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October 6, 2016 Page 7 Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub Like Us on Facebook PUBLIC NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 2122 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA, A ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT (2016-ZA03) AMENDING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 17.04, SECTIONS 17.10.010, 17.32.020 AND 17.38.060 AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.88 TO TITLE 17 OF THE HAWTHORNE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE “FREEWAY OVERLAY ZONE” FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING CERTAIN OFF-PREMISES SIGNS (BILLBOARDS), AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE AND ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the City of Hawthorne (“City”) currently has a number of off-premises signs (Billboards) throughout the City, both along I-405 and I-105 freeways as well as interior corridors of the City, such as Prairie and Crenshaw Avenues; WHEREAS, City has, consistent with the California Outdoor Advertising Act (California Business & Professions Code, Section 5200 et seq.), adopted certain regulations, including Section 17.35.220 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code to prohibit the installation of new Billboards in the City; WHEREAS, the California Outdoor Advertising Act generally provides that compensation must be paid to Billboard owners for the removal, abatement or limitation of the customary maintenance, use or repair of certain lawfully erected nonconforming Billboards; WHEREAS, a majority of the view corridors adjacent to the freeways traversing the City are designated as “Landscape Freeways” as defined in California Business & Professions Code, Section 5216; WHEREAS, construction of new billboards is prohibited along highways designated as Landscaped Freeways with certain exceptions, including the construction of relocated billboards pursuant to California Business & Professions Code, Section 5443.5 or the construction of new billboards along portions of Landscaped Freeways that have been declassified; WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to provide opportunities for the construction of new and relocated billboards pursuant to the terms of this ordinance; WHEREAS, Business and Professions Code section 5412 specifically empowers a city to enter into relocation agreements on whatever terms are agreeable to an outdoor advertising display owner and the city as a means of eliminating the need to pay compensation for their removal from areas of the city that may be inappropriate; WHEREAS, Business and Professions Code section 5412 further empowers a city to adopt ordinances or resolutions providing for the relocation of Billboards; WHEREAS, technology has also allowed for the modernization of advertising medium by way of the creation of digital or electronic messaging, which have been utilized by advertising companies throughout the nation; WHEREAS, the City recognizes that Billboards are a valuable advertising tool, but without proper design, placement and maintenance may unduly distract, create traffic hazards and negative visual, lighting and glare impacts; WHEREAS, allowing the construction of new Billboards along portions of the City that are not adjacent to Landscape Freeways and the relocation of existing Billboards to more appropriate locations within the City provides a greater opportunity for businesses to advertise to larger audiences and promote economic growth in Hawthorne and the region; WHEREAS, allowing the relocation of existing Billboards also allows the City to direct placement of Billboards into areas that are more aesthetically appropriate, create fewer visual and glare impacts and are less obtrusive to the City’s residents; WHEREAS, adoption of this ordinance is consistent with objectives and policies of the City of Hawthorne General Plan and Title 17 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code, including the following General Plan Goals and Policies: 1. Goal 1 of Section IV of the Land Use Element of the General Plan provides that “The City shall expand current efforts to attract and enhance commercial development”; 2. Policy 1.1 of Goal 1 of Section IV further provides that “The Century Freeway (I-105) and San Diego Freeway (I-405) Corridors shall be planned for regionally-oriented commercial uses where appropriate.” 3. On March 8, 2016, Policy 1.5 of Goal 1 of Section IV was also added to the Land Use Element of the General Plan to explicitly state that “The City shall continue to explore and adopt ways to use its assets to promote commercial activity within the City;” 4. Goal 2 of Section IV further provides that “Every effort shall be made to ensure that both existing and future development will be and will remain compatible with surrounding desirable uses.” 5. On March 8, 2016, the City Council approved an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan (2016GP01) that revised Policy 2.5 of Goal 2 of Section IV to provide that “Obtrusive advertising material near residential or locally-oriented commercial corridors shall be discouraged unless features that mitigate intrusive light, glare and blight are incorporated in and/or around appurtenant structure and/or programmed into the media itself”; 6. Goal 3 of Section IV seeks to provide for “A sound local economy which attracts investment, increases the tax base, creates employment opportunities for Hawthorne residents and generates public revenues.” 7. Policy 3.5 also provides that “Revitalization of declining commercial and industrial areas through new development, rehabilitation and other means that may be available shall be considered and, if advantageous, implemented”; 8. On March 8, 2016, Policy 3.9 was added to the Land Use Element of the General Plan to provide that “The City shall continue to explore and adopt ways to use its assets to promote fiscal health of the city’s government so that vital services are maintained and improved to adapt to changing needs of the citizens and business of the city.” WHEREAS, adoption of this ordinance is compatible with Title 17 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code and promotes the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Hawthorne; WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that an environmental study be prepared for some types of projects, with such studies taking the form of a Negative Declaration, a Mitigated Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report; WHEREAS, an Initial Study was done for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment; WHEREAS, on the basis of such Initial Study, staff concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and prepared a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration attached for review and comment; WHEREAS, on July 13, 2016, a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Freeway Overlay Zone in Hawthorne was filed with the Los Angeles County Recorder’s Office and the State Clearinghouse, which provided a 30-Day public review period to begin on July 14, 2016 and end on August 14, 2016; WHEREAS, between July 14 and August 14, 2016, the Initial Study was made available for public review at the City’s website and on file at the City of Hawthorne; WHEREAS, during the 30-Day public review period, no written comments were received by the City; WHEREAS, on or about July 11, 2016, a public hearing was noticed for the regular Planning Commission meeting of July 20, 2016; WHEREAS, due to a lack of quorum, said public hearing scheduled for July 20, 2016 was continued to August 3, 2016; and WHEREAS, on August 3, 2016, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed continued public hearing, where all interested persons were given an opportunity to speak; WHEREAS, on August 3, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2016- 28 finding the proposed Code Amendment contained in the draft Ordinance, attached as Exhibit A to that Resolution No. 2016-28, to be consistent with the General Plan and recommended approval of said Ordinance to the City Council of the City of Hawthorne; WHEREAS, on or about August 11, 2016, a public hearing was noticed for the regular City Council meeting of August 23, 2016; WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council of the City of Hawthorne, where all interested persons were given an opportunity to speak; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hawthorne wishes to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration related to the Freeway Overlay Zone and approve of this Ordinance No. 2122 amending portions of Chapter 17.04, Sections 17.10.010, 17.32.020 and 17.38.060 and adding Chapter 17.88 to Title 17 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code to establish the “Freeway Overlay Zone” for the purpose of allowing certain off-premises signs (billboards). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Recitals. The City Council finds that the above recitals are true and correct and hereby adopts them as findings in support of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. CEQA. This project has been reviewed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. Pursuant to CEQA, staff prepared an Initial Study of the proposed environmental effects and, based on that Initial Study, which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, has determined that there is no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, with a public review period of 30 days. The City Council has reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration and, based on its independent judgment and analysis, and based on the record before it, does hereby concur with staff and adopts the Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. SECTION 3. The following definitions contained in Chapter 17.04 are hereby amended to read as follows: “”Billboard” means any sign, signboard or outdoor advertising display, including electronic billboards, which is used for advertising purposes or display purposes except advertising displays used exclusively: A. To advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which such advertising displays are to be placed; B. To designate the name of the owner or the occupant of the premises upon which such advertising display is placed, or to identify such premises; C. To advertise goods manufactured, produced, or for sale or services rendered, on the property upon which such advertising display is placed. “Digital billboard” see “Electronic billboard.” “Electronic billboard” shall mean a billboard utilizing digital message technology, capable of changing the static message or copy on the sign electronically or wirelessly via computer. This includes, without limitation, billboards also known as digital billboards or LED billboards. “Freeway Overlay Zone” or “FO” shall mean a zone that overlays the areas adjacent to the I-405 and I-105 Freeways and shown on the official Freeway Overlay Zoning Map adopted by the City Council, and that allows for the placement of new and relocated billboards that conform to this chapter and the California Outdoor Advertising Act. “Sign, off-premises, off-site, outdoor advertising or billboard.” means a sign that identifies, advertises or attracts attention to a business, product, service, event, or activity sold, existing, or offered at a different location (subject to the qualifications stated in the definition of “on-premises sign”). This includes, but is not limited to, building graphics, supergraphics, building wraps, and wall drop signs containing off-site messages, and billboards painted or applied to building walls. The terms offpremises, outdoor advertising or billboard may be used interchangeably to mean the same thing. However, the off-premises/on-premises distinction applies only to commercial copy. “Sign, painted-on-the-wall.” means any sign painted directly onto the wall surface of a building as an on-premises or on-site sign and does not include supergraphics. “Supergraphics” means a sign containing offsite advertising, and consisting of an image that is applied to and integrated with a wall, or projected onto a wall, or printed on vinyl, mesh, or any other material not enclosed in a rigid frame. The term “supergraphic” shall also include signs known as “building wraps.” SECTION 4. The classification table shown in Section 17.10.010 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding the following: FO Freeway overlay zone, which shall be those areas within any non-residential zones that are within 500 feet of the edge of the I-405 or I-105 freeways, as shown on the official Freeway Overlay Zone Map SECTION 5. The following portion of Section 17.32.020 – M-1 Limited Industrial Permitted Uses - of the Hawthorne Municipal Code is hereby deleted: “Advertising Structures. (Billboards as defined in Section 17.35.010(A).) Subject to the following restrictions: a. Shall be located within fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way line of the I-105 or I-405 freeways, b. Shall not be located within five hundred feet of another advertising structure, c. Maximum sign area shall be limited to eight hundred square feet, d. Maximum height of the sign shall be limited to forty feet above the existing grade of property where the sign is to be located, or forty feet above the finished grade of the freeway. The finished grade of the freeway shall be measured directly adjacent to the sign. However, in no instance shall the maximum height of the sign above the existing grade of the property be greater than seventy-five feet, e. Subject to the requirements of Chapters 17.80, 17.82, and 17.84;” SECTION 6. Section 17.38.060 - Nonconforming Signs of the Hawthorne Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: “17.38.060 Nonconforming signs. A. A nonconforming sign may be continuously maintained and repaired. B. Allowable Changes. The face or image of a nonconforming sign may be changed provided there is: (1) no increase to the sign area or dimensions; (2) no change in orientation or placement on the site; and (3) no removal of the supporting structure, such as poles or roof-mounted braces. C. Termination by Voluntary Removal—Replacement. An on-premises or off-premises sign structure that is voluntarily removed shall be replaced only with a sign structure that conforms to this title. Any sign structure not used to display a sign or image for a period of two years shall be deemed voluntarily removed.” SECTION 7. A new Chapter 17.88 (Freeway Overlay Zone) is hereby added to Title 17 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code to read as follows: “FREEWAY OVERLAY ZONE 17.88.010 Purpose. Billboards are recognized as a legitimate form of commercial advertising in the city. However, the size, number, location and illumination of billboards can have significant influence on the city’s visual character, and can, without appropriate control, create or contribute to visual blight conditions. The purpose of this chapter is to establish an overlay zone where new billboards may be constructed and existing billboards may be relocated and constructed subject to reasonable controls, while recognizing that community appearance is an important factor in ensuring the general community welfare. Nothing herein shall affect the right of any billboard in existence as of the date that this chapter becomes effective to continue to exist pursuant to an agreement or as a legal nonconforming use to be maintained pursuant to such agreement or in conformance with this title. 17.88.020 Establishment of Freeway Overlay Zone. A new Freeway Overlay Zone for the establishment of new and relocated billboards is hereby established as shown on the approved Freeway Overlay Zone map approved by the City Council on _____, 2016. 17.88.030 General Requirements. A. The requirements of this chapter shall apply to any project involving installation or construction of a new or relocated billboard, or the expansion, modification, or digitization of an existing billboard within the Freeway Overlay Zone, or the addition of additional face(s) to an existing billboard within the Freeway Overlay Zone. Billboards shall be permitted in the Freeway Overlay Zone only after an Agreement has been negotiated and executed between the billboard operator and City and a permit has been issued in accordance with the terms of this chapter. The Agreement may include compensation to be paid to the city or the provision of other public benefits to be provided as a result of the installation and operation of any billboard or modification of an existing billboard within the Freeway Overlay Zone. An existing billboard or digital billboard in existence on the effective date of this ordinance pursuant to a prior agreement (including any amendments or extensions thereof) or other lawful permit may be relocated and rebuilt only within the Freeway Overlay Zone. All billboards constructed within the Freeway Overlay Zone shall comply with this chapter and all applicable requirements of the California Business & Professions Code and the California Code of Regulations. B. In accordance with California Business & Professions Code, Section 5440 new billboards not associated with relocation as described in subsection C shall be allowed only in those portions of the Freeway Overlay Zone not designated as “Landscaped Freeways” pursuant to California Business & Professions Code, Section 5216. C. In accordance with California Business & Professions Code, Section 5443.5, relocated billboards shall be allowed only in the Freeway Overlay Zone and shall not be permitted in any location which would result in violation of any applicable federal, state or local law. Billboards to be relocated in the Freeway Overlay Zone may originate in areas outside the Freeway Overlay Zone or outside the City’s boundaries, provided the Agreement required by this chapter documents their location and removal, and the benefits associated with such relocation. An owner or entity proposing an agreement for relocation shall establish that the relocated billboard meets one or more of the following eligibility requirements: 1. The billboard proposed for complete demolition and relocation is the subject of any eminent domain action or threat of eminent domain action by a legally created public entity possessing eminent domain/condemnation authority and provides public benefits for such relocation; or 2. The applicant chooses to completely demolish and relocate an existing billboard, including a legal nonconforming billboard, to a more suitable location within the Freeway Overlay Zone so as not to conflict with the proposed development or redevelopment of the property and provides public benefits for such relocation as negotiated in the agreement; or 3. The applicant chooses to completely demolish and relocate an existing billboard, including a legal nonconforming billboard, to a more suitable location within the Freeway Overlay Zone that lessens the overall negative aesthetic impacts on the City and its residents and provides public benefits for such relocation; or 4. The applicant has previously removed and completely demolished one or more billboards and maintains credits for such removal by the California Department of Transportation pursuant to California Business & Professions Code, Section 5443.5; or 5. The applicant proposes to enhance, improve and modify an existing billboard already established within the Freeway Overlay Zone for the purpose of modernizing and improving the aesthetic appearance of such billboard. D. In the event of any conflict between any provision contained in this chapter and any other provisions contained elsewhere in this code, the provisions of this chapter shall govern. E. No billboard shall be approved and no existing billboard shall be modified without the applicant first providing proof of legal or equitable interest in the site proposed for relocation or modification, including, but not limited to a lease, easement or other entitlement, demonstrating the right to install and operate the billboard on the subject property. Information to be provided shall include the written consent of the property owner if not readily ascertainable from the foregoing documents. F. No billboard shall be approved or modified, and no billboard may be maintained, unless a designated maintenance service is available ‘24/7’, by telephone, to be contacted and to respond in the event a billboard becomes damaged or dilapidated. G. All billboard agreements shall include requirements that applicants obtain all additional federal and/or state permits for installation. Nothing contained in this chapter shall require the City to negotiate and/or approve an Agreement on terms that are unacceptable to the City Council. H. Physical Requirements. 1. The minimum distance between two or more billboards placed within the Freeway Overlay Zone or between billboards and the freeway right-of-way shall be the same as the minimum distance and separation criteria established by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). All distances shall be measured from the vertical centerline of each billboard face. 2. All utilities for each billboard shall be underground. 3. No billboard shall have more than one face (display surface) oriented in the same vertical plane. 4. All billboards shall plainly display, and be visible from no less than 100 feet, the name of the person or company owning or maintaining it and the billboard identification number. 5, Billboards projecting over a driveway or driving aisle shall have a minimum clearance of 16 feet between the lowest point of the sign and the driveway grade. Billboards shall comply with any California Department of Transportation requirements for placement and operation. No part of any billboard shall cross onto an adjacent property. 6. Billboards projecting over a pedestrian walkway shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet between the lowest point of the sign and the walkway grade. 7.All billboards not projecting over drive areas or pedestrian walkways shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet between the lowest point of the billboard and ground level. 8. All billboard structures shall be free of any visible bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cable, and/or similar supporting elements. All exposed portions of new billboards, including backs, sides, structural support members and support poles, shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning & Community Development. 9. All billboards shall be placed at least 100 feet from any single family residential zone or single family residential use. The measurement shall be from the closest edge of the billboard to the closest edge of the single family residential zone or closest property line on which a single family residential use is located. I. Operational Requirements. 1.No billboard shall display any statement or words of an ‘obscene, indecent, or immoral character’, as that phrase is used in Business and Professions Code Section 5402 and judicial decisions interpreting the same. 2. Each digital billboard shall be connected to the National Emergency Network and provide emergency information, including child abduction alerts (i.e., “Amber Alerts”), in accordance with local and regional first responder protocols. 3. Digital billboard operating criteria: a. Each static message shall not include flashing lights or the varying of light intensity. b. Minimum display time. Each message on the sign must be displayed for a minimum of four (4) seconds. c. Digital billboards shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 foot candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot candle meter at a pre-set distance. d. Pre-set distances to measure the foot candles impact vary with the expected viewing distances of each size sign and shall comply with the following: Nominal Face Size Distance to point of measurement 12’ x 25’ 150’ 10’6” x 36’ 200’ 14’ x 48’ 250’ 20’ x 60’ or 25’ x 48’ 350’ e. Each digital billboard must have a light sensing device that will adjust the brightness as ambient light conditions change. 4. Each digital billboard shall be designed and required to freeze the display in one static position, display a full black screen, or turn off, in the event of a malfunction. 5. Walls or screens at the base of the billboard shall not create a hazard to public safety or provide an attractive nuisance and shall be continually maintained free from graffiti. 6. Billboards shall not be operated in such a fashion as to constitute a hazard to safe and efficient operation of vehicles on streets or freeways and shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Digital billboards when operated in accordance with the operating criteria in subsection above and static billboards operated pursuant to local, state and federal law shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subsection and all requirement of the California Department of Transportation. 7. No billboard shall simulate or imitate any directional, warning, danger or information sign, or any display likely to be mistaken for any permitted sign intended or likely to be construed as giving warning to traffic, by, for example, the use of the words “stop” or “slow down.” 8. No billboard shall involve any red or blinking or intermittent light likely to be mistaken for warning or danger signals nor shall its illumination impair the vision of travelers on the adjacent freeway and for roadways. Digital billboards when operated in accordance with the operating criteria in Subsection 4 above shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subsection. 9. No digital billboard shall be operated or maintained so as to constitute an ‘improper display’, as defined or described in Business and Professions Code Section 5403. 17.88.040 Application requirements; Review procedures. A. Application requirements. In addition to the application requirements for the permit required by Section 17.35.040, a person or entity wishing to completely demolish and relocate an existing nonconforming billboard or modify an existing billboard within the freeway overlay zone shall submit a request in writing for approval of an Agreement that includes the following: 1. The name, address phone number and other contact information of the person or entity proposing the Agreement. 2. Identification of the location proposed for a new or relocated or modified billboard and the billboard(s) being permanently removed, where applicable; 3. Information that establishes that the person or entity proposing the Agreement has legal or equitable interest in the billboard being removed or modified and the site proposed for relocation or placement. 4. Conceptual design drawings for the billboards that includes technical specifications to determine the billboard’s compliance with this chapter. 5. An explanation of the compensation to be paid or public benefits to be provided to the City. 6. The application must include photos of all existing signage or architectural renderings and elevations of proposed billboards as well as a scaled plot plan and elevations showing the locations of all existing structures and improvements on the property, and the proposed billboard. 7. The applicant must pay a filing fee in accordance with an approved resolution. This fee shall be in addition to any other required fees for permits relative to the development of the property and shall be for the purpose of defraying the costs associated with city review and action on the application.” B. Review Process. All Agreements shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing. The public hearing shall be noticed in the same way that conditional use permits and variances are noticed pursuant to Section 17.060.050 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. The Planning Commission shall review the Agreement and, after a duly noticed public hearing, make a recommendation to City Council, based on current development standards, the location of the proposed relocated or modified billboard and whether the proposed relocated or modified billboard meets the findings contained in this section. At a City Council meeting held no later than fortyfive (45) days after the Planning Commission makes its recommendation, the City Council shall review and consider the Agreement, at a duly noticed public hearing. The hearing before the City Council shall be noticed pursuant to Section 17.060.050 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code and may be continued from time to time. In order to approve a request for an Agreement, the City Council shall make the following findings for approval of an Agreement: 1. The proposed agreement is consistent with the goals, objectives, purposes and provisions of the General Plan, the Development Code and any applicable specific plans; 2. The proposed installation site is compatible with the uses and structures on the site and in the surrounding area; 3. The proposed billboard would not create a traffic or safety problem, including problems associated with onsite access circulation or visibility; 4. The proposed billboard would not interfere with onsite parking or landscaping required by City ordinance or permit; and 5. The proposed billboard would not otherwise result in a threat to the general health, safety and welfare of City residents. 6. The proposed billboard, in addition to its aesthetic treatment, provides public benefits that would not otherwise accrue to the public in the absence of its installation.” 17.88.050. Violations Violations of this chapter may be prosecuted in accordance with all remedies contained in title 1 of this code.” SECTION 8. Amendment of official zoning map. The City Council of the City of Hawthorne hereby also amends the official zoning map of the city of Hawthorne, which is incorporated by reference and made a part of Chapter 17.08 by Section 17.08.010 of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. A copy of the proposed Freeway Overlay Zone Map is attached and incorporated herein by this reference as Exhibit B. SECTION 9. Severability. If any section, subsection, phrase or clause of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 9. City Clerk. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance to be published by title and summary in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after passage thereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September 2016. ALEX VARGAS, Mayor City of Hawthorne, California ATTEST: NORBERT HUBER, City Clerk City of Hawthorne, California APPROVED AS TO FORM RUSSELL I. MIYAHIRA, City Attorney City of Hawthorne, California I, Monica Dicrisci, the duly appointed Deputy City Clerk of the City of Hawthorne, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance, No. 2122 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Hawthorne, at their regular meeting of the City Council held September 13, 2016 and that it was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Reyes English, Valentine, Mayor Vargas. NOES: Councilmember Michelin. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Awad. Deputy City Clerk City of Hawthorne, California Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 10/6/16 HH-25304

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