TORRANCE TRIBUNE December 20, 2012 Page 3 Business Briefs Tony Roma’s ColleCTing Food, include fresh smoothies, salads and wraps Toys To BeneFiT CommuniTy and is in Village Del Amo located at 21219 Tony Roma’s is collecting toys and canned Hawthorne Blvd. Seen here is owner Ronald goods donations at its Torrance restaurant Dupree of FROOTS in front of his Torrance location to benefit Toys For Tots and restaurant along with staff members. Photo Torrance-area senior citizens as well as the by Charlene Nishimura. Torrance New Challenge Ministries Fresh ToRRanCe oRgan donoRs Rescue Food Bank. Items can be taken to honoRed on PaRade FloaT Tony Roma’s, 24301 Crenshaw Blvd., on Sunday to Thursday from 11a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Friday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. All donors will be given a Free Appetizer coupon as well as a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Tony Roma’s. Donations will be accepted through December 20. For more information, interested persons may Tani, you were our best call 310-326-7427. Christmas present and still FRooTs CeleBRaTes FiRsT are. Love, from Mom and anniveRsaRy wiTh RiBBon Dad. Provided by Carol CuTTing CeRemony Mikulchik. Readers send us your photos! Do you have a favorite photo? An old yearbook photo? Glamour Shot? The summer after Brittany Nicole Cail Baby photo? We want them. We will accept only one photo, per person, every month. Once a month, graduated from Torrance High School in June from one of our our$25.00 gift certificatewe will pick a “Staff Favorite” and the winner will get a local businesses, who are advertisers. 2007, she decided to go to New Orleans to visit her grandparents. She ended up loving Email your photos to: it there, so she decided to call New Orleans We will only accept emailed photos and they must be in jpg form. home. Brittany found a job in food service at the local hospital and working there. The following January, during a visit by her mother Calendar ribbon cutting ceremony, which included city Brittany told her mom she was an organ donorRaquel, Brittany shared how proud she wasthat she had just received her driver’s license.FROOTS Restaurant celebrated its Torrancelocation’s first anniversary with a grand dignitaries and members of the Torrance Area and if something ever happened she wanted Friday, december 21 Beltran (also 1/12), 7:30 p.m., George Chamber of Commerce. FROOTS specialties See Business Briefs, page 4 • North Torrance Youth Music Ensemble Nakano Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. Winter Festival Concert, 7 p.m., James For more information call (310) 781-7171. Armstrong Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. SaTurday, January 12 For more information call (310) 781-7171. •Think Clean, Go Clean! Eco Art Contest • A Christmas Carol, Torrance Theatre and Festival, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Torrance Company, 8-10 p.m., 1316 Cabrillo Ave. For Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Drive. more information call Gia Inferrera-Jordahl Sunday, January 13 at (424) 243-6882. • Guest Artists Series: Stunt Dog Sunday, december 23 Experience, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., James • Bonnie Barchichat’s “Comedy Seniors Armstrong Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. Can Relate To” will be presenting a “Holly- For more information call (310) 781-7171. Bolly Holiday Show” including an Indian OngOing lunch buffet at Noon and show starting at • West High Entertainment Unit 1:15pm at the Bombay Tandoori, 4111 PCH. Christmas Tree Lot benefiting marching Contact bonnie@seniorcomedyafternoons. band, percussion, color guard and drill team com for more info. programs. Weekdays, 3-9 p.m., and weekends ThurSday, January 10 9 a.m.-9 p.m., West High school parking lot, • West High Dance Department’s Dance corner of Del Amo and Victor. Performance, 7 p.m. (also 1/11), James • The Salvation Army Torrance Corps Holiday Eve Free Fares Armstrong Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. needs volunteers for Angel Tree Program, To help you enjoy the holidays safely, all Metro buses and trains will o=er free service For more information call (310) 781-7171. bell-ringers, Adopt-A-Family Program and on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Speci>cally, no fare will be charged from9pm Friday, January 11 Can Food Drive. For more information on Monday, December 24 until2am Tuesday, December 25 and from9pm on Monday, December 31 until2am on Tuesday, January 1. Have a safe holiday. Go Metro. • Studio Cabaret Series-Louie Cruz contact Angela Ohl at (310) 370-4515. • Go Metro To The Rose Parade To really enjoy this year’s Tournament of Roses Parade on January 1, use the Metro Gold Digital Vision/Getty Images Line and skip the tra;c and parking hassles. All Metro Rail lines will run overnight on keep out of reach Metro’s Division 5 Turns 100 31 to help you make your connections. Plan your trip at by many things you’d never of children as a streetcar yard for the Los Angeles Railway. theld Square neighborhood began life in 1912> anniversary this month. The bus division at 54thMetro’s Division 5 is celebrating its 100Street and Van Ness Avenue in LA’s Chester Asthma attacks can be caused expect. Including stuffed animals. With new information, you can help prevent your child’s Metro ExpressLanes Now Open asthma attacks, and avoid the emergency room. Join thousands of motorists who are getting through tra;c faster by using the new Metro ExpressLanes on the I-110 Harbor Freeway. Solo drivers can use the lanes for a toll, while carpools, vanpools and motorcycles travel toll-free. All need a FasTrak® account and transponder; to get yours, Lane Closures Loom In Sepulveda Pass Individual lane closures for resurfacing and striping could be on the schedule for early next year on the I-405 Freeway in the Sepulveda Pass as part of the freeway improvements project. for the latest information on closures and construction schedules. 2012 lacmta © 13-1050ps_sby-ie-13-007 ATTACK ASTHMA. ACT NOW. If you’d like to know 1- 866-NO-ATTACKS more, visit W W W . N O A T T A C K S . O R G DON’T LET YOUR CHILD FEEL LIKE A FISH WITHOUT WATER.
Torrance 12_20_12
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