TORRANCE TRIBUNE December 20, 2012 Page 9 People Police Reports Congratulations was taken by law enforcement agency and Burglary ResidentialR 6: 5500 BLOCKeBemCedThe crimes listed are crimes where a report Devon Cherry, of Torrance, a first-year College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, made submitted for investigation. The outcome 190TH ST Suspect attempts to pick door student in Rochester Institute of Technology’s the Dean’s List for the Fall 2012 quarter. • of the investigation or any criminal court lock, but is interrupted by noises made by proceeding are not considered when reporting victim inside her residence/no entry, no loss. crimes. The crimes are listed as follows: arson, Theft: 2300 BLOCK JEFFERSON ST Up and Adam from page 5 simple assault, aggravated assault-weapon, Suspect(s) enters parking garage, cuts lock auto theft, auto burglary, commercial burglary, and takes property/bicycles. lost in the CIF final to Nordhoff. and impress their fans every year. Some go residential burglary, homicide, strong-arm Burglary-Auto : 16400 BLOCK Other less talked about sports had their pro and some do it just for fun, but either robbery, robbery with a weapon, theft and CRENSHAW BLVD Suspect(s) enters possibly day too--like when The Saxons went to the way they are all appreciated just the same vandalism. The City of Torrance, or its unlocked vehicle and takes property/purse. soccer playoffs and advanced to the second by all those who watch or read about them. employees or agents, shall assume no liability Theft: 1700 BLOCK CARSON ST Suspects round only to lose to Oak Hills by a slim The rivalries may always continue amongst for: 1. Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies work in concert to distract victim and take one- goal margin on penalty kicks. Or when the teams, but the affection and pleasure in the information provided regardless of how her property from under front counter/purse. the South High Spartans made it all the way that all who support them receive from caused; or 2. Any decision made or action Burglary-Auto: 3600 BLOCK LOMITA to the SoCal regionals in men’s volleyball, the players’ talents will remain as well. It taken or not taken by reader in reliance upon BLVD Suspect punches door lock for entry, winning five playoff matches in a row to certainly has been a year of ups and downs any information or data furnished hereunder. but flees without property when interrupted get there before losing in the quarterfinals for these teams from Torrance, but one thing deCemBeR 8 by victim. to Jordan. The fact remains that no matter is for certain--2012 has been a year in sports Burglary-Commercial: 3500 BLOCK Robbery-Strong Arm: 2600 BLOCK what the sport, these high school athletes that neither these schools nor their fans will CARSON ST Suspect(s) pries locks on PACIFIC COAST HWY Suspect approaches in Torrance do their best to put on a show ever forget. • victims’ lockers and takes property/cash, victim using ATM and forcibly takes his wallet. property from his possession/cash. City Council from front page SEPULVEDA BLVD Suspect puts his hands SARTORI AVE Suspect(s) forces open garage: 900 BLOCKBurglary-Commercial: 3400 BLOCKBattery-Simple This extensive knowledge of local schools Finally, Neu said that his department is around victim’s neck before punching him and takes property/bicycle, computer monitor. helps the Department implement its Rapid always learning how to better protect the in the side and back repeatedly. deCemBeR 5 Deployment plans at schools, if there is city’s residents. “With every tragic event that Burglary-Auto: 4000 BLOCK 190TH ST Theft: 3600 BLOCK GARNET ST an “active shooter scenario.” Neu said takes place in this nation, there are lessons Suspect(s) punches door lock for entry and Suspect(s) enters parking garage, cuts lock that Rapid Deployment involves extensive that are learned for all of law enforcement, takes property/purse. and takes property/bicycles. training for stopping dangerous individuals all of public safety, and all of us, especially deCemBeR 7 Battery-Simple: 100 BLOCK PASEO as quickly and safely as possible. “We are parents,” said Neu. “Obviously, there isn’t Robbery-Weapon: 2100 BLOCK PLAZA DE LA CONCHA Suspect punches victim going in,” said Neu. “We’re going to eliminate anything we can ignore. Unfortunately, there DEL AMO Suspect pulls up, exits vehicle, in the arm. the threat.” have been too many incidents. Since 1992 to brandishes a handgun and demands pedestrian Burglary-Auto: 1900 BLOCK CABRILLO To go along with Rapid Deployment, the 2012, there have been over 40 incidents at victim’s cash before victim runs away/no loss. AVE Suspect(s) punches door lock for entry Department has developed the School-site schools that have lead to multiple homicides. Theft: 3900 BLOCK 235TH ST Suspect(s) and takes property/third row seat, hitch cover. Terrorism Observation Program (STOP) with We have learned from each event. We have removes manhole covers and takes property Auto Theft-All: CABRILLO AVE & the goals of arming teachers and administrators changed our training. We have changed our from housings/copper wire. LINCOLN AVE Stolen vehicle: ‘97 Honda Civic. with information on pre-incident indicators tactics and now we are at the point where we Burglary-Commercial: 2600 BLOCK Burglary-Residential: 1600 BLOCK of active shooters on schools and informing are working with school employees, which VINE AVE Suspect(s) attempts to force open DATE AVE Suspect(s) enters open garage them how police will handle the situation and is extremely important.” vending machine and breaks off handle to and takes property/drill motors, motorized how to best protect students. STOP is custom- Mayor Frank Scotto said that while there equipment room/no entry, no loss. scooters, scooter chargers, toy gun. tailored to each school location and contains is no way to make a tragedy like the one Auto Theft-All: 1900 BLOCK 190TH ST Theft: 3600 BLOCK GARNET ST a site-specific plan along with information on in Newtown an impossibility, he believes Stolen vehicle: ‘11 Ford panel truck. Suspect(s) takes unsecured property from the best practices for handling a lockdown all the public safety employees are ready Burglary-Auto: 3400 BLOCK 168TH ST carport/bicycles. situation. So far six schools have finished with to protect the citizens of Torrance if the Suspect(s) enters possibly unlocked vehicle Burglary-Auto: 2000 BLOCK 180TH ST the program, and the Department is eager worst case scenario comes to pass. “We are and takes property/clothes, umbrella. Suspect(s) smashes window for entry and takes to fully implement STOP community- already ahead of the game,” said Scotto. “We Theft: 24200 BLOCK HAWTHORNE property from engine compartment/battery. wide. “In 2010, we decided we needed to believe we’ve already done a tremendous BLVD Suspect(s) enters construction site deCemBeR 4 extend that training to our schools,” said Neu. amount of preparedness. We believe the City and takes property/compressor, ladders, Burglary-Commercial: 2400 BLOCK “When we have a critical incident that takes of Torrance’s police and public safety are construction materials. PACIFIC COAST HWY Suspect(s) cuts place at our schools, we need to provide that well-prepared and hopefully they will never Auto Theft-All: 3300 BLOCK LOMITA padlock and takes property from victim’s training beforehand.” have to use it.” • BLVD Stolen vehicle: ‘05 Chevrolet Tahoe. storage container/book, fish tank. • business & professional directory alarms flooring glass painting plumbing KIRK FLOORING THE GLASS IDEA CO. TKO PAINTING CO. INC. 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Torrance 12_20_12
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