February 1, 2018 Page 5
Politically Speaking
One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion
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By Cristian Vasquez
It’s easy to dismiss and criticize celebrities
for sharing their political opinions, but it’s
also as childish as a kid on the playground
becoming upset because a classmate brought
the same version of their toy. The weekend
gave us another edition of the Grammys, which
in all honesty was avoided in this household
like it has been every year. However, what’s
never ignored is the anger from certain people
who have convinced their ignorant minds and
feeble egos that celebrities have no right to
express any sort of political thoughts. U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley demonstrated
her ignorance and intolerance Sunday
night when she tweeted, “I have always loved
the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire
and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music
with trash. Some of us love music without
the politics thrown in it.” Well, Haley and
the people who think like her simply need
to stop being such whiny babies.
Art has always been political. Music has
never existed separate from political, social
commentary. Maybe Haley has never heard
Merle Haggard sing the lines, “After a soldier
fights, should we read him his new rights?
There’s not that many to read anymore.
Where’s all the freedom that we’re fightin’
for?” I wonder if Haley knows that the classic
American song “Yankee Doodle” itself has
political roots. Or maybe she’s just selective
about whom she wants to criticize. Maybe
Haley is just another one of the snowflakes
By Duane Plank
So I am still tooling around in my kid’s
Honda Civic, as he kiped my Mini-van about
15 months ago, as he attends music festivals
and similar-type events in and around the
environs of Santa Barbara, chauffeuring around
his posse. He and his buddy descended on
the mansion Friday night, caught me a little
off-guard, as they were attending a music
soiree in LA. He had to hit the floor in the
master bedroom, because my dump was
going through a bit of renovation and the
furniture was askew.
Anyway, mentioning this because the kid’s
car that I am driving is a Honda hybrid.
Doing my best to save the world and all.
And it sports a Bernie Saunders bumper
sticker. Kid became politically motivated
when Sanders made his cheated run at the
2016 Dem presidential nomination.
If you pay any attention, you may
remember that the nomination was rigged by
the entrenched, old-line Dems for the skow
Hil Clinton, against the upstart Sanders…
as she was expected to trounce whichever
Republican garnered the nomination on the
way to busting the glass ceiling and becoming
the first woman POTUS in the good-old-USof
A. Girl power. How did that work out?
Mention this because a recent poll --
because why not float polls two years in
advance? -- noted that the pathetic Dems
have apparently listed the fossil Sanders as
the second choice today to nab the 2020
nomination. He trailed the number one relic
Joe Biden. Also mentioned in the poll was
two-time loser Hillary Clinton, author of the
Celebrities Aren’t Banned From Enjoying
Their Right to Freedom of Speech
One Year In, Trump Seems to Be Doing a
Darn Good Job…If You’re a Legal Citizen
that her boss constantly takes jabs at, but he
hasn’t realized as much. Let’s not pretend that
the arts exist isolated from current events,
because art is an expression of life and life
is as varied as the music that’s out there.
It is ironic that an ambassador chosen
by a party known for constantly slashing
funding for the arts is online criticizing the
message in the arts. If the industry decides
to be political during its biggest celebration,
does anyone really have the right to tell it
to stop? No. Nothing about the freedom of
expression states that it’s limited to people
in a certain profession, income bracket or
from a specific political ideology. Now, do
people like Haley also get upset when conservative
celebrities speak out? Did Haley
speak out against Hank Williams, Jr. when
he called President Obama a Muslim who
hates the military? I wonder where Haley’s
outrage was when Ted Nugent threatened
President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Haley
is a hypocrite of the worst kind and needs to
stop spreading the idea that being a celebrity
makes you unworthy of a political opinion,
especially when that opinion contradicts your
personal views.
Let the Grammys have their night. It’s
an exclusive party for artists brave enough
to take a chance on a creative career and
fortunate enough to have made it. If their
political opinions can ruin your day, then
toughen up. Not everyone in the world agrees
with you. •
tome What Happened, which finally showed
up on my doorstep courtesy of the Amazon
drones. She was number three in the poll.
Took Amazon two weeks to get me the
Trump book Fire and Fury, but I did receive
way-too-many emails from the Amazon god
zillionaires expressing their remorse for the
delay in the delivery of my books.
Shockingly, Congresswoman Mad Maxine
Waters, who has incredibly become very
wealthy after she started her career in
politics (how the heck did that happen?) is
not considered a viable candidate for the
presidency in 2020. Mad Max has recently
toned down her incoherent diatribes against
President 45, though she and a few Lib losers
were threatening to boycott Trump’s this past
Tuesday evening State of the Union Address.
Nice! Stay home, or in some other paidfor
domicile, and not support the…elected…
president of our country. Someone should
investigate Mad Max’s finances, BTW.
And Trump throws out a plan to help the
illegals, Dreamers, whatever, to get a path
towards citizenship, and Schumer and Pelosi,
who probably hadn’t even read the deal, cry
foul. Resist, resist. What programs are you
proposing, my leftist brethren, other than the
garbage of victimization?
Finally, since I have two jobs, I am always
amused when the hardly-working DACA
freeloaders can take time out of their busy
days and protest. At Disneyland. Last Tuesday.
Me, no time to protest. Them? The best and
the brightest, all college grads, according to
the blowhards on CNN. Disneyland? Really?
Adios to the Dreamers. •
Health from front page
An annual flu shot can lessen the severity of the seasonal illness and prevent a heart attack.
harder for the body to defend itself.
“If children, the elderly and immunocompromised
people don’t get enough
fluids - or if they can’t keep food and drink
down - they need more help than a parent or
other caregiver can provide,” UCLA health
professionals caution.
Seek medical attention if a person with the
flu has difficulty breathing or their breathing
becomes fast. Children who are unusually
irritable or sleepy should see a doctor right
away, too.
Frequent hand-washing during the cold and
flu season can help health people not get sick,
experts say. Getting adequate sleep, exercise
and eating a balanced diet also are keys to
warding off cold and flu germs, they say.
These common viruses spread in families,
schools and offices through sneezing and
contact with surfaces.
The county public health office lists the
flu’s symptoms as: fever, cough, sore throat,
runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches,
headaches and fatigue. It adds that pneumonia
is the most common complication of the flu,
which can worsen asthma or heart disease.
This year’s H3N2 virus is responsible for at
least 36 deaths in the county so far, compared
with 13 deaths at this time a year ago, according
to the county health department.
L.A. County offers
flu clinics to South
Bay residents at two
locations through Feb.
18. Call the Curtis
Tucker Health Center
in Inglewood at (310)
419-5325 or Torrance
Health Center at (310)
354-2300 for clinic appointments.
The public
health centers are open
weekdays and see patients
on a first-come,
first-served business.
During the first two
weeks of January, nine percent of all emergency
room visits were for flu symptoms and more
serious complications, county officials said last
Friday. Flu, like the seasons, follow a distinct
pattern where these nasty bugs run hot and
cold, the county’s weekly “Influenza Watch”
revealed in its Jan. 19 bulletin. “In a typical
flu season, illnesses caused by influenza A
viruses predominate early in the season,” it
said, adding that the B-type viruses come in
a second wave later in the flu season, which
runs from October to May.
The H3N2 type-A virus peaked earlier than
usual, officials say, and is widespread across
the contiguous 48 states. It has contributed
to 96 deaths -- mostly among older residents
in their 80s -- as of Jan. 19, according to the
county health department.
The CDC says that colds and flus are easily
confused, though both are upper respiratory
illnesses. Flus are worse than common colds,
with more severe and intense symptoms,
federal health officials say. The telltale sign
of the flu is a fever, while a cold is more
likely to bring on a runny nose or stuffed
sinuses, the CDC says. “Colds generally do
not result in serious health problems, such
as pneumonia, bacterial infections or hospitalizations,”
it adds. •
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Child Care Services
F/T, P/T, licensed 20 years. If you
work in surrounding area and live
near Kaiser in Harbor City please
call Donna 310-418-9619.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
Storage Space for Rent
Large enclosed garage, lockable,
707 E Grand, ES, $250/month.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
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