One of the greatest examples to prove “These kids are very skilled and they are very motivated, which makes only practice other than parenting in which this statement is how the wisdom of Aristotle, it a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable for us on the conductor side they will knowingly play a role in their Great, would have never existed without hiswhich was later passed on to Alexander Thestudents’ success without receiving any because we are making music with kids who want to make music.” compensation. This practice is severely teacher Plato--whose teachings were from his underrated and underappreciated concerning mentor Socrates. Were it not for the teachers how far they go for their students. of Aristotle to have willingly taught their strong showing. “They come on a Saturday Auditorium where musicians such Cathy Teachers perform superhuman tasks for pupil, the theories that have shaped today’s morning and that is not easy for a child to be Fink, Phil Salazar and Lauren Donahue will the successes of their students. Every year, modern world would never have existed. there after going to school five days a week. be present. In addition, the Albert McNeil they are assigned to an increasingly larger The same can be said for the successes of Every single one of these kids wants to be Jubilee Singers of Los Angeles will perform group of students and are paid even lower any individuals, as what they have put into there--they have that motivation,” Zimmerman a program of spirituals. Yet for now, Simons wages. They must then endure insulting practice is what their teachers have instilled said. “Once we come in, they motivate us and everyone at the choir is focusing their remarks defying their authority by the to them in theory. Any successful individuals maybe more than we motivate them because energy for that five-minute performance at very students they educate. On top of their should pay gratitude to the teachers who we see the excitement in their faces and we the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion on Christmas challenges within the classroom, teachers have given them everything they had to help see how far they have gone in such a short Eve. For Simons, the performance does more must also sacrifice their own social lives the former achieve their dreams. amount of time. These kids are very skilled than just enhance the holiday spirit. by having to grade piles of assignments An anonymous writer once wrote: “A and they are very motivated, which makes it “I never realized until we actually were instead of being with their families. With the society grows great when old men plant a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable for us part of the performance, that we had someone great challenges teachers face, it is certain trees whose shade they know they’ll never on the conductor side because we are making in our group about 10 years ago who did they are not doing this for their financial sit in.” This is no closer to the truth than music with kids who want to make music.” not have a lot of money. She was a single advancement. in the art of teaching, where those in the The December 12 performance, being mother and when she came up to me after So what drives teachers to continue this profession must humble themselves in broadcast by Hawthorne Cable throughout the the concert, she said it was such a thrill grueling career when they can receive greater order for their students to succeed. It is month, is only the first televised performance and that she and her daughter always came pay working as accountants? The answer unfathomable how far a teacher can go by the SBCC which will also be appearing and watched it every year,” Simons said. lies in the very people who occupy their to help students. Were it not for teachers’ on KCET on December 24 at exactly 3:25 “I realized that this was their only chance classrooms every day. When asked about generosity, students would have never realized p.m. The Holiday Celebration, being hosted to go to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion what keeps them returning to school every their true potential. Thanksgiving has come at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, is a free to see a show and it is a wonderful show. day, most teachers say, “It’s my students.” and gone, but people should always be concert with free parking included that Presenting this is a wonderful thing for the They pursue their occupation not for the grateful for the teachers who have paved allows parents and families to watch their City of Los Angeles to do--giving people money, but the comfort that their teaching the way for their success. • children perform in a venue with a strong the opportunity to see something in that reputation. This is the fourth year that the grand venue for free. It is full and I didn’t SBCC will perform at Dorothy Chandler realize what it was going to be like to walk Pavilion. Despite the continued presence out on the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion stage Visit us online: in this prestigious holiday event, the choir and see the sea of faces all the way up to must continue to audition in order to earn the top balcony.” • business & professional directory alarms flooring glass painting plumbing KIRK FLOORING THE GLASS IDEA CO. TKO PAINTING CO. INC. 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