TORRANCE TRIBUNE September 20, 2012 Page 5 Political Penguin One Man’s Opinion By Duane Plank political capital by blaming the administration By Gerry Chong cannot overcome. Ever have one of those days where you just for the tragic events. Both candidates were For the third time in as many years, for “For example, the federal Defense wished that you had stayed in bed, pulled the trying to gain politically from the deaths of the briefest of moments, the Gates of Hell of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage darn covers over your head and just let the the four Americans, which is a sad but true cracked open allowing outsiders to glimpse as between a man and a woman. That is day go by? Deal with everything tomorrow? commentary on the politics of 2012. its goings on. The heat, the furnace-like heat, federal law. But as your follower, by Well, had one of those days last week, day Was speaking with the Kid about the deaths. singed our eyebrows. The flashing lights and presidential edict, I have directed my that the PP was due to be filed. My comment was that I was hoping that we the screaming souls told us the Prince of administration to refuse to defend that law. Now nothing really game-changing or earth would unleash the incredibly well-trained Darkness was in residence and entertaining You and I, my lord, know better than the shattering occurred, but have been dealing American commandoes who are itching for the grinning American ambassador. people. Without moral judgment, in our view, with some off the field and on the field a fight, send them into the Libyan wasteland, From astride his throne, the Supreme One it is a civil right for people of the same sex challenges recently. And the day job duties track down the bastards who perpetrated the asked, “How goes the battle between good to marry. have somehow morphed into retro, causing murders, decapitate the sorry suckers and and evil?” “To take our position even further, me some consternation. Had been excelling toss their remains into a fire pit. “Extremely well, dear leader,” said the California State Senator Mark Leno (D-SF) there for the past six months. Least that was Maybe I overreacted, but back in the day American. “As you recall, in years past we has introduced SB- 1476 to allow groups my opinion. Feel like I am back to square when we let covert operatives act covertly, had the mention of ‘God’ removed from of people of any sex to marry and parent one, sometimes. But I shall soldier on. seems a lot less of these string bean republics schools. We had His symbols, like the sign of children. Twos, threes, fours, any combination A few quickly increasing and unforeseen messed with the good old U.S. of A. the cross and nativity scenes, removed from of people of any sexual orientation… would be expenses hit the proverbial fan, ratcheting I will calm down. public display. We even forced U.S. Marines allowed to marry and raise a family. Senator up the anxiety level. Then, visiting the Now that the political conventions are who wanted to erect a cross to honor fallen Leno has taken literally Hillary Clinton’s recuperating sis, who is lolly-gagging around in the rear-view mirror, with the partying, comrades to remove it from public view. To view that ‘it takes a village.’ recovering from knee surgery, and after blustering and speechifying long gone in both borrow a term from Hannibal Lecter, we are “In 2004, the Democratic Party platform leaving her palatial hillside estate, noticed Tampa and Charlotte, the election beckons. silencing the lambs.” mentioned God eight times, but by 2008, we that I had idiotically locked the keys in van. But the national numbers, the total raw vote, “Wonderful, wonderful,” said the Caped had reduced His name’s mention down to four. Tried the old coat hanger deal to no avail don’t matter much, as you all know, right? What One. “But that’s old news. What is today’s This year, we came very close to eliminating and had to sheepishly call home and ask the counts are the tabulation and accruing of the progress?” Him entirely. We even had Sandra Fluke, an Kid to bring a spare set of the keys over so electoral votes, and the courting and conquering Smiled the American, “We are doing even advocate of taxpayer-funded contraception that I could open the doors. of the all-important swing states. It takes 270 better. We attacked the Catholic Church’s and abortions, speak during prime time. It Sorry, digression. Just wanted to share with electoral votes to capture the Presidency and right to practice its religious convictions on was our party’s de facto endorsement of the faithful readers who have been besieging most non-biased projections have the POTUS contraception and abortion, forcing Notre her position. me lately, asking for more breezy stuff in with a healthy lead at this time. Dame University and several dioceses to “A right wing Republican zealot was the columns. Florida and Michigan are considered the bring suit against the government. Critically, heard to grumble, ‘If God doesn’t destroy So I sit down in the gloaming to write, and critical swing states and unless Romney and churches feel constrained to criticize the Democratic Party, He should at least the news of the political day centers around his strategists find a way to overtake perceived government because of the constitutional apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.’ I trust the murders of Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Obama leads in these critical states, the Prez separation of church and state, but the state you will not allow that to happen.” President Obama, flanked by Sec of State will be the winner on that Tuesday night in feels no such compunction in attacking Replied a smiling Satan, “I have always Hillary Rodham Clinton, had addressed the November when you must go to the polls. religion. Therefore, in our ongoing efforts defended you and the Democrats and now murders earlier in the day, and of course, Game over. 5.687 in. to create a godless society, we have a that we’re winning, I will protect you through Mitt “The Glove” Romney had tried to seize Ready for four more years of… “hope?” • structural advantage the followers of God eternity.” • For a Founding Father, he doesn’t know much about helping a kid get a student loan. 2.562 in. Not everyone in the government knows everything about the government. So when you need official info about Social Security, getting a student loan, renewing a driver’s license, or if you’re just checking your local weather, go to A monumental source of useful information. A public service message from the U.S. General Services Administration. It’s competitive out there — get the StagecoachPriorityregistered.lin advantage E6FZM0023_H REQ 48782 Creative Director: S. Pitsillos FCIC 04-13-06 CE-3/1 Art Director: A. 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