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Torrance 9.20.12

Page 14 September 20 , 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Fall is football, apple picking... ...crisp air and getting ready for winter. Newspaper Fun!www.readingclubfun.comAnnimills LLC c 2012 V9-39 Fall is Coming! 1 flowers 2 3 4 moon Fall is coming! Leaves are starting to drop 5 from the trees. Some birds are flocking together nuts football and flying south for the winter. Animals are 6 7 grain gathering seeds and nuts to store for the winter. 8 Children are playing soccer and football. Some people are piling smoke logs for fires that will take off the chill in their homes in the evenings. 9 Families are starting to cook more hot meals, and baking in the birds oven begins again! Yum! 1 smells logs Some things fall “down” Wheeee! 2 temperatures 10 during the autumn season and 3 seeds some things go “up”: leaves 4 Going Up . . . Falling Down . . . 1. stacking ________ in piles for heating 1. get out sweaters when these fall grapes 2. picking ________ to dry for fall bouquets 2. the scurrying ________ tumbled 3. flocking together to fly south down into their burrows 4. kicked up over the goal post 3. roasted over a fire and eaten frost 5 5. piled into silo for winter feeding of animals 4. clusters of ________ hang down 6 6. harvest ________ rising into the sky at night heavily on their vines acorns 7. ________ of baking pies, hot cider 5. crisp and fresh! pies! sauce! 8. milkweed pods open and their 6. fields of ________ rain ________ float away7 8. umbrellas, raincoats 9 hay puzzles 10. squirrels pick up ________ to store9. ________ from fires warming housesFree8 7. rake them up! needed 9. coats the grass and Print out our puzzles:Fall Fun and Fitness,Stars in Science andappleschipmunks windowpanes Inventions andLetters Working Togetherword search. Print out thechestnuts 10. fall from mighty oak trees 10 reading log and certificate set: If I have to come A Soft Landing! Orange Clouds Moving South?! down in the fall, I By the thousands they fall into the pile group together to 4 1 74 73 72 71 branches to rest!2land in trees, clinging to3 These orange andblack flying insectsHelp me want to have a soft landing. Wheee of leaves! move south for 5 31 75 76 77 7087the winter. 6 32 78 30 19 59 86 69 18 79 7 60 80 688581833329 8 61 63 82 65 66 6758342084 28 57 62 64 53 52 27 25 24 21 17 35 46 54 51 10 12 14 15 16 36 44 47 49 50555645222313269 11 39 38 37 43 48 Monarch 40 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __u4241 Falling all Around! Grab your colored pencils and fill this in to see what is falling: B = Brown, Y = Yellow, T = Tan, R = Red, O = Orange R R O O O R O O ROOO OR R ORO RR RRRR R RR R R R B R B B R R RR R R RR RY Y YY YYYY Y YYYY Y Y R RRRR R NewspaperFunRRRRRRRRYYYRYYYRYYYYYYYRRRRYR! Created by Annimills LLC c 2012RRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYRYYYYRRYRYYYYRYYRRYYYYRYRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBRBRBBRRBRRBRRBBBTRBBBBRRBTRTRRTBBTRTRTRTRRTTBTTRTRRTTTRRRTRRRRTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRORRRRORRRRORROOORORRORRRRORROROOROOROOOOOOOOOOORROORRROOOOOOOROOOOOOOOROOOOORROOOOOOORRORORORRRORRRRR

Torrance 9.20.12
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